It was 9:30 when Eric and I left the bedroom and he had to go by 10.

We went into the kitchen and he talked to Amelia for a few minutes. It seemed important from their tone of voice and they kept glancing at me, but my heart was breaking at the thought of him leaving and I couldn't keep any thought in my head for long enough to process it. I wished for a miracle, for some reprieve, but I knew none would come.

I caught snatches of their conversation: Dr Ludwig, the trust fund, repairs to the house, care-taking Niall's properties, fairy magic, Jason. They didn't try to engage me and I was grateful for that. When they finished talking, Amelia wished him good luck and went upstairs, leaving us alone. He came to me and put his arms around me. I remembered what I wanted to ask him and pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes.

"Eric, I have to ask you something," I almost whispered.

He simply nodded.

"I'll be getting some things fixed around the house now that I have the money to do it, and while it's being done, I thought... I was thinking of building a better hidey hole for you to sleep in. Maybe even a small basement. Are you coming back? Do you want that?" my voice cracked.

"I would like that very much," he beamed. "I will be gone far too long, but when I get back, I will never leave your side again."

"I'd like that," I smiled up at him.

"Vampire accommodations are a specialist job, my love. Let me send someone 'round to help you with it?"

I thought about arguing but just nodded instead. Our last minutes together would not be wasted fighting.

I tucked my head back against his chest and we clung to one another as our last few minutes ticked by. My eyes filled with tears that slowly spilled over and soaked into his t-shirt. He was really going; our time together was over again. He said he would be back, we would be together again, but I knew from past experience that it would be a very long time. I held him to me like a drowning person holds a life ring, as love and sorrow flowed back and forth through the bond. I wondered how I had ever doubted my feelings for him.

"I have to go," he finally said, but he didn't loosen his grip on me. He hadn't held me so single-mindedly since he was cursed and I knew that whatever he had to face must be horrible for him to worry so.

Something told me he couldn't let go of me and I had to be strong for both of us. I pulled back just enough to look at his face and was stunned by what I saw. Blood tears had traced paths all over his face, bright red drops of sorrow. I pulled his face down to mine and licked away his tears. When his face was clean, he leaned down and licked my tears away in return.

I stepped back out of our embrace and wrapped my arms around myself.

"I'll miss you, Eric. Be safe."

"Think of me, lover."

Neither of us could bear to say goodbye. As he turned and walked out the door, my heart was torn to shreds. Goodbye, Eric. I love you, I thought to myself.

I went to my bedroom, buried my face in a pillow that smelled of his hair and cried myself to sleep.


Author's note: Sequel "A Lover and a Fighter" is now online.