"Mommy?" You turned from folding a stack of close, your eyes meeting you adorable son's aquamarine. His small hands gripped your jeans as you patted his silver head with affection.

"Yes baby?"

You weren't sure if the boy knew that he'd get away with a lot of things if he made a certain face, and if he didn't know now he'd learn soon enough. It was the kind of look a kicked puppy would give, his bottom lip quivered as if he were about to cry. "Can I have a brother?"

Wait for it….

"Wha-what now Ryuu?" You finally stuttered as your brain had effectively cut off after that statement. It was more for self defense ( mainly because the last time someone uttered something akin to "Can I have this" Ryuu was produced ) and the boy was only five years old. You sighed kneeling down and hugging his small frame. "I'm sorry but Mommy's enjoying her only baby right now"

"But Daddy said tha-"


You knew you weren't crazy when you heard a low curse. "Ryuu I told you not to say I said it!"

And you successfully hit him square in the head with his own jeans.

________________________-[Extended Ending}-________________________________

"I'm depriving you of sex for another two weeks."


"What's se-"


Riku has no privileges over anything at the moment because he did something he wasn't supposed to do. So he thought that he'd get lil' cute Ryuu to convince you ( even though he doesn't even know what sex is . )

Riku's the worst father ever. ( Riku: But also the sexiest *flash* ) Ryuu's just a mini replica of Riku, just five years old and more adorable 'cuz he has your awesome genes.

It's nice that you faved it but reviews would be lovely as well 3