Marlene opened her eyes, smiling to herself. Today was going to be a good day. How could it not be? She hopped up out of bed, then had to wait a moment for her legs to balance. After they had, she promptly changed into the new outfit she had gotten with Tifa the night before, and ran down to the bar.

Denzel was with Tifa, getting things ready for opening. He looked up at her and grinned. "Hey Marlene," His deep teenage voice threatened to crack, "happy birthday." She smiled. "Thanks. So where's my cake?" Tifa scoffed, and put her hands on her hips, smiling. "You'll have to help with it, just like any other day."

Denzel laughed. "Just like I had to help with mine." "Aw man," Marlene pouted, knowing she was acting much younger than her now fifteen years of age. Tifa simply chuckled and returned to her work. Someone knocked on the entrance, and Denzel promptly ran to open it. "I invited Mai over for the party today Marlene, I hope you don't mind."

Marlene's smile twitched. "Of course not, she's perfectly welcome." He smiled back at her and then opened the door. Mai smiled and held up a brightly colored box. "Hi Marlene, happy birthday!" Marlene smiled back and waved. "Hi Mai, thanks." Mai gently set the box down on a nearby table, and turned to talk with Denzel. He, of course, devoted his full attention to her.

Marlene's smile faded. Maybe today wouldn't be that great of a day after all. Tifa saw her brief moment of sadness. "What is it?" She turned around and smiled. "Nothing. Where's Cloud? I thought he was taking today off for my birthday?"

Tifa's lips turned up into a grin. "He did take today off." Marlene sighed. "Then where is he?" Tifa simply shook her head. "I'm not sure I'm allowed to tell you." Marlene took an apron and tied it around her back. "Well, are you allowed to tell me where dad is at least?" "He's with Cloud." Tifa replied. "So, no."

Marlene gave up after that, and simply busied herself with making a birthday cake. "Marlene?" Denzel called. She jerked up her head at his voice. "Yeah?" "Why don't you come and sit with us?" He asked. "Um . . ." She stared down at the half frosted cake. Tifa nudged her with her elbow. "I'll finish the cake." Marlene smiled at her. "Thanks." Tifa nodded, and she went to sit next to Mai.

"How are you today?" Mai asked, after turning towards Marlene in the seat. Marlene smiled politely. "I'm fine, thank-you." Denzel seemed to think for a moment. "Have you had breakfast yet?" Marlene looked at him to verify that he had been addressing her, and happily smiled when she realized that he had. Then her stomach rumbled. "Uh, no actually, I didn't."

Mai sat straight up in the booth. "Really?" Marlene nodded. Mai motioned for Marlene to get up, and pulled her moogle head shaped purse off the ground. "Then I'll get some for you." Denzel seemed surprised. "No, you don't have to. I was planning—" Mai got up out of the seat and shook her head at him. She then smiled over at Marlene. "Just consider it an early birthday present."

Denzel sighed and then shuffled out of the booth. "You're coming?" Marlene asked. He nodded. "It is your birthday after all." Her smiled slightly faded. "Ok then."

"Tifa?" He turned towards the bar. "Me and Mai are gonna take Marlene for some breakfast. We'll be back in a little while." Tifa smiled and nodded. Denzel ran over to the door and held it open for the two girls. Marlene grabbed her purse and followed Mai out the door. "So where are we going?" Mai put her arm through Marlene's. "Hm, I don't know. Where do you want to go?"

"There is this one little restaurant close to the town square that me and Denzel like to go to sometimes, how about there?" Marlene suggested, looking over at Denzel, who had his hands in his pockets. "Sounds fine to me," He replied, still looking forwards. "What about you Mai?" "Wherever the birthday girl wants to go." Mai replied simply. Marlene grinned. If there was one thing she loved, it was getting her own way.

After breakfast at the café, they headed back to the bar, where Reeve and Vincent had arrived. They were sitting in a booth, Reeve holding a Cait Sith doll in his lap. Vincent was his usual brooding self, but managed to smile for Marlene. "Happy Birthday!" The little Cait Sith doll called when it spotted Marlene. It ran off and jumped into her arms, where she held it as though it was a regular stuffed toy.

Reeve laughed at his little companion. "Happy birthday Marlene." Vincent echoed the same, and Marlene thanked them. "So where's Yuffie?" She asked, setting her leftovers on the bar. "She's with Cid right now, he was going to pick her up on the way." Vincent answered. Marlene's eyes grew bigger. "Cid's coming too?" She turned to Tifa. "Just what did you have planned for today?"

"Just a simple reunion in honor of your birthday." Tifa answered innocently. "Relax Marlene," Denzel said, patting her on the back. "They don't have anything particularly dangerous planned." He grinned. Tifa shushed him. "Be quiet." But she still smiled. Marlene pouted. "Nothing dangerous at all?"

"Nothing dangerous at all." Tifa echoed. "Aw man," Marlene said again. She turned around and spotted a rather large and brightly colored box sitting on one of the tables. She squealed and jumped up to inspect it. Cait Sith laughed. "That one's from me!" She set the doll down on the nearest table and bopped its nose, grinning.

"Where's my birthday girl?" Barrett called from outside. Tifa glanced out the window. "Sounds like your father's back," Reeve laughed. "You don't say?" Marlene hopped outside to see the huge man getting something out of a brown bag. "Daddy!" She yelled, happy to see him. "Yo Marlene!" He called, his grin reaching from ear to ear. She ran up to hug him, and he picked up her up like she was still as small as she had been when she was nine.

"Don't go choking her now," Cloud's quiet voice laughed. Barrett set her down, laughing. Marlene then turned to Cloud. She smiled and hugged him. "Happy birthday," He said, and lightly hugged her back. "Well let's not waste any time, I'm ready for some cake!" Barrett exclaimed. "Daddy!" Marlene rebuked him, "It's not polite to eat the cake without all of your guests."

"Of course it's not!" Yuffie yelled, and ran–no–skipped, towards them, with Cid not far behind. He promptly threw down his cigarette after a slight glare from Barrett. "Happy birthday little Marly," His raspy voice called. Yuffie started jumping up and down, being her usual self.

"I can't believe you're fifteen already! I mean, the first time I saw you you were like, ten right? And the last time I saw you you were thirteen, right? I'm really sorry I haven't been visiting by the way, things have just been so busy in Wutai . . ." She was saying. Cloud started walking inside, and Marlene quickly followed, eager to finally get the celebration started.

"Cloud!" Tifa called happily, and ran up to embrace her husband. "Did you find it?" He nodded, smiling. "Find what?" Marlene asked suspiciously. "Nothing," Cloud said, still staring at his wife.

Marlene rolled her eyes and went to inspect her cake. She was surprised to find two of them. Denzel caught her eyeing it, and laughed. "Me and Tifa had been working on that when you got up this morning. We had to work fast to make sure you didn't find it." Mai, who had been staying close to Denzel, laughed. "So that's why you were trying not to laugh when she started working on her cake." Marlene merely stuck her tongue out at the both of them.

"Ok it's time for presents!" Tifa said suddenly, breaking the gaze she had held with Cloud. Cait Sith rubbed his head. "Isn't that normally after cake?" She grinned. "Not at this birthday party." She then turned to Marlene with a face that made her wonder again just what they had planned for her.

*Later that day*

"Bye everyone!" She called out to Vincent, Reeve, Cid, and Yuffie, who all had to go about their business. "Thank-you so much for coming!" Yuffie waved goodbye one more time, then turned around, chattering away with Cid.

"Did you have fun?" Mai asked Marlene after she came in. She sat down in a booth across from Denzel. "Mhm!" Denzel grinned. "I knew you would."

"Tifa!" Cloud suddenly called from upstairs, where he had been talking with Barrett, his voice sounding urgent. Tifa immediately set the cake pans down in the sink and started running to him. "What is it Cloud?"

"Um, Mai?" Denzel started. She sighed and picked up her purse. "I should probably get going, right?" He nodded. "Sorry." "No, don't be!" She said, and gave Marlene a quick hug. "I had a really great time. See you later." "Bye Mai," Marlene waved. Denzel got up to get the door for her. After he had, he came to sit across from Marlene again.

"I wonder what Cloud called about," He thought aloud.

"Me too," Marlene said, and nervously glanced toward the stairs. He pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to her. She took it, and then looked down at the trinket he had just given her.

It was a small piece of materia that had been cut to the shape of a rose. Its color, though a dark blueish tone, seemed to have luminescent quality. It was attached to a thin silver chain, that was also beautiful in its own right.

He smiled as she admired it. "Happy birthday Marlene." She still stared down at it, smiling. "It's beautiful." He leaned back in his seat. "It's supposed to bring you good luck." She finally looked up. "Thank you Denzel." She tossed her hair out of the way and put it on. "How do I look?" She asked after she had finished.

Denzel smiled. "Very happy." She attempted to scowl. "That's not what I meant." He still smiled. "I know."

Tifa, Cloud, and Barrett came running down the stairs. "Kids," She started, "We're leaving Edge."