AN: HEY GUYS! Well, I have recently finished my first mulit-chaptered story! Yes, my first. If you havn't read it and want to, it's Getting The Girl, sorta. It's basically all DxC, but it does have BxG, GxT and it hints at a little NxI in the last chap of all. And so, that's all on that story.

Normally, I'd do one chapter in one person's POV, and the next in the other, cause honestly, to me, it's easier. But in this chapter, and this chapter ONLY, I felt like I needed to add a little Duncan in it, just to pull it together in a way.

Hmm, what to write, what to write.. Well it took me a while to actually come up with an idea for this story, because I've been brainstorming ideas since, well, chapter 13ish, but couldn't think of anything. But, than it hit me, and now, here we are! As a warning, it's going to by happy and sad mostly, with a tinge of anger and pervertedness. The ending will be happy in a sad way, so if you don't like that kind of thing, don't yell at me for not saying anything. That's all I have to say, so I'll leave you with that. Enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing.

Courtney's POV

"Courtney! Courtney dear, where are you? We need your help in the A-wing!" I heard a nurse yell at me. I sighed, got the kid I was helping swallow his pain medication, got up off the bed and left.

"Bwye Cwourtnie!" The little guy, Jack, said to me. I turned and smiled at him. The kid was adorable. He had sandy brown hair, intense green eyes and his nose was speckled with freckles. He looked so small in the huge hospital bed, and the patients gown that was a size too big. I smiled weakly at him and waved trying not to cry. The poor kid. He'd been here a year now, having come in a week after I turned fifteen and started working here.

"Bye Jackie Boy." I whispered, than turned off the lights as he fell asleep.

"Courtney? Courtney! Oh, there you are!" A flustered nurse said, after seeing Courtney. "Darling, we need you in the A-wing. Nurses keep complaining about a certain seventeen year old boy who flirts with everyone. I was thinking that since you go to a school with people around that age, I thought you could manage."

I was about to protest, but I saw the weary look on her face and kept myself from saying anything. Instead, I just smiled cheerfully at her.

"Of course I'll go. I'd love to." I said brightly, pleased as relief flooded into the older nurses features. I was engulfed in a hug, and than watched her walk away. I turned around, and got ready to face the so called 'teen-from-hell.' Nothing, though, could have prepared me for what was to come.

"Look doc." I heard a voice say. "If I wanted to take the goddamn medication that you are trying to shove down my throat, I would have taken it. But I don't, so I won't."

"Duncan," I than heard doctor Ruban say.

"Don't Duncan me! I'm not taking that goddamn medication!" The boy, Duncan, said. I was standing in the doorway, trying to figure out an approach. This boy was seventeen, making him a year older than me. He had black hair, with green dyed bits at the end. Wait a minute, green? This kid had came in when he was ten, only he had a mohawk at the time. His hair was falling into his face, and curled just a little past his ears. The green dyed tips were covering his gorge, uh, teal eyes. He had a whole bunch of piercings all over his face. Normally I'd be revolted by this kind of thing, but on him, it actually looked kind of, hot. No Courtney. He's a patient. You don't mix buisness with pleasure. You don't.

"You know," Duncan said. "I'll take it if she's the one giving it to me." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. He was waggling his eyebrows at me and smirking. When he noticed I was looking at him, he winked.

"Be. My. Guest." The doctor said, looking at me, than rapidly rushing past me, leaving me alone with the boy.

"So," He said. It's just you, and me. Alone. In this room. What do you think we should do?" He looked at me, his eyes sparkling.

"I think that I should give you your medication and leave." I said. He just smirked.

"Or." He said, carrying out his 'r's. "You could pretend to give me my stupid medication, join me on my bed here and make-out with me." He said suggestively. I laughed.

"Yeah. Right." He looked me up and down.

"I'm Duncan. And you?"

"Courtney." I answered him.

"Courtney. I like you." He told me. Than he held out his hand. In his palm, was an orangey-brownish colored bottle, holding, what I could easily asume, were pills. I looked up at him, and for the first time, behind all the smugness, all the certainty that had originally been in his eyes, she saw it. A hint of sadness, and speckle of doubt.

"When was the last time you took the medication?" I asked him quietly.

"I." He took a deep breath, than looked me in the eyes. "I've never taken them before." He whispered, now looking at the floor. "I refused to."

I smiled at him, walked up to take the bottle from his hand, and popped open the lid. I dropped two tablets into my palm, put the lid back on, and handed him the bottle. He gladly took it, and smiled at me.

"Go lay on the bed. These things will knock you out in a bit. They knock everyone out." He nodded to me, than did what I asked. As he layde down, I passed him the pills. He looked at them, than at me. He took a deep breath, than popped the pills into his mouth. I looked over to his desk, spotting a water bottle that was half full. I grabbed it, took the bottle cap off, and passed him it. He took it from me without a word, and chugged the bottle. I looked at him, wondering just what had landed him here.

"How long until the meds kick in?" He asked me.

"Shouldn't be too long." I answered, heading for the door.

"Wait!" He said. I turned around. His 'meds' were already kicking in. "Will you come sit with me? Please?" He asked, almost begging. It was than that I saw, that underneath everything, he was scared. Scared, maybe, of why he was here, of how long he'd be staying. Maybe even scared of dying. Either way, I went to sit next to him, and found myself grabbing his hand on impulse. He smiled at me. Just as he was about to pass out, he looked at me through half closed eyes.

"Cancer." He stated silently.

"Wh-what?" I asked him, confused.

"Cancer." He restated. "I'm here, because I have cancer." And with that, he drifted off to sleep.

Later that night, I was trying to focus on my homework, while talking to Izzy and Bridgette on the phone.

"What do you think Court? Court? Helloooooooooo! Earth to Courtney!" I heard Izzy yell through the phone.

"Yeah?" I asked, snapping back into reality. "What was that?"

"Court. We just asked you what you thought of that Duncan kid." I heard Bridgette asked me. It confused me for a while, until I remembered that Bridgette helped with the little kids who came in with scraped knees and small coughs. Izzy, well, Izzy helped in the kitchen, where she couldn't further harm the patients.

"Oh. It was, different, to say the least." I said. "I'm going to go. I've got a lot of homework to do. See ya at school." I told them.

"Seeya." Bridgette mumbled.

"Bye." Izzy breezed out, before starting on one of her random rampades. I rolled my eyes and smiled, looking down at my homework, realizing it was done. Well, that's weird. I just stared at it for a little, than put it in my book bag. I pulled on my pjs, turned off the light and climbed into bed. I needed a good nights sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. I mean, it was the first day back to school after march break, and I had a shift at the hospital, where I would no doubt be sent to Duncan's room again. I groaned a little. Oh yes, a long day for sure.

Duncan's POV

'Cancer. I'm here, because I have cancer.' After that, I let the drugs take over, thinking, hoping that I'd forget I'd ever said anything. But of course, I didn't. It had been an hour since the stupid meds had let me wake up, and I still heard my voice explaining to that nurse, what was her name, oh yeah, Courtney, why I had landed up here. I sighed and scratched my head, wishing not for the first time I was allowed my mohawk. I checked the time. 4:00 pm.

'Hmm. I wonder what time Princess will show up? Damn that girl has a nice butt.' I smirked. I was finally going to be allowed to have some fun. I folded my arms behind my head. Today, was going to be an eventful day for Princess when, and if, she got here. Very, very eventful.

Courtney's POV

Stupid Duncan. I thought, slamming my locker door shut. I can't focus on anything, because I'm too worried that he's just going to up and die on me. Uggh! Why do I even care? I took a deep breath. It would all be better by the end of the school day. It had to be. I locked my locker, and walked off to my last class of the day. The halls were empty, just like I'd expected. Everyone was outside taking advantage of this gorgeous day while they could. What I didn't expect, was to run into my enemy, and the queen bee, Heather, making out with my boyfriend Justin. They pulled back and smiled at each other. Tears rushed to my eyes. No. No!I clutched my books tighter to my chest, ran through them to let them know I'd seen them, and ran to the back door. While I was running, Justin was calling after me, but I couldn't care less. There was only one place I wanted to go, and that was where I was heading.

"Princess!" Duncan called out to me, a huge grin on his face and his arms out stretched, lying on his bed. When he took in my appearance however, blood shot and puffy eyes with my makeup running, his easy grin fell of his face. His arms however, stayed out stretched. I walked over to him, and just sat on his bed. I felt him wrap his arms around me, and easily pick me up and sit me so I was sitting on his lap, my back to his stomach and my resting between his chin and his chest. I knew that I shouldn't have stayed there, but his arms were comforting, and technically, I didn't start work for another hour. Well, that gave me an hour to clean myself up and think of a decent lie to tell Bridgette and Izzy who were probably worried sick right now. I sighed. No matter how peaceful the silence was, I wanted Duncan to talk. To say something, anything.

"So, you going to tell me what's wrong?" He asked me. Okay. Anything but that. I shook my head no, and tears started falling again. "Hey, hey, hey! Shhhh. Come on, don't cry. Please, don't cry." He whispered soothingly. And as this stranger tried to comfort me, I tried my all not to blurt out what had happened. Of course, it didn't work.

"I was walking to class today, the last one of the day that I should be in right now. But when I rounded the corner, I-I." I paused. I tried to think of a way to put it, but ended up just blurting out. "I saw my boyfriend kissing my enemy." And I broke into sobs. I felt Duncan stiffen as I said boyfriend, but as I started crying into his chest, he softened and started to stroke my hair.

"Hey. It'll be fine. If he was kissing some other girl, he dosn't deserve you. And that's his loss." He said. I looked up at him.

"How do you know. You don't know me."

He shrugged. "Your point being what sweetheart? Your hot. And if he's makingout with some other chick, who can't be hotter than you in anyway, than that's his loss for being blind to the obvious." He than winked at me and pinched my butt. I sqeaked, than glared at him while he just laughed at me. I hit his chest lightly, than crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.

"Aww. Someone's a little sensitive, are they Princess?" He said, teasingly. I scoffed.

"My names not Princess, Ogre."

"Sure, sure. Whatever floats your boat." He said, as I got up to leave. He looked worried. "Wh-where are you going?" I looked at him questioningly cause of the worry that tinged his voice.

"To get ready for work." I snapped. Upon seeing his face full of worry and a little bit of pain, I sighed and softened my tone. "Don't worry. I'll be back in a bit. I just have to tell my friends what happened, get ready for work, and I'll be right back up here." He smiled, looking relieved. I didn't get this guy. He was totally sweet one minute, perverted and flirty the next, helpless and lost shortly after, than he'd go right back to perverted and flirty.

"Well than, in that case," He said, getting comfortable on his bed, than winked at me. "I'll be waiting." I rolled my eyes and headed for the door. Just as I was about to step through it, I heard the mumbled sound of the word 'Princess' being said. I sighed. This boy was so difficult, and I'd just met him! Well, if he thinks he can mess with me, he's wrong. He wants to play with fire? Fine. Let him get burned. I snuck a sneak peek inside at him, his eyes closed, his lips curved into a half smile. He looked peaceful. He looked calm. He looked, healthy. I immediatley scolded myself for thinking that. He had cancer. There was a huge possibility, that he could die. A nervous feeling hit my stomach, and I whispered to myself, so quiet I barely heard it, "Please, Duncan. Don't die."