Disclaimer – I don't own Ashes to Ashes or Life on Mars.

A.N – This is my first Ashes drabble, I'm just going to continue with what should have happened in episode 7... instead of Keats just barging in. What a noob.


"Come on, lets dance."

Alex held out her hand patiently, waiting for Gene to respond. He shuffled uncomfortably in the sofa, staring at her palm facing him. He eventually responded to her invitation with a thud as his crocodile skin boots hit the floor – signifying he was going to stand up.

Shifting out of the couch, Gene grasped Alex's hand and slowly they walked back towards the middle of the room. Alex felt strangely at ease with Gene, his rough musky scent of whisky and aftershave flooding her nose, and a strong tough build to dance with.

She took his other hand, and together they stood in a waltz position while the music softly enhanced the mood. They started swaying to the music, Alex glaring into Gene's eyes. His mouth was in his particular pout, Alex half expected a stupid comment to come out of his lips. But he stayed silent, moving to the music with her. Alex felt the need to be closer to him, to really make him feel like he was taking control of the situation, to be a real man in such romantic times. So she placed her head gently on his shoulder, closing her eyes, capturing the moment.

Gene had always had that confusing attraction for Alex, the way she was so psychotic about every little detail really made him like her more and more. But he was the tough guy, Gene Hunt. The man who made criminals shit their pants at hearing his name. But he could let it all go for Bolly, for one night. He could be a big softie... right?

Testing his new found abilities, he reached over and softly kissed her forehead. Holding the kiss on, Alex's eyes slowly opened with shock. Her thoughts had been the same as his, wondering why had liked him.

Waiting until he had finished kissing her head, she jerked her head up to face his. They were still moving to the beat, but their minds weren't on the music and dancing any more.

Alex leaned in ever so slowly until their noses touched. She was breathing quicker, her heart racing. This was it, the moment she got to kiss Gene Hunt.

As soon as their lips gently touched, their bodies stopped moving.

Gene pushed his mouth harder on hers, his heart was drumming and he felt all jelly inside. Wasn't like Gene Hunt to turn nancy against a girl. Alex's eyelashes fluttered, as the kiss deepened. She let go of his hands – to weave it through his blonde hair. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against him.

They pulled back for breath, and he mumbled :

"Oh Bolly..."