I don't own Ugly Betty or it's characters. I wish I did, the ending would have been different.

This is my first attempt at writing anything other than e-mails and facebook updates so please go easy on me. I kept thinking they would bring Matt back at some point like Henry and Gio but he just disappeared, so this is my attempt to fill in what happened to him. WARNING - this is Not Metty! My world is a Detty world. Please let me know if I should bother to continue. I'm not sure 100% where I'm headed with this so bear with me.

Chapter 1. New York

The towering buildings and the sea of people seemed to press in on him. Seven months ago he could never have imagined feeling out of place in the city he grew up in, yet here he was pushing through a Manhattan crowd and wishing he had stayed in Africa. He would still be there if his co-volunteers hadn't begged him to use his family connections and his own high-profile to work the fund-raising circuit, they needed money and he could get it for them.

Matt had spent the last week making phone calls and setting up charity dinners, his Mother was helping with that. There was no one better at giving an elite "got to get an invite" dinner party. One phone number in his contact list stood out from the others, grabbing his attention every time he scrolled by it. Suarez, Betty. They had parted on good terms, both wishing the other well and promising to stay in contact. Of course that didn't happen – not a lot of cell phone signal or internet connection in the bush, and Matt had been so swept away by the beauty of the location and plight of the people that everything else had fallen away no matter how good his intentions had been.

Last night he had finally gave in to temptation and tried to call. He was going to invite her to dinner, just to reconnect – see how she was doing, tell her all about his adventure, and maybe it would be like old times. If she hadn't moved on and started seeing someone else, well… why not try and re-capture the magic they had once shared?

The phone had been answered by a gruff male voice who denied knowing Betty and had threatened to do many unpleasant things to Matt if he called again – most of which were anatomical impossibilities but conveyed a sense of finality to which Matt immediately deleted the number from his contact list. Okay so she had a new cell number, no problem, he would just call MODE, Amanda would have her number. The receptionist who answered this morning was not Amanda and not helpful at all. What did she mean there was no one there by that name? Marc wasn't available, Claire was out of the country, he knew Wilhelmina wouldn't deign to take his call, and he sure as hell wasn't going to ask to speak to Daniel. Where the hell was Betty?

Next he had logged on to the internet, Betty loved her blog and she would maintain that no matter what, he would simply catch up on her entries and then send her an e-mail. Matt was shocked to see so few entries, the most recent was from April.

"Dear Readers, I want to thank everyone for the support and encouragement I have received since I began writing this blog. However I write this as my last entry (for now), but don't worry you will still hear from me, I have accepted a new position with Dunne Publishing in London as Editor in Chief of a new magazine… "


Groaning, Matt leaned back in his desk chair, only to flop his head forward banging it onto the desk. He had just been in London! It was just a lay-over but still, he had been close and didn't even know it. He started to click the link to send her an e-mail and then remembered her address had been to MODE, deciding to send one anyway he wrote her a short note saying hello and asking her to call him just in case she was still checking it. He hadn't wanted to get them involved but her family had to know how to get in touch with her. Ignacio picked up on the second ring.

"Suarez residence."

"Hi Mr. Suarez, it's Matt."

"Oh… Hi, Matt."

"Yeah, so… I'm back in town… I just thought I'd give Betty a call to say hello… but she must have a new number… being in London and… everything..." He waited expectantly for her father to happily begin rattling off her new number.

Ignacio started hesitantly, "Matt, you're a nice enough guy… not the most reliable but I liked you fine… I hate to say no… but you should just leave her be. She's moved on with her life, so should you. Good-bye."

Matt had sat staring at his phone long after the soft click had signaled the call was over. Moved on? Did that mean she was seeing someone new? Last week Betty had barely crossed his mind, just fond memories passing by. Something about her unavailability was making the thought of contacting her become the foremost thought in his mind - Africa, the charity, and the people he left behind fading into his subconscious the same way his love for Betty once had. Matt now had one thought, one driving force to guide his actions – find Betty. His therapist had called him obsessive but she just didn't understand having a true passion that gripped your heart and led you where you needed to go.

So now Matt was heading to Betty's old apartment, her building superintendent would have a forwarding address and he was sure to be more susceptible to a bribe than anyone at MODE's human resource department. Turns out he was right, the super remembered them being together and was more than happy to give him the address for what Matt thought was a rather reasonable amount, less than what he usually carried around for spending money anyway. He had a twinge of guilt as he realized he could have put that money to a more charitable use, and what to do about all those dinner parties being planned? He had to get to London though, that was most important, what if Betty were in trouble and needed him. A small part of his mind knew this wasn't true and he wasn't being entirely rational but he shoved that thought down deep and covered it over with a blanket of more practical thoughts. Instead he thought about how much time he had before the first event and how long the flight was to London – plenty of time just to pop in and say hello, make sure she's okay. Plenty of time when you are a Hartley and can call up a private jet to leave immediately – once again Matt pulled out his phone.

Chapter 2. London

It had taken longer than he had wanted, getting to the airport, fueling the jet, waiting their turn to take off… it was later than he had planned when he finally arrived. He should wait until tomorrow but nine isn't really that late, he reasoned with himself, and it's a Friday so she won't be working in the morning and he wasn't going to stay long, he was just stopping in to say hello, that's all. Of course if she ASKED him to stay he would, that's different. He stood outside in the ever present drizzle of England staring at the address he had been given wondering if the super had lied to him.

Her home was different than he imagined, he had believed she would be in another crappy little apartment like her one in New York. After all she had stayed there even though she could have moved in with him, she had preferred having a place of her own no matter how small it was, he understood that – or he thought he had. This townhouse didn't really fit his image of her, and he had been in London enough to know that a place like this was as expensive here as it was in New York – more so in this neighborhood than others.

There was movement in one of the upstairs windows but it was just a shadow breaking up the soft glow of the light coming from within, he couldn't tell if it was Betty or not. Taking a deep breath in he squared his shoulders and marched up to the door and rapped firmly on the red painted wood, noticing a doorbell to the right he pressed that a couple of times for good measure.

He could hear the thumping of someone coming down the stairs, and a muffled 'Be right there'. Damn, a man's voice… must be the wrong place. He debated whether to run or not, and laughed at himself – just apologize and leave, no need to behave like a kid playing a prank. As the door swung inward Matt put on his most winning smile and prepared to dazzle the home's resident with his charm and effusive apology.

"I'm sorry, I seem…to…" he trailed off as he realized who and what he was seeing "You! What are you doing here?" Matt's horrified gaze took in the sight of none other than Daniel Meade, dressed in nothing but a pair of pale-green striped pajama pants and holding his wallet in one hand.

"What am I doing here? I live here. What are you doing here?" Daniel asked derisively, his eyes locked on Matt's face and his free hand clenching into a fist.

Before he could answer he heard footsteps on the stoop behind him and Meade - with the experience born of a thousand interviews - immediately changed expressions to one of welcome and looked over Matt's shoulder. Turning, Matt took in the delivery boy's anxious face and stepped back from the doorway.

"So how much do I owe you?"

The kid stammered out an amount as Daniel dug out some bills, trading the bags of takeout for the money Daniel told him to keep the change. The extra cash did the trick and the teen left with a smile and merrily drove away, none the wiser of the depth of the impending confrontation he had interrupted. But the break seemed to cool both of their initial reactions to the shock of seeing each other.

"Come on in out of the rain, I'm sure she'll want to talk to you." Daniel voice had a resignation to it, he backed away from the door to allow Matt entry. "Have a seat, I'm going to put this in the kitchen." He started making his way across the living room as Matt looked around and took in his surroundings, seeing a coat rack nearby he hung his wet jacket and turned back to see Daniel returning, hands now empty.

They both looked up at the stairs as they heard the footsteps coming down, Daniel shot him a look of warning – the meaning was very clear.

"Whatever you ordered, it smells wonderful!" Betty sang out as she lightly traipsed into view, Matt's heart skipped and his stomach sank when he saw her. Her hair was wet as if she had just gotten out of the shower and she was wearing the matching pajama top to Daniel's pants. She did not see immediately see Matt, only having eyes for Daniel as she reached her arms up to encircle his neck and lean against him.

He returned her embrace and kissed her firmly before replying "It's just Chinese but it did come with an extra side of Matt." He jerked his head sideways indicating their guest still standing by the door.