Hi guys,

I spoil you really. Not only a chapter released yesterday but a brand new story today!

This is a mini story set in the 'verse of my other stories. I highly recommend you read 'Just Something I Should Do' and 'I Wouldn't Be Worth Much If I Couldn't Feel'. If you don't, don't blame me for this story not making sense!

This is set in 2033 and it is in the timeline before Amy is sent back.

I hope you enjoy this!

"I don't know Cameron…I mean, it's a big step"

"But you always said you wanted to do this"

John and Cameron lay on their pretty modest but still sizeable bunk. Not everyone in the resistance was afforded the luxury of a double bed, but when it comes to the General in command and his wife, every available luxury was afforded to them. They lay on their sides facing each other about a foot apart. John's hand rested casually on Cameron's hip while she traced small patterns on his shirt with hers.

The effects of time were now starting to be noticeable on John. Gone were his boyish good looks, replaced by a battle hardened and tough exterior. His slowly greying hair made him look overall very distinguished and handsome. Cameron on the other hand was still capable of looking seventeen when she wanted to. However the tough life of fighting against Skynet for the last twenty two years and their daily tasks made it tricky to look as pristine as she wanted to.

"Yeah but, we're in a war here Cameron. We have more important things to worry about right now. Maybe after the war we'll do it"

"But we don't know how long that will be. You shouldn't deprive yourself of something you want"

"I know, I know…"

"Is it me?" Cameron asked with a slight quiver of her lip.

"…You think I'm not capable of this don't you? You think that just because I'm a machine that I can't do this"

She started to roll away from him to leave the bed, he reached out and took hold of her hand to stop her. He brought it back to his chest and placed it over his heart.

"Cameron, don't be ridiculous. I love you. This has nothing to do with you being a machine. Nothing does. I love you for you, and I'd choose you over a human woman every time…you know that"

"But this is different isn't it. You're still concerned about my nature" she sniffled slightly while gripping his shirt.

"Not at all. I'm just worried about this whole situation. We, we can't do this in wartime. It's dangerous…it's not fair to everyone involved, not just us"

He felt his determination to say no slipping away from him. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn't refuse Cameron when she had her puppy dog expression on.

"John, the decision is yours"

He sighed and looked at the face of his wife. She still held that innocent curiosity that made him fall in love with her all those years ago. He reached out and tucked a few errant strands of hair behind her ear. She leaned in to his touch, as always bringing a smile to his face.

"Cameron…do you want this? Don't think about what I want. Do you want to do this?"

She looked down at the gap in between them and considered her choice for a long few seconds. Her eyes flitted around a little as her CPU weighed up all the available data on the subject. Finally her eyes returned to his and she leaned over carefully and pulled him by his collar towards her and locked him in a passionate kiss. She tugged him so hard that it almost cut off the airflow. After a long few seconds and John starting to gasp for air, she released him and smiled. While John caught his breath and loosened his collar, she continued to smile and looked down in between them again.

"Well…" John coughed a little "…do you?"

"Yes John, I do…I really do"

"I'm so glad you said that…because I want to do this too"

That declaration brought a smile to both their faces and they slowly moved towards each other. Their lips met as they kissed each other lovingly and with the familiarity that twenty four years of being together and nineteen years of marriage brings. Just as the kiss started to heat up, a small noise from in between them on the bed drew their attention away from each other. They both looked down at the source of the noise and smiled.

John looked back up at his wife.

"I love you Cameron Connor"

"I love you too John Connor"

"And we both love you too…Abigail Connor"

As if on cue at hearing her name, the tiny baby girl laying between the couple woke up fully and screamed at the top of her little lungs. She was no more than a week old and appeared to be a little malnourished, but you'd never know it from the sheer volume of her cries.

John very gingerly picked her up and gently rocked her back and forth, trying to soothe his hungry baby. She continued to scream however and John was somewhat in a flummox as what to do.

"Here, you take her. I'll go find some milk and a bottle from somewhere"

He held her out and carefully placed her in Cameron's waiting arms. Both John and Cameron watched, astonished, as Abigail quieted down almost immediately as soon as she was placed in Cameron's strong arms. She blinked and looked up at her new mother.

"Huh, I guess she feels safe with you…" John laid his hand on top of her head and kissed Cameron on the cheek "…I'll be back soon"

With that, John left the room and closed the door behind him with a loud scrape, making abigail fidget a little. Cameron tuned her audio receptors and picked up the sound of several soldiers hurriedly moving around outside with several of them muttering questions about milk and bottles.

She very gently shifted her adopted daughter in to her left arm and used her right index finger to pull the white blanket she was swaddled up in down from her face.

"Hello. I'm Cameron…I'm your new mommy. It's nice to meet you Abigail"

She grazed abigail's cheek with the back of her finger and smiled when she gurgled in reply. She stood up from the bed and paced around the room, gently rocking her baby. John re-entered a moment later with several soldiers following behind him. He passed a bottle of warm milk to Cameron before doubling over with his hands on his knees and wheezing slightly. He wasn't as young as he used to be and that frantic search had taken it out of him.

When he looked up again, he saw Cameron holding the bottle to Abigail's mouth. He stood back up and watched his adopted daughter softly suckling on the bottle. A small commotion from the crowd tore his gaze away. When he looked over, he saw Amy barging her way through the crowd unceremoniously. The liquid metal machine always looked bright and sunny and usually wore a pretty dress in contrast to their dark surroundings. Today was no exception as she stood at the front of the whispering and gawking crowd of soldiers.

John leaned over and whispered in Cameron's ear and she nodded in reply. She passed Abigail over in to John's arm and he gripped the bottle in his other, earning himself a slight whimper of disapproval from her. He walked over to his waiting men and knelt down so that both they and Amy could see.

"Everybody, I'd like you all to meet Abigail Connor… my daughter"

I know this prologue may not be to everyone's taste, but I want to write and finish this story before I start work on part 3 of my main story.

Please stick with it. There will be drama, action and crazy Jameron loving coming up in this story. Surely there's something in there for every TSCC fan!