Edwards POV

"Emmett stop showing off. No one cares that you can take down 2 bears at the same time"

"Aww! Eddie you jealous?"

"Don't call me Eddie." I growled

Suddenly I heard....crying? Like a baby cry.

"Hey Emmett do your hear that?"

"Ya...where is it coming from?"

"I think its coming from behind those trees over there." I said while pointing to the trees that were about 3 miles east of us.

We took off running to the trees.

We got there in a matter of 3 seconds.

Emmett and I split up.

I walked for about fifteen minutes till I finally found where the crying was coming from.

I looked down into the biggest brown doe eyes I have ever seen.

I bent down and picked up this precious little thing.

This baby was so cute. I'm guessing this baby is a girl because she is wrapped in a pink blanket.

Something in the corner of the blanket caught my eye. In elegant writing it said Bella. Bella That was such a beautiful name. It fit this little angel perfectly.

Bella had the cutest button nose and rosy cheeks. She was so gorgeous.

"Yo! Ed did you find what ever was making that crying sound!" Emmett yelled so loud the trees shock a little.

Bella started to cry again.

Stupid Emmett.

I pulled Bella close to my chest and shushed her.

Emmett came into view and all I did was glare.

"Oh sorry" he said quietly thank god.

"Its ok Bella. Shhh it's ok. Your safe"

She stopped crying but was still whimpering.

"We should probably go back to the house so Carlisle can look at her and make sure she id healthy."

Emmett just nodded.

As we walked back to the house Bella fell asleep.

When we finally got back to the house, I had no doubt that Alice would be there waiting for us.

"Aww! She is so cute let me hold her." She squealed

"Shhh! Alice she is sleeping." I hissed

"Sorry" she whispered.

"Come on lets take her into Carlisle."

We all walked to Carlisle's study. Once we got there I knocked on his door before entering.

Inside Carlisle's study was Esme, his wife and my mother, and Carlisle. Esme was reading a fashion magazine in the chair in the corner and Carlisle was reading a an encyclopedia.


"Yes Edward?" He said not looking up from his book.

"Um..i kinda found a baby and would like to keep her."

Now he looked up and so did Esme.

"Aww! She is so Adorable! Look at those big brown eye's." Esme said

I looked down at Bella and realized she had woken.

"Edward...Where did you find her."

Carlisle got up from his chair and came over to look at

"I found her crying in the forest Carlisle"

"Oh Edward can I hold her please." Asked Esme

"Sure." I said handing her over to Esme

"Bella looked up into Esme's eyes and then started to cry. It broke Esme's heart.

"Here Esme let me have her." Esme nodded sadly and handed her over to me.

Once Bella was in my arms she stopped crying.

"looks like Bella as taken a liking to you Edward."

"I guess so Esme."

"Edward I need to change her into a cuter outfit and give her a bath. So giver her to me please." Alice said holding out her hands to take my Bella away from me. Wait did I just say my Bella? Bella isn't mine

"Not yet Edward but she will be." Alice thought

What is she talking about? Ill have to ask her later.

I gave Bella to Alice. Then Alice ran upstairs to give Bella a bath and to get Bella in some clothes.

Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, and me were watching tv when Alice came back down with Bella.

I almost laughed when I saw what Alice had dressed Bella in. It was a pink onesie that said I heart my Auntie.(Pic on profile)

Alice would so put that on her.

"Alright Edward she is clean and dressed in the cutest outfit money can buy. Now you have to feed her."

Alice handed me Bella and a bottle.

"Now I'm going back upstairs to decorate her nursery. Esme would you like to help me, rose is already up there painting."

"Sure dear, but when did Rose, and Jasper get back." Esme said while getting up to help Alice with the nursery.

"They got back about 15 minutes ago. Jasper is in our room listening to music and reading his civil war book." She said while rolling her eyes.

Alice never got why Jasper loved to read about the civil war but she loved him anyway.

I fed Bella her bottle and then burped her.

She fell asleep in my arms after her bottle.

Alice came down after 2 hours and told everyone to come upstairs and look at the nursery.

When I got upstairs I was so amazed at what a good job they did on the nursery. It was perfect.(Pic on profile)

I gently put Bella in her crib since she was still sleeping.

I told Rose to come over and watch her for a second so I could talk to Alice.

To my surprise she was happy to watch Bella. Well Rose always did want kids.

Alice was already out in the hallway so we could talk about what happened earlier.

"Alice what did you mean by Bella will be mine."

"Edward I had a vision that Bella is your mate. You finally found a mate Edward even if she is a baby."

I was stunned Bella was my mate. Well I did love her but was it lover kind of love or family kind of love?

"Edward you will realize that you love her, in fact I think you already did realize it.

With a smile on my face I went back into Bella nursery and told Rose that we should leave so Bella can sleep.

I reached into the crib once Rose was gone and touched Bella's Cheek. It was so soft and warm."

"I love you my Bella" I whispered

I then reached down and kissed her forehead and reluctantly went over to her nursery door and turned the light off and closed the door as quietly as I could.

I walked down stairs and sat on the couch with everyone else to watch tv, but all I could think about was Bella. My Bella. Little baby Bella, who is so tiny now but will grow up to be my mate. Unbelievable.

Here's the first chapter of my new story. Pleze review and pleze be nice this is only my second story. I really hope you like it:)
