A/N: Hey minna-san! So I hope you guys aren't too mad at me for keeping you waiting. I'm really sorry. I did have some stuff come up (mostly dealing with college assignments that my professors assigned to kill me...slowly) and I also had writer's block. But at least I'm a little better than my roommate who keeps her readers waiting for like a year.

Okay so this chapter is actually the next to last chapter. I was trying to decided whether I should combine the two chapters but decided against it because I felt that you all deserved a chapter now for being such good readers and reviewers. Just to let you know the next chapter might be shorter than this, but I'm going to work hard to make just as long and hopefully as good (maybe better).

Also this chapter maybe a little more deep (and I use that term loosely) than the other ones so if you don't like it make sure to tell me in the reviews. I take all reviews (both good and bad, but don't try to break my spirit), so please review!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Prince of Tennis.

Chapter 8

His Attention

Ryuzaki Sakuno was the definition of innocence. She was shy, quiet, and sweet. She was also very sheltered, not knowing the real world for what it really was. Sakuno was not obsessed with her looks like most other girls. She didn't boast about herself in front of others or even to her own self. Most of the time, she thought that she wasn't good enough in anything that she did, even though she knew that wasn't necessarily true. Sakuno was kind to everyone around her. She made sure to take care of other people's needs before taking care of her own. Sakuno was also clumsy. Often times her friends would see her trip over air. She was also naturally oblivious to some things around her.

But all of that was before Sakuno broke the barrier of her shell. Sakuno used to keep inside her shell, and hide the person she wanted to be, the real her, away. She wanted to be confident, she wanted to have a conversation with anyone and everyone without stuttering, and she wanted to take the world on by storm. It had seemed like forever ago when Sakuno had made that promise with herself. She didn't know how she would change, but she had hoped that the day would come when she could be proud of a better version of herself. This new Sakuno had been coming for a long time now. Even when she was young, Sakuno didn't really care for her personality.

Making new friends was always hard for Sakuno. That is until she met her polar opposite and best friend Tomoka. Osakada Tomoka gave her a new strength. Sakuno loved how Tomoka was so different and strong. Sakuno admired her best friend. As time went on, Sakuno met more and more people who had characteristics that she wanted herself.

But the most powerful influence in her life had to have been the one and only prince of tennis. Echizen Ryoma was her first big crush and the first person she ever felt she could really love in that way. Sakuno was drawn to him. Initially, Sakuno didn't understand it. What made this boy everything she wanted and wanted to be?

Because of him, Sakuno took up tennis. She worked hard to become better. And in some ways tennis helped her. With tennis, she had goals. Tennis wasn't a dream like her "an improved Sakuno dream" was. Tennis felt more real. Sakuno improved little by little. Her first goal was to be able to serve. When that was accomplished, her new goal was to return a serve. Sakuno continued this routine, but in the long run nothing changed. She was still herself, the same shy, quiet, and sweet girl.

Then she joined the band. She became friends with Mitsuharu Riku and the others, but Riku most of all. He helped her come out of her shell. Riku cracked the walls that surrounded Sakuno bit by bit. The reasons were unexplainable. All Sakuno knew was that she was acting like her true self. For once in her life, Sakuno felt that she was truly alive.

There were various reactions to Sakuno and the band. Most of the students, who didn't know Sakuno or could care less, were dancing and having a good time. For them the band was overall pretty good and a nice surprise. Rumors had been spreading for a while that a live band would be playing at the dance. The stage that had been setup confirmed the rumors for the most part, but when the DJ had started playing everyone pushed their thoughts about a band to the backs of their minds. Now they were glad for the fresh new band. Other students, who knew Sakuno, were shocked by Sakuno being a lead singer in a band. However as the music continued to flow, they got over the initial shock and began to dance and enjoy the performance. And then there were the students who could only watch in shock and confusion. They were Sakuno's closest friends: the regulars, the freshmen trio, and Tomoka.

They all wondered the same things: When did this happen? Since when was Sakuno in a band? And since when did she become like this? This girl in front of them was not the Ryuzaki Sakuno they all knew and loved. This girl was confident with the way she strutted all around the stage. This girl was not clumsy but graceful. She was outgoing. She was a brand new Sakuno. This Sakuno was making her mark on the stage before them. Sakuno's voice filled their ears.

Ryoma was affected the most. He remembered the times that Sakuno's voice seemed to be like a mouse's squeak to his ears. He remembered thinking that she believed that she truly was a mouse, and that he was a cat looking for a good meal. Sakuno would be so timid around him. Sure, Sakuno would stutter around other people, especially people she never met before. But when she was around him, her stuttering went to a whole new level. Not only that, she wouldn't look Ryoma in the eye. Sakuno would stare at the ground, while slightly ducking her head, to avoid making eye contact. In addition, when she was extremely nervous or uncomfortable, she would wring the hem of her skirts in her hands.

However, that was only in the beginning. After some months the tension that surrounded Sakuno when she was around Ryoma slowly decreased. Though she would still stutter, Sakuno gained the ability to look Ryoma in the eye. As she steadily learned about him, Sakuno realized that Ryoma wasn't as bad as he seemed at first glance. She always felt that the boy who saved her on the train couldn't have been that bad. It was the constant coldness that made her shy away from the young prince.

The same could be said for Ryoma. Once he got past her bumbling nature, Ryoma saw the same caring and loving girl that all their friends knew. She intrigued him. Unlike all the other girls at Seigaku, Sakuno truly cared for him. She wasn't obnoxiously loud. Even when Sakuno cheered him on at his matches, she quietly and discreetly did so, and still he felt that she was giving him more support than anyone else. She saw Ryoma the person, and not Ryoma the tennis prince. For the first time in his life a girl captured his attention.

The tables have taken an unexpected turn. Since they met, Sakuno watched Ryoma play tennis in awe. Now it was his time to watch her in awe. She was amazing. She had entranced her audience to her very own will without even noticing it. And Ryoma was no different. Her melodic voice hypnotized him. Her body language and dance moves stirred something up within him that Ryoma had never felt in his life. He couldn't take his eyes away from the girl. To him, he and Sakuno were the only two people in the room. The other students, the chaperones, and even the music had faded away.

Ryoma's eyes followed Sakuno around the stage until the very end when the band's set was up. He watched her as she made her way behind the curtains that withheld the view of the backstage area. As soon as she was out of sight Ryoma came back to reality. Around him, his friends animatedly talked about Sakuno's performance. Ryoma listened in on all the raving reviews everyone was sharing and couldn't help but to silently agree to all of them.

Sakuno and her band mates finally finished with their mini-concert. The audience's reactions were more than what they expected. They celebrated as soon as all of them were off the stage. They high-fived each other and gave congratulatory hugs. All five of them were all hyped up.

Riku pulled Sakuno over to the side. "I knew you could do it," Riku said with his signature smirk on his face.

Sakuno smiled brightly as she wrapped her arms around Riku's neck bringing him into a hug. "Arigato," she whispered into his ear. "Thank you so much for believing in me." Sakuno let go of her friend so that she could look directly in Riku's eyes. "And thank you for bringing me out of my shell."

Riku chuckled. "No problem, grasshopper. You have done well." Riku dramatically bowed to Sakuno.

Sakuno could only laugh at his antics. Her laughter was soon cut short by some sort of chanting that was heard. Unfortunately, she couldn't quite make out what the chant exactly was. It seemed as though many people were yelling at the same time but many of the people were off key. Riku and Sakuno shared a confused look. It only took a few seconds before they found out what was going on.

The dance's DJ came up to the band and told them what was going on. "The students want an encore. What do you guys say?"

The grouped looked at each other expectantly. They all were quite ready to go back on stage to relieve the extra energy their first performance had left. Seeing that no disagreed, Hikaru was the one who spoke up.

Turning to the DJ, she said, "We loved to, but can you just give us a minute to get ready."

The DJ nodded in understanding. "How about I play another song? Will you guys be ready by then?"

"Uh, yeah, we should be," Hikaru answered. The DJ nodded as he turned around to head back to his turn tables before the playing song could end. Hikaru turned her attention to the rest of the band. "So what should we play?"

Everyone started thinking of songs that would be best. Sakuno, Hana, and Ran were trying to think of the most exciting songs that they had rehearsed many times before. Riku, however, had another idea in mind.

Before anyone else gave suggestions, Riku spoke up. "How about This is Me?"

The other members turned and looked at him.

"Really?" Hikaru asked. "It's not one of the biggest songs that we could play. In fact, it's just one of the beginning songs that we used to practice when Sakuno-chan was first starting out in the band."

"Yeah, it'll be fitting, don't you think?" Riku replied with an easy smirk. "This is our first gig. Maybe some nostalgia will be good. Keep us close to where we first began."

The other band members meditated on what Riku said. They realized that he was trying to make sure that the band wouldn't lose itself in the clouds. Sure, they were all hyped up now, but they couldn't let their egos get too big for their own good.

Ran clapped his hand on Riku's shoulder and said, "Let's do it."

Everyone smiled in agreement.

"Alright," Hikaru said. "This is Me it is."

"Sure why not," Hana said. "Ready Sakuno-chan?"

"Hai," Sakuno answered with a bright smile.

"Good cause I think this song is about half over."

Sakuno nodded showing that she understood that it was almost time to go back on stage. She was starting to take deep breaths to calm down a little. However this time going on stage would be different. She already knew that she could do, so she wasn't as nervous as before. Now, Sakuno was excited about getting back on the stage and singing for everyone once more. The fact that the students wanted an encore performance at all was amazing to her. With each note, lyric, and song, Sakuno's confidence grew even more.

Riku watched as Sakuno took deep breaths. He knew that this time she wouldn't need a pep talk. She already got her confidence boost being on stage the first time. Doing this a second time, would be a breeze for her. But there was still one final step that she needed to take, before she was completely ready to take on the world without her shell anymore.

A/N: So how did you like it? Remember to tell me in the reviews. I should heve the next chapter up soon, if need be I'll use my spring break to finish it and have it up for you. (Reviews do help me work faster. I'm just throwing that out there.)

In other news, I am thinking of making this story a trilogy. The next installment would take place in three years (while they are in high school) and the one after when they have all graduated. If you don't like the idea or want to give me ideas please put it in your review. I'll give you a definite on whether I'll make the installments or not in the final chapter (in truth it depends on how I feel when I end this one, but if you guys request the other installments then I'm more likely to do it).