Morning After

by Martana Rease Alexander

Oliver Q./ Chloe S.


She was quite possibly the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Oliver stared down at the blond sleeping beside him. Even with her make up nearly all smudged up and her hair sticking out in every direction, she was absolutely beautiful.

It had been rare for him to allow a woman to stay the night after his break up with Tess. At first the hurt after their breakup had made it different, and then he became Green Arrow. It would be hard to explain some of the injuries he received as his alter ego the next morning. But now, he had one that he would never have to worry about that.

He traced his finger along the curve of his cheek. When her eyes fluttered open he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

"So it really happened?" Chloe asked as Oliver pulled her close into his arms. "You and I actually...hooked up?"

"It really happened." Oliver half laughed. "You sound surprised."

"I thought it was a dream." She settled her head on his chest and wrapped an arm around him.

"So that's what you do when you're alone at night, dream about having sex with me?" He ran his fingers through her hair. "Or do you feature a different member of the team each night?"

"Hey!" she half sat up. "I nev..I don't...You think I.."

"You take things much too seriously." he put a hand behind her head and pulled her to him for a kiss.

"So," she took a breath, "how, exactly, did this happen?"

"How it always happens." Oliver shrugged, settling her back into his arms. "I came over for some target practice, you came in and we started talking. Somewhere along the line I pulled out a bottle of whiskey and we got lost in it."

"So what, you got me drunk and seduced me?" Chloe looked up at him questioningly.

"You seduced me." He corrected. "I tried to stop you, but I should have known better. Once you decide you want something, nothing stops you, even when you're drunk."

"I don't believe it." She answered stubbornly. "I would never do anything of the sort."

"Trust me, you did." he laughed at her expression. "We were talking and the next thing I knew you were on top of me practically ripping my clothes off. We could pull up the security tapes if you don't believe me."

"I may look later." She stared into his eyes. "So why are you still here? You've never been a 'morning after' guy."

"I don't know." He caressed her face with his fingertips. "I guess that something kept me here."

"Is there actually something in existence that could stop Oliver Queen from hiding from the morning light?" she leaned forward and experimentally kissed him.

"Very rarely." He held her as he rolled over, pinning her beneath him. "Of course, now that I've found something, I don't plan on letting it go."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Chloe looked questioningly at him.

"It means that we're taking it one morning at a time." Oliver answered as he kissed her. "Starting with making sure you know that this is not a dream."