Title: Housewarming
author: CindyRyan
spoilers: all

It was just after seven p.m. on a thursday that Detective Kevin Ryan double checked the address on his gps. Deciding it was the correct place Kevin pulled into a parking spot on the curb across the street and turned the engine off. He grabbed two slender silver wrapped packages from the backseat and exited the vehicile. Kevin juggled the packages as he locked the car. A cold fall wind blew as he crossed the street. It was a non too gentle reminder of the winter that was to come.

The neighborhood just off campus was bustling with activity. People walking, riding bikes, jogging. Kevin reached the entrance way of the three story brick apartment building and rang the buzzer. After a few minutes the door unlocked and Kevin stepped inside. There was no elevator so Kevin took the stairs to the back corner of the third floor. He knocked on the door and Alexis Castle opened it with a cautious smile.

"If you're here to give a lecture I've already had enough from my father."Alexis stated not moving from the door.

Kevin shook his head. "No lecture, brought housewarming gifts. One's from Jenny."

Alexis's smile widened and she stepped aside allowing Kevin entry. She closed the door behind him.

"Pi home?"Kevin asked as they stepped into the small living room.

Alexis shook her head as she took the packages from Kevin. "He got his visa straightened out and got a job. He's working at the juice bar on campus. Not much but it's a start."

"Takes a little pressure off you too."Kevin commented as he sat on the blue sofa. "Small one's from Jenny. She wanted to come too but the docs have kinda limited her travel. Not bed rest yet but enough of a restriction that it's driving her crazy."

"I'll stop by and see her soon."Alexis responded as she sat next to Kevin and opened the small package setting the other on the coffee table. "It's beautiful."

Kevin grinned but shrugged. "Jenny said girls like candles."

Alexis held up the two white medium sized candles that sat in a small silver tray.

"It'll look wonderful on the dining room table."Alexis commented with a smile as she sat it on the coffee table and picked up the next gift. "Tell her thank you."

"I will."Kevin promised. "My gift...you're not old enough to drink yet but thought you needed something."

Alexis unwrapped the bottle of sparkling cider. "It's perfect, thank you."

"You're welcome."Kevin replied.

"It's good to see you."Alexis stated quietly. "I'm glad you came. I know you're Dad's friend too I was afraid you'd be on his side."

"I was surprised when he told me you and Pi were moving in together."Kevin began. "But I also know what a good judge of people you are and how smart you are."

Alexis absently studied the bottle in her hands. "I wish he'd see it that way."

"He's just worried about you."Kevin commented as he placed an arm around Alexis's shoulders drawing her in for a hug. "He'll come around."

"I hope so. I hate when we fight. He's been such a good father to me I don't want to hurt him."Alexis said quietly.

"He knows that."Kevin replied as Alexis sat up and placed the bottle on the coffee table. "It's just hard for him to see you as a grown up. I'm sure I'll be the same way with my kid."

Alexis reached over and squeezed Kevin's right hand. "You're going to be a wonderful Dad."

Kevin's eyes lit up with excitement. "Can't wait."

Alexis stood. "Thanks again for the gifts, Kevin."

"No problem."Ryan replied as he stood. "Alexis..."

Alexis had started to take the bottle of sparkling cider into the kitchen but stopped and turned back.

"You know you can call me about anything, right?"Kevin asked. "If things get to be too overwhelming, or you just need to vent..."

Alexis smiled crossed the space between them and engulfed Kevin in a hug. "I know. I'm so lucky to have you as a friend."

"Goes both ways."Kevin replied quietly.

After a long moment Alexis broke away and placed the bottle in the refrigerator.

Kevin glanced at his watch. "I should head for home."

"I'll walk you out."Alexis stated as she walked back to the living room and grabbed her jacket out of the closet.

Once they reached Kevin's car he opened the door and got in starting the engine. He rolled the window down studying his friend.

"You sure you're okay with this?"Kevin inquired.

Alexis nodded. "It feels right and as I told my Dad even if it turns out not to be it's my mistake to make. I'll be okay, Kevin."

"I know."Kevin replied. "Get inside it's cold out here. I'll talk to you later."

Alexis walked back across the street. She paused on the sidewalk and waved as Kevin drove away. Kevin watched her in the rear view mirror for a moment. Tonight's visit had been to assure himself that Alexis wasn't just rebelling against her Dad. To find out if this was a good thing for her. While Kevin wasn't sure if it was a good thing for Alexis he could tell she was happy and that was the important thing.
