Title: Abstract

Summary: But since when did anything Nico do make sense anyway? Percy and Nico are both High School Students with their own troubles and problems, but Nico's problems are bigger then Percy's; and Percy can tell something is wrong. Can he understand what is going on with Nico? And since when was Nico so.... Depressed? As in more then usual I mean. AU, possible violence, probable cursing. Nicox, Percyx.

Rating: T

A/N: Seeing as I do not own Percy Jackson, this is total AU (alternate universe) fiction, but I hope you enjoy it. Also, in this Nico and Percy are both 16, and Annabeth is 15. Nico, Annabeth, and Percy are in no way related. Pairings: Nicox? and PercyxAnnabeth (onesided), Percyx?. Possible NicoxOC (possibly one-sided). Anyway.... Letme see.... Oh yeah, none of the dates are going to go with the real day, so 4-22-10 is a Sunday in this fic.... Nothing else that pressing.... So go ahead and enjoy!!!

Sentence of the Chapter: My friends.... Aren't useless... -Nico di Angelo

Sender: Nico di Angelo (darkangel_13)

Received: Percy Jackson (seagreen_2)

Date: 4-22-10; 6:35 AM

Subject: History Project

Hey Percy, I just wanted to ask when are we going to get together for that history project Mr. Chiron wants us to do together. What's our topic? World War Two, right? Yes, I know I should have been paying attention but there are many reasons why I'm e-mailing you and not Annabeth, one of them being that I do not feel like getting told off and still not getting my answer.

Anyway, I'm open all weekend, and after school on Monday and Thursday. Amiee is dragging me to some play thing after school on Friday, so I can't get with you that night, unless you can grant me immortallity (dude, she freaks me out at times).


"You've got to be kidding me, he asked you what your project topic was?" Annabeth asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow at Percy. Percy shrugged as he took a bite out of his ice-cream cone. After chewing it and swallowing it he replied,

"Yeah, but this is Nico we're talking about. You can tell him nearly anything and he'll manage to forget it in about five minutes." Percy reminded Annabeth. The blond sighed and ate some of her cone before finally saying,

"Yes, but don't you think its high time he gets some sense of responibilty? I mean, he's sixteen, and he'll be seventeen in what- two months?" Annabeth asked, tilting her head at Percy. The black-haired boy shrugged.

"Two and a half, but I get what you mean." They ate in silence until Annabeth asked,

"What is your topic anyway? I got the use of ships in both World War One and Two, with Amiee. Speaking of which, did Nico tell you what play they're going to? I've heard that there's a few good ones showing in town, if you want to go another day." Percy shrugged again and thought for a few seconds, finally shaking his head.

"Nico didn't even know. Truth be told, I think Amiee scares him. Heck, she scares me. She's like a fangirl on steroids or something." Percy admitted, earning himself a glare from Annabeth.

"Seriously Percy? Amiee just likes Nico a lot. That's all. So then, what is your topic?" She asked him again.

"Oh, World War Two and the major events and stuff. I think I'm going to get together with Nico tomorrow. Why?" Percy asked. Annabeth shrugged.

"Just wondering. Come on, let's go to the pool." Annabeth said, standing up from the bench and walked away. Percy sighed and followed, eatting the last parts of his ice-cream.

Sender: Percy Jackson (seagreen_2)

Recieved: Nico di Angelo (darkangel_13)

Date: 4-22-10; 10:30 AM

Subject: RE:History Project

Hey Nico, first off, since when did you get up at 6:30? I always thought you liked to sleep in. Anyway, our project is World War Two and the major events, remember? Anyway, let's get together tomorrow, y'know, Monday, so then we have the rest of the week to fix anything we need. Of course the project isn't due yet, but as Annabeth would say, its never a bad idea to start early. Or something like that.

What's up with Amiee? I mean, she does kinda freak me out too, and she acts more like a fangirl then girlfriend, but she isn't that bad -- right?


"Did you bring all of your suplies?" Nico asked, letting Percy into his rundown appartment. Percy nodded, motioning to his dark blue backpack.

"Course. Is everything already set up?" Percy asked, looking around the messy and dark room. It had a leather sofa in front of a huge flat-screen TV, and off to the side was a kitchen which, as Percy knew from experience, was the kind of thing you'd see in an ad. Nico's father was a wealthy man who traded stock on the stock market and had the right amount of luck to never loose too much.

Nico nodded and led Percy to his room, despite the fact that Percy probably could have found his way around Nico's appartment with his eyes closed.

"Yeah. Dad's out working and he won't be back until about ten PM, so we've got all day." They had gotten together two hours after school, like they had planned. Nico opened his door and one of his sleeves pulled up a little, showing a bad bruise on his wrist. "I slammed it on a table," Nico muttered as Percy raised an eyebrow at him.

Nico's room was the only messy place in the entire house. His black bed was never made (at least as far as Percy could tell), and his desk was always covered in papers that were probably due two days ago, and model airplanes that Nico loved to work on. His carpet was a mess of old candy wrappers or chip bags, and his trashcan was as empty as a room in which Percy was about to sing (third grade lesson; never let Percy join the choir).

On his walls were rock band posters (mainly for heavy metal bands) and old posters about planes. Nico loved planes, and this was also shown by the fact that he had an entire self just for his modle airplanes.

It was a well-known fact that his dad didn't like Nico's hobby whatsoever.

On his desk was also a black computer, which was up and running.

"So are we going to do this?" Percy asked, dropping his backpack on a clean (enough) patch of black carpet. Nico nodded, running a hand through his hair. His left sleeve fell down to his elbow and there was a nasty looking cut running down his arm. Nico's arm dropped like a lead balloon, and Percy looked at Nico, worried. "Is there something I should know about?" He asked. Nico shook his head and sat down at his desk in a grey-silver chair.

"No.... I just was trying to make another model too quickly and cut myself. Yep, that's it!" Nico said, trying to sound cheerful. He started to type something up on his computer and said, "Now shouldn't we get working?" Percy sighed and kneeled down next to Nico, watching as the teen easily brought up a few files he had already found about World War Two.

Something was up with Nico, Percy thought. And I don't like it.

Sender: Percy Jackson (seagreen_2)

Recieved: Nico di Angelo (darkangel_13)

Date: 4-23-10; 8:32 PM

Subject: Is everything ok?

Hey Nico, I know you told me not to worry about it, but you had a lot of cuts and bruises. Is everything alright? I know you thought I didn't see it, but you were limping for half of the time, and the other half you spent sitting down trying not to put your weight on your left leg.

I know you think you're really tough, but if something is going on I'd like to know. Seriously, we've known each other for how long? Ten years? You can tell me, I swear I won't tell anyone (unless its illegal, but that's different).


Nico looked over the e-mail Percy had sent him, worried. He had noticed that much? Since when had Percy cared so much? He wondered, Sighing, Nico looked at his arms, which were both covered in bruises. Percy was right, wasn't he? Nico sighed again and got out of his seat, heaidng for the living room and running into his father as he turned the corner.

"What are you doing?" Hades asked, his voice cold and steady. Nico gulped as he looked at the looming figure of his father.

"Oh, uh, hello?" Since when was he home? Nico asked in his head. He didn't dare ask his father when he had arrived, and why he was so early.

"What were you going to do? Sneak out with one of your useless friends?" Hades asked, crossing his arms. Despite being in a suit, he looked scarier then the best horror movie. Nico gulped again and shook his head numbly.

"My friends..... Aren't useless." Nico muttered. Hades snorted.

"I highly doubt that." He said, closing the two foot gap between him and his son. God, Nico thought. This is going to hurt.

Sender: Nico di Angelo (darkangel_13)

Recieved: Percy Jackson (seagreen_2)

Date: 4-24-10; 5:09 AM

Subject: RE:Is everything ok?

Thanks for worrying Percy, but everything is fine. I just was playing some street basket ball and got a little beaten-up, nothing to worry about.

I won't be able to come to school today, I'm feeling a little sickly and my father doesn't want it to get worse, or for me to pass it on to another. Could you get my homework and explain to Amiee that I probably won't be able to go with her Friday night? I'd e-mail her, but I think its better that someone else explains it to her.

Also, I've gotten a little more research, do you think you could come over sometime this weekend? Like Sunday or Saturday.


"He said he was sick so he couldn't go with me on Friday?" Amiee said, not really believing Percy. Why did I even agree to this? Percy thought, nodding.

"Yeah, he wasn't feeling well and his father, well, y'know Hades.... Really strict and all that." Percy replied, trying to not look for a reason to leave. Amiee raised an eyebrow.

"Its Wensday." She pointed out. Percy nodding again.

"Yeah, but Nico said it was a really bad sickness, and you know how it takes him forever to get better. Remember the time he got the flu?" Percy asked, his eyes darting around. Amiee frowned.

A few things you should know about Amiee.

She was a fangirl. She was a Nico fangirl. Anyone who got in the way of her time with Nico was not to be liked, and should probably avoid her for many reasons.

"But...." Finally, she was running out of arguements! Percy could have danced a jig. "Ok then. I'll e-mail him later. See yah Percy!" Amiee giggled and then walked off. Percy sighed.

"God Nico, you better have a good reason for this." He muttered. Then the bell rang and he became a little more worried about getting to his first class then Nico and his problems.

But Nico was still in the back of his head the entire day.