I'd Give My Life For You
By: Moonlit Love
Chapter Three
This is the last chapter, and it is kind of sad. My next Tenchi story will not be as down.

Tenchi watched as a shadowy mist began to take the shape of a human like object.
Two figures began to walk towards him and his men. He wasn't sure if they were allies or if
they were enemies. He prepared his men by having them raise their guns and aim them at the

They fizzled from view and came to be behind them. "We are not the enemies, we are
allies who will help you in this time of war. Lower your weapons and do not shoot," Ryoko,
her voice disguised very well as Lieutenant Dylars, assured.

The troops turned to face the two behind them and saw indeed they were Lieutenant
Dylars and Captain Bryce. They were relieved and had a laugh. "War will be arriving at our
front yard soon. Thank you for coming to help us. Do you know how any of the others are
doing?" Tenchi inquired.

"We show up when we want and where we feel will be the most need of our help. The
others did not look in need of our assistance and we did not go. You will soon be facing war
and you are unprepared for what the Cometier fighters have in store," Ayeka replied, passing as
an accurate Captain Bryce.

Tenchi nodded, sensing something oddly familiar from Captain Bryce. He didn't have
time to think about who these men were, as a sudden air attack splashed down upon them,
creating craters and clouds of speckled dust. They all ducked down to avoid the attack, and no
one was hurt by the first wave.

Cometier fighters began to come in from every direction, carrying large amounts of
weaponry. The Cometiers outnumbered the Juraians six to one. Everyone was a bit unnerved
by this, but they knew they had to protect their emperor and the legendary lost soldiers. The
weapons were all pointed at some enemy or the other.

Each round of shots the Juraians let off hit a Cometier fighter, causing the opponent's
numbers to dwindle down to one on one. Ayeka and Ryoko fought the enemy as if they were
truly ghosts, the techniques they used so ancient the Cometiers couldn't defend them.

A warped announcement suddenly filled the ears of everyone who was present. All the
Cometiers stopped and listened, while the Juraians continued to attack them. Captain Bryce
suddenly spun around, twirling in front of Tenchi.

Ayeka put up her sword just in time, as a Cometier flew down in Tenchi's direction with
his sword raised. The swords clashed together, the Cometier leaping away. Ryoko was soon
there as well and took out her laser sword, slicing through the hull of the ship about to attack

Ryoko sliced a passage through the hull and entered, hoping to kill whoever was trying
to fire on Tenchi and Ayeka, instead she was captured as soon as she was entered and shot as
they got her into the cockpit. She fell to her knees, holding the wound in her shoulder.

The slurred language of the Cometiers seemed to be trying to warn her to do something,
but she was unable to understand the alien language. The gun was raised once again, this time
pointing to her opposite shoulder, the report of the gun ringing in Ryoko's ears. She looked
defiantly up at her captor, daring it to do its worst. It raised the gun once again, this time
pointing at the middle of her stomach. "Tell me where I can find Juraian power!" it ordered.

"I will not do as you ask. I will not betray my friends," Ryoko replied.

The trigger was pulled and a bullet was released, piercing Ryoko in the stomach.
Ryoko grunted and clutched her stomach, holding back a moan. The Cometier looked deep
into Ryoko's eyes. "Tell me where I can find Juraian power and your life will be spared, but if
you don't speak you will die," the Cometier warned.

"I. Will. Not. Tell. You," Ryoko stated through grit teeth.

The Cometier aimed the gun to point between her eyes. "Good-bye space pirate. May
your sacrifice not be in vain," it dismissed and pulled the trigger.

A bullet spiraled towards Ryoko and she fell to the ground instants later. The Cometier
just stood above the lifeless body and scuffed at the loyalty, something foreign to Cometier. He
exited the ship, leaving the dead Ryoko on the floor. Soon Ryoko became but a series of
sparkling green stars. They dispersed in every which direction, stopping to say goodbye to her
friends before she left.

"Ryoko is gone," Ayeka and Tenchi whispered at the same time.

Tenchi had just found out who 'Captain Bryce' really was. They both stood in the
remains of the battle that had just taken place minutes ago. Nothing remained but them. Then
the sound of footsteps on metal became clear and soon a Cometier appeared before them.

"I am Jelirk, master of the Solar powers. I have come to possess the power of Jurai.
Whichever one of you holds the Juraian power come forward," he greeted.

"I hold it," Ayeka said, boldly stepping forward.

"Prove it," Jelirk commanded.

"Ayeka! You don't hold the power, the one you are looking for Jelirk is..." Tenchi
began, but was silenced as Ayeka put her fingers to Tenchi's lips.

She began to glow a soft, shimmery blue. Her eyes were closed and her hair began to
float in mid-air, as if she was underwater and her hair was moving with the current. Her head
tilted up as her head ornament sparkled with millions of baby blue stars. She floated up into the
air a foot or two and soon a gentle wind surrounded her.

Her bangs began to move rapidly as her head ornament glowed brighter and brighter.
Her eyes suddenly snapped open and a circular wave of blue radiated from her. An orb of
glittery blue stars appeared between her palms. She lifted it above her head and tossed it at

Jelirk jerked backward as the ball hit him in the shoulder. "I believe you. But is he the
stronger possessor of power?" Jelirk asked.

"No, he isn't. He was not born into true blood, rather he is but a half-ling. I am full of
the Juraian power," Ayeka replied, blocking Tenchi from Jelirk's view, "Please do not hurt

Jelirk whipped his wrist in Tenchi's direction and sent him flying into an invisible cage.
Tenchi was able to watch, but he was unable to help. Jelirk turned back to Ayeka. "You say
you possess the power of Jurai and you have proven yourself well. I have but one thing to do
with you, absorb your power, thus leaving you void of your life force. Or in lay men's terms,
you will be dead," Jelirk told Ayeka.

Ayeka looked a little surprised, but ready to accept her fate. She would do anything for
Tenchi, even give up her life for him. She stepped forward, defiantly and calmly. Jelirk smiled
at her and suddenly wrapped an arm around her mouth, beginning to force her power and life
from her. Tenchi could only helplessly watch as his love began to grow weaker and weaker.

Just as Jelirk finished absorbing Ayeka's powers, Tenchi was free. He ran over to
Ayeka. Jelirk went back inside his damaged ship and blasted off. "Ayeka!" Tenchi cried as he
held Ayeka's limp body, but a little life still sparkling in her eyes.

"Tenchi...You...knew I'd...give...my life...for you. I...am...sorry...you...had to...watch.
But, remember I will...always...love...yo...." Ayeka told Tenchi with much difficulty.

Tenchi had interrupted Ayeka. "Save your strength, love. You can make it," Tenchi

"I...love...you. Good...bye," Ayeka whispered, drawing in a shaky breath,
"I...love...yo..." This time she took her last breath.

Tenchi shook his head, not wanting her to be dead. He cradled her closer to him,
willing her to come back to life. "Please, Ayeka. Don't leave me," Tenchi begged, tears falling
from his eyes like aquamarine droplets.

His tears sparkled like diamonds as they fell as gently caressed Ayeka's lifeless form.
"Please, you can't be dead," Tenchi cried, his soul seeming to leave with the one of his true

Soon she shimmered into a group of twinkling stars, brightly shining. Tenchi looked
down at her, knowing she wasn't going to be coming back. "Good-bye, my love," Tenchi
whispered as the stars dispersed, leaving Tenchi completely alone in his grief.


Tenchi lived his days in complete solitude. No one coming his to visit but Sasami and
her now husband. Their young daughter was able to keep him busy at times, but it hurt to look
at baby Ayeka as she looked so much like his Ayeka. Life on Jurai was pretty quiet, as many
old enemies thought the power of Jurai was gone.

Tenchi never did find another love, having lost the only girl he had ever truly loved
convincing him life wanted him to be alone. He had no close friends, as Ryoko was gone now,
too. He had lost everything he had once loved but Sasami, and she was to busy with her family.

Tenchi moved to the back porch. It overlooked both Ayeka and Ryoko's graves.
"Why did you both have to leave me? You may have been trying to protect me, but all you did
was hurt me," Tenchi whispered fiercely, trying to demand they answer him.

He had asked this question every day, and he expect the same answer as before,
nothing. A soft, warm breeze blew by, and floating in front of him were Ayeka and Ryoko.
"We did it because we love you, Tenchi Masaki," Ayeka told him, bringing her pale, misty hand
up to caress his cheek.

"We knew it would cause you heartache, but we could not live our lives without you.
Move on and find someone else. We will always love you," Ryoko told him.

"My love for you has not diminished since we have separated, but grown stronger. I
love you, Tenchi Masaki and nothing will ever change that. Please, continue to live so we have
not died in vain. We will always watch over you," Ayeka begged.

She came closer to him and gently kissed his lips before fading off with Ryoko. They
vanished in the same soft, warm wind they had come in. Tenchi was once again left alone, but
his time he knew he could live now. He had closed the book to his last life, keeping it close to
his heart while allowing another book to open up and let him begin a new life. Tenchi would live
on and remember Ayeka's last words, 'Tenchi, you knew I'd give my life for you. I am sorry
you had to watch. But remember I will always love you. I love you. Good-bye. I love you.'

Tenchi could finally live now that he knew Ayeka and Ryoko would always be watching
over him. He was free from his grief of six years, now able to say Ayeka without crying.
Tenchi would always love Ayeka, but he wouldn't let Ayeka have died in vain. He would live
for her, and Ryoko.

~~*The End*~~

How did you like it? I know the story is kind of short, but I just thought it would be a
nice story. It will be a while until I come out with another Ayeka/Tenchi fic, but if you are
interested in Gundam Wing, read Once Upon The Night of Death and later My Heero and My
Thank you for reading and don't forget to review,