Natsuki Kuga the campus heartthrob believes that she can have any woman she desires. In her pursuit to prove to her friends this belief, she blindly agrees to a bet to bed Shizuru Fujino. Natsuki soon finds out that seducing a certain crimson eyed beauty would be a very hard undertaking, one that would turn her world upside down! And one that she finds herself looking forward to!

Shizuru Fujino the campus idol becomes baffled when the school "playgirl" suddenly starts actively pursuing her. Quickly recognizing that Natsuki Kuga won't leave her alone no matter how much she rejects her, Shizuru enlists the help of her friends to find out Natsuki's true motive. Shizuru soon realizes that she doesn't mind all the attention the blunette is giving her!

Sparks fly when they meet. Will both women find true love in each others arms?

Or will the bet that enabled their lives to interweave also be the reason for it to be severed?

Disclaimer: I don't own Mai Hime

A/N: Hello everyone, this is my first fanfic. It has been sitting in my computer for over two years now. So I thought I'd post it now that I have plenty of free time. I hope you enjoy it. I welcome any constructive criticisms you can throw at me to help improve my writing. Enjoy!

Edited and Re-posted.

The Bet

"Clearly I can get any woman I want!" A dark haired girl proudly said, a haughty expression plastered in her face.

Four pair of eyes rolled at the arrogant statement that came out of their resident "playboy". The group was currently having a couple of beers in their favorite bar slash restaurant named "Cherry" located near their apartment building. The bar/restaurant aptly named Cherry had a red door and a cherry symbol on it. Over the years, it has become tradition for this group of friends to meet here to relax and unwind and of course listen about each others (specifically Natsuki Kuga's) latest antics.

And on this night, Natsuki Kuga had been enlightening her friends on how she the ultimate player slept with… Not one. Not two. But three women.

At the same time. In the same room.

A foursome, if there's even such a thing. And as per tradition, at the end of every story, the blunette will restate her long standing argument, her credo that inflates her ego and that which according to her drives her to greatness (sleeping with lots of women) that has yet to be refuted: "I can get any woman I want!"

"I'm a woman and haven't slept with you and never will, and I distinctly remember you hitting on me awhile back, so clearly you can't get any woman you want Natsuki-baka" a long haired brunette stated matter-of-factly.

"Tch! That was like 2 years ago and I didn't hit on you. Plus you don't count 'coz you're my best friends' girlfriend and I didn't hit on you. Also I don't recall me ever hitting on you because I didn't hit on you. And lastly I said any woman I want and obviously I didn't want you Aoi, because I. didn't. Hit. On. You." The blunette stated, emphasizing the last five words to Aoi slowly as if she were retarded. That earned Natsuki a hard smack on the head. A short haired brunette snickered.

"Ow! What was that for Mai?" Irritated emerald eyes turned to the culprit.

"For all the women you've wronged". Came the bland answer. And smacked Natsuki two more times for good measure. Natsuki's accounts about her affairs are always hilarious, disgusting and entertaining to hear. But still Mai can't help to feel sorry for those women.

"Hey cut it out woman! It's not funny Chie, it really hurts"

"Honestly how did you even manage to con those poor women to sleep with you?" Mai asked her voice full of curiosity.

Natsuki smirked. "I was just coming to that part of the story when I was so rudely interrupted" she sighed exaggeratedly.

Two pair of eyes rolled.

"Just get on with it already you idiot!" came an impatient reply from another red head.

"Okay, okay jeez Nao. So to answer your question Mai, no I didn't con them. The three had the hots for me to begin with. And by that I mean they wanted to sleep with me. And by that I mean.."

"We get it!" the four people said in unison.

"Get to the point already!" Aoi said.

"Okay so there they were "the sexy trios" as I like to call them vying for my attention. I must say they were very competitive. Neither one wanted to lose to the other. So when I suggested to one of them that we go to someplace private, and by that I mean somewhere I could bang her, the two of the remaining "sexy trios" asked, no demanded to take them with me too".

Pausing to drink her beer Natsuki continued her story. "And who am I to reject an opportunity of a lifetime, I mean a simple request from two hot women" The blunette smirked as she recalled that awesome night "It was so easy I couldn't believe my damn luck. Well I guess that's sibling rivalry for you" Natsuki said.

A choked sound was heard followed by beer sputtering, followed by a curse.

A devilish grin spread across Natsuki's face. "And Oh did I forget to mention they were triplets?" the grin turned into a wide smile.

"No effing way!" Nao exclaimed, her voice laced with excitement and a hint of admiration. Bagging twins is hard enough but Triplets? Oh my God. Natsuki's my effing hero! Of course I'll never tell her that. Nao silently concluded.

Emerald eyes swirled with amusement looking at the bulging eyes and shocked faces of her friends.

Chie's eyes almost fell out of her socket. "Triplets!" she asked in a shrill voice full of awe that Aoi sent her a glare. Chie smiled sheepishly and asked again. "Seriously triplets?"

"Hmm.. don't believe me? Take a look at these"

The group watched as Natsuki reached into her pocket and produced three photos. One for each triplet posed in a very provocative way. It has been Natsuki's custom to take a picture (as a souvenir) of all the women she slept with. Her logic for this is so that she won't forget their faces and won't make the mistake of asking them out again thereby avoiding the risk of getting slapped (or public lynching). She stores all these photos in her so called "album of love" that keeps infinitely growing.

"This is Candi with an I, this is Vicki with an I, and this is Miriam just plain Miriam."

Nao snorted "Miriam? Guess their parents ran out of good names".

"Still, they're a great addition to my collection neh?" Natsuki said.

"Wow, you're really such a whore Natsuki. But I gotta hand it to you successfully sleeping with triplets without conning them. Whew that takes skill." The smaller red head said raising her drink in salute of Natsuki.

"Yes I am! Here's a toast to sibling rivalry!" the blunette grinned as she raised her drink to toast with Nao's.

"Here's to Natsuki Kuga our beloved friend , proving once again that she's a horny perverted idiot that is a disgrace to womankind!" Chie added jokingly.

"Hey!" Natsuki pretended to be insulted and sent a Chie a mock glare.

"Yeah yeah, you know we love you even though you treat other women like shit because you only treat the women you slept with like shit.. After you get what you want anyway." Nao chimed in while ruffling Natsuki's hair which earned her a shove. It was true though, Natsuki in Nao's opinion really isn't such a bad person.

"Because we know deep within your heart, there's an insecure little Natsuki so scared of commitments, feeling vulnerable and falling in love." Aoi sighed dramatically.

The blunette just shrugged "Whatever. And FYI, I don't treat them like shit. I give them what they want and in turn I get what I want. And please don't start with the "It's time for you to find someone special" speech or "We want you to have a meaningful relationship" speech Aoi. I'm doing just fine, plus it'll ruin my good mood". The brunette cast her a disapproving glance. "Besides enough about me let's talk about Nao and her new girlfriend"

"Ooh you have a new girlfriend? What's her name? What happened to the other one? Kaori?" Mai questioned the smaller red hair. Nao who is a bit similar to Natsuki when it came to her love life also seem to change women as often as she changed clothes. The difference between the red hair and the blunette is that although Nao, who's not immune to the occasional one night stands, also dates. Nao likes having girlfriends. One at a time of course (for less than 2 weeks).Natsuki doesn't.

"Yes. Her name's Kira. Kaori and I broke up; she's way too clingy. And there's nothing much to tell really, Kira and I just started dating. You should try it sometimes Kuga" Nao said nonchalantly.

A mischievous gleam appeared in emerald eyes. "Try what sometimes? Your girlfriend? Thanks but no thanks I don't mind sharing other things with you Nao, but I don't like sharing women especially with friends. It'd be too weird, like sleeping together. Ew." The blunette shuddered her face contorting in disgust.

Mai and Chie smirked.

"I meant dating you idiot!" the smaller red hair exclaimed veins popping in her head.

"Alright Natsuki, stop baiting Nao" Aoi intervened before their banter escalates into a fight.

"Tch! you're no fun. I was just joking around" Natsuki retorted.

A delicate brow arched "Uh-huh, remembered 3 weeks ago when you "joked around" with Nao and both of you ended up with a black eye and fat lip?"

"Anyway" Chie butted in. "How'd you ditch the "trio"?"

"Yeah, what amazingly fantastic story did you come up with this time? Ooh did you tell them you had to leave 'cause you might miss your space flight. Or that your "colleagues" had just discovered a new strain of flu virus and needed your expert opinion. Or that the love of your life had just woken from a coma and is looking for you. Or that you're grandma's cat Fifi is stuck in the tree again and won't come down 'cause she only responds to your voice?" Mai blabbered on continuously as she scrunched her eyebrows in thought trying to recall some of the most outrageous excuses Natsuki have come up with.

The blunette's mouth twitched. "None of the above. I woke up early and left the hotel."

"Classic." Nao said.

"Boring." Chie said in a sing- song voice.

"Awful". Aoi suddenly said then grinned. " You could've done so much better… er I mean worse".

Laughter soon followed.

"So" the blunette started once the laughter died down. "You guys got anymore interesting bets or dares for me?"

A short silence reigned accompanied by faces scrunching, eyebrows furrowing and head scratching. And then simultaneous sighs followed.

"Well I got nothing." The busty red head sighed dejectedly

"Yep can't think of anything" the brunette tomboy agreed.

"Me too, can't think of anything that can top the triplets thing" the other brunette voiced out.

A quick triumphant smile graced the blunette's gorgeous face. "You know what this means don't you?" Natsuki gleefully said.

"No" the group said in unison.

"What does this mean Kuga and please stop smiling like that, it's creeping me out" Nao added.

Instead of answering, Natsuki stood up looked at each one of them meaningfully and started her "speech".

"September 4, 2007… in this same bar, You Chie Harada, Mai Tokiha and Nao Yuuki made a solemn vow before me." The blunette stated emphatically.

"Oh that, can't believe you still remember something like that" Mai murmured as she recalled the sequence of events that led to the pact between the three and Natsuki which also led to the crafting of that stupid "guidelines in initiating a bet/dare".

The smirk not leaving her face, Natsuki continued "Oh I remember. I remember that day very well. In the event that you guys fail to challenge, dispute or test my credo, you all will bow before me and do my bidding for a month, declare my awesomeness and once and for all concur that I Natsuki Kuga can get any woman I want!" The blunette finished, fist pumping in the air in a victorious fashion much to the annoyance of the people at her table.

"No way in hell!" both red head exclaimed.

"Now wait just a damn minute! What we meant was we can't think of a dare right now" Chie sputtered.

"Yeah, uhm maybe tomorrow" Aoi added lamely.

"A deal's a deal guys" Natsuki replied chuckling.

Nao was about to retort something when something or someone caught her attention. Natsuki, whose back faced the door didn't notice. The red head smirked as she saw the group slowly entering the restaurant from the corner of her eye. Like an engine running with sheer enjoyment of seeing others (Natsuki) make a fool of themselves; the wheels of manipulation quickly started in Nao's brain.

"Okay shut up everyone!" the red hair suddenly exclaimed. Sure that she got everyone's attention, Nao turned her attention to Natsuki. "You! I dare you to sleep with the next woman who walks through that door! And I bet that you'll fail!"

"What?" Chie exclaimed. "That's too easy for Natsuki. One of the rules of starting a dare with Natsuki is that it has to be a challenge; she'll probably nail the first woman who comes in even before the day is over! Heck even before the hour is over".

The blunette scoffed "Not probably but will" Again four pair of eyes rolled their eyes "And yeah Chie's right dumbass, besides we already made that bet a few years ago don't you remember?." Natsuki smirked.

Oh boy did Nao remember.

It was the day Nao made the single worst mistake of her life: Never ever underestimate the sexual prowess of one Natsuki Kuga. It was a lesson the red haired vixen learned, the hard way.

A few years ago in the same bar they were in, a much younger group of friends sat together and talked about their hopes, dreams and aspirations. What type of person they're gonna be, what age they'd marry and have kids and what difference their choices would benefit the world and humanity. Next to them were Nao, Chie and Natsuki..and an irritated Mai. While the former group stressed about the who the what and the where they'll be in the next ten years, the latter (the red hair, the brunette and the idiot.. er I mean the blunette) well, just didn't give a damn. They were young, hot, sexy and having the time of their lives and believed that worrying about things that's so far off in the future is stupid and useless. They only cared about the here and now. And right now the trio was exchanging juicy details from their latest conquests. Of course Chie's and Nao's stories almost always paled in comparison to Natsuki's.

It amazed Nao how the biker invests ridiculous amounts of time and resources to come up with equally ridiculous, creative and unbelievably hilarious plans to get in the pants of those poor women the blunette sets her eyes on. And what's more amazing is that those plans actually work. Like the time the emerald girl pretended to be a virgin girl dying of cancer just so she can hook up with a hot nurse she met in a hospital. Or the time she duped a brainless lass into thinking that Natsuki was from the future and the only way to save the world was to sleep with her. Learning first hand how the emerald eyed "playboy" operated was both and enlightening and disturbing experience. Nevertheless it was always amusing and exciting whenever the blunette asks one or both of them to be her "wingman."

"God Natsuki that was so scheming of you!" a busty red head exclaimed.

"I know right?" came the proud reply. "So anymore challenges for me?"

"Tch! The only reason you were able to bang those women is coz you had plenty of time to prepare and seduce them. I bet you can't" get in on" with someone you just met" the smaller red head scoffed.

"What! You think I can't?" came an indignant reply. "Okay I accept your challenge. What are the conditions?"

"Wait guys, before anything else, Nao the rules specifically said that you have to make it an official bet by stating your dare clearly and concisely" Chie explained.

In the back of her head a tiny voice (called common sense) was urging Nao to back off. But the red head shushed that voice; the urge to prove Natsuki wrong prove to be much greater.

"I dare you to sleep with the next woman who walks in that door now! This day! And I bet that you'll fail!" the red head finally said.

Natsuki glanced at the door and hid a smile "I accept". The blunettte immediately said.

Nao smirked; already imagining Natsuki's defeat unaware of the impending disaster in store for her. "If I win you'll give up your lingerie collection and watch me burn them and you will wear nothing but girly skirts and frilly shirts and wear thick make up for 2 months!"

"Fine" Natsuki answered thru clenched teeth. "But if I win you get to my personal maid and address me Natsuki-sama for… 2 months also!"

Emerald eyes clashed with green ones.

Chie cleared her throat. "Ladies do we have an agreement?" the brunette asked, eyes looking at the two trouble makers as both nodded their head. "Well then, Mai if you please?"

"Okay Natsuki, Nao, the rules clearly states that you two must shake your hands to make the bet official" When both shook their hands, Mai grabbed both hands and exclaimed "A "gentleman's agreement!"" A signal that the bet has started.

The next day when Natsuki dropped by Nao's apartment smiling like an idiot Nao knew she lost the bet. She then spent two miserable and embarrassing weeks catering to Kuga's every whim and speaking a lot of Natsuki-samas. Nao breathed a grateful sigh of relief when the blunette granted the red head mercy and cut their deal from two months to only two weeks.

However, her gratitude was cut short when she found out a few months later that Natsuki had cheated. The woman they bet on named Rin actually belonged to one of Natsuki's many many fan clubs. The cheating jerk knew that fact and it infuriated Nao that Natsuki pulled a fast one on her!. Well technically Natsuki didn't really cheat since Rin did walk in when the bet started. But still! Nao's pride was a little hurt. She made a promise to herself that day.. She'll get the blunette back. Nao was vindictive that way.

And so as the years went by the red head waited patiently for the right moment to extract her revenge.

And the moment has finally come.

A/N: So what'd you think guys? And yes this is a ShizNat fic so don't worry next chap Shizuru will make an appearance :)Read and Review pls. The next chapter will come out next week. cheers!