Her heart was beating wildly as she started down the steps. She tried to resist turning back and stealing a last glance at him , but she couldn't. Nor could she help the smile from forming on her lips as she did so. He looked so handsome ! The little butterflies in her stomach were doing somersaults as she hurried toward her office building. She felt as if she was in the middle of a dream. She had missed Daniel so much these last months... Much more than she would have thought possible. Even as busy as she was with her new job and getting settled in a new place , her mind would always wander to him , and what was he doing , how he was feeling. She blamed Claire for that. Had Claire not planted the seeds of doubt in her mind , she would have been perfectly fine , and enjoying her new life without any backward thoughts... Well , no , that wasn't really true. To be fair , Claire had merely brought out something that Betty's subconscious had been blocking for so long. She'd known , way in the back of her mind that her relationship with Daniel was special. Yet , she'd never allowed herself to think that it could be anything more than a deep friendship.

He had never thought about her that way. And if she was honest with herself , she could say the same. They'd been through a lot together , and they had seen the best and the worst in each other , in ways that most couples never would. There had been a deep bond between them almost from the start. She couldn't remember her life before Daniel. How had that happened ? How had he come to be such an important part of her ? She had put him before friends and family more times than she could remember , and for the life of her , she could find nothing wrong with that. It wasn't just that he had been her boss. Their relationship had never been as simple and basic as that. Somehow , he had become the most important person in her life , and even if she had been blind to that fact before , upon her move to England , she hadn't been able to deny it anymore.

She'd been happy enough without him these last few months. But her happiness hadn't been complete. It had been marred by his absence , his silence. That had been the hardest part. They'd had fights and arguments before , but they would always manage to patch things up quickly. His sudden disappearance from her life in the last few days she had spent in New-York had hurt her deeply. She had almost postponed her move to London , until she could talk to him. It was only when she remembered Claire's words that she thought she could make any kind of sense of his behavior. She had thought of little else since. Was it possible that Daniel was acting this way because he loved her ? Was it possible that there was more between them than either of them were ready to admit ? Or was Claire off the wagon again and spouting off about things that made no sense at all ?

As Betty greeted the security guard in the lobby of Dunn Publications , her mind was still reeling from her earlier meeting. Stepping into the elevator , she leaned against the back wall , and tried to make sense of her confusion. Surely Daniel's decision to come to London couldn't be a coincidence. When he'd asked her to dinner , she thought he'd sounded unsure , almost hesitant , which wasn't like Daniel at all. Hadn't they had dinner together a thousand times before ? But why then , did this feel so different ? Why had they been so awkward with each other ? Surely she hadn't imagined the flirty vibe that had flowed between them ?

Putting a hand to her stomach in an effort to calm the knots that had suddenly formed there , Betty hurriedly shot out of the lift and made her way to her office , dropping down on the nearest chair available. Was she ready for this ? The thought of entering into a relationship with Daniel was a little strange to her , but did not feel as weird or as ridiculous as she thought it would. In fact , the more she thought about it , the more it seemed that it had always been inevitable. She had been too shocked at seeing him earlier to really think about it , but now , she realized that he was so much more to her than the mere friend she had always thought him to be. Did he feel the same , or had she been so happy at seeing him after so long that she had imagined the intensity between them ? Aargh ! How was she going to make it through the day ?