So, this is kind of a sequel to The Freeze Ray Chronicals, but you don't really have to read that one to understand this story.

Anyways, I'm sure I'm not the only person who wanted to see a Dr. Horrible/The Guild Crossover.

Hope you like it!

Penny sat, clenching the armrest, of the sedan seat for dear life as the car swerved, narrowly missing it's on road companions.

She was going to die. That was it. This car trip was going to be the end of Penny Elisabet Cooper.

Of course, it wouldn't matter, only two people besides her knew she was still alive, three, that is, if Captain Hammer was really coming after her, and not just wreaking havoc on Billy's apartment.

It was a strange feeling, to know that no one would know you were dead, if you died. There probably wouldn't even be a little blurb about her in the community newspaper. Everyone thought she was dead anyways, thanks to the exploding death ray her best-guy-friend/almost-boyfriend had created.

The almost-boyfriend part came later of course, after he had saved her life with a freeze ray, and kept her in his apartment as part of a misguided attempt to protect her from one of the biggest super villains ever, Bad Horse. And now, after months of captivity, and a roller coaster of finding out that the man she;d fallen in love with was not one, but two people, she was on her way to meet someone she didn't know, in a city she'd never been to. Not only that, she was being transported by her ex room mate's best friend, who also happened to be a certified henchman.

Never, in a million years did Penny expect her life to end up like this. She never expected to be traveling across the state to be a part of, from what she could gather, some shoddy, second rate witness protection program.

Heck, a year ago, she didn't even think superheroes and super villains existed. She was just a nice, normal, charity worker. The closest she got to changing the world was a petition. Then she started dating a superhero, and her best friend was a wanna be villain, it was all too surreal.

Penny forgot how bright the sun was when it was glaring off the other cars. She squinted out the windshield, adjusting to the drastic change in scenery. She didn't think spending so much time inside would affect her so much. Maybe if she just closed her eyes for a bit, she'd adjust better...

Let me know what you think!
