This is my first try at a SVM fic – so I hope you all enjoy it! I've had a blast so far writing these characters and it's been a learning experience already. First Person POV isn't something I've ever worked with before and its interesting to say the least.

A HUGE thanks to my fantastic, beautiful, fast-as-lightning, kick-ass beta: evenflo78! She's been a big help to me and I am so excited that she's agreed to be my beta! She's also a wonderful author and has some truly fantastic stories so check them out if you're wanting a good – fun – read!

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Southern Vampire Mysteries! SVM belongs to Charlaine Harris – I make no profit from this story (or any others for that matter!) - I'm just manipulating the characters/storyline for fun!

Chapter One: Under Pressure

(Sookie P.O.V.)

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, it was warm out with just a touch of a breeze, plus it was a Friday and I had the day off!

I've been working as a barmaid at Merlotte's, the local bar and grill in my hometown of Bon Temps, Louisiana, since I was eighteen. I rarely get Fridays off, usually working a swing shift of lunch to close Friday and Saturday, so today was a real treat for me and I planned to take full advantage of it.

I'd gotten up at ten-thirty and made lunch for myself and Gran while she took a nap. My gran had taken my brother and I in when our parents died in a flash flood, and although I'm twenty-two already, I still live with her. It was just the two of us mostly, living in the old farmhouse that had been in our family for generations, and my brother, Jason, came around once in a while. He'd moved out as soon as he'd turned eighteen and taken our parent's house as his own.

Gran and I enjoyed a simple lunch of grilled cheese and tomato soup, trading town gossip as we ate. Who was pregnant, which couple was off or on again, who was paying who child support and were they really the father and what not. That's about as wild as it got here in Bon Temps.

After lunch, I threw on a bikini, bounded out into the yard, and relaxed on my old lounge chair. Tanning is my vice, and it may not be good for your skin but I'm sure as hell not giving it up. It was pleasure, pure and simple; laying in the warm sun, eyes closed, my boom-box spilling out a mixed CD worth of pop music. My foot tapped to the music, and I enjoyed the time alone. At work I was surrounded by people, always chattering away, and it seemed like I could hardly find a moment that was my own. My boss, Sam, had offered to give me more time off, but I really couldn't afford it.

Gran was living off of social security and wouldn't have been able to take care of the bills on her own and I'd never thought of any other option than to help her myself. She'd fallen ill as I finished up high school and I stayed to care for her and it had just progressed from there. I couldn't really afford school and the only good college was a few hours' drive away and I wasn't keen on the idea of Gran living by herself. Healthy now she may be, but she was getting up there in years.

The CD ended and I leaned over and switched it out with another before turning on my front and unsnapping my top. I moved my hair out of the way and stretched out, becoming a boneless heap in the chair. Not moving was so awesome!

After a few minutes I grew bored and began to lazily feel about the grass at my side for my romance novel, and once I found it I situated it so that the chair held it and I only had to turn the pages. I was halfway through it and it was really starting to get steamy! The lead man was a rough and tumble kind of man; tall and muscular with long hair, stubble on his jaw line, and a stubborn and hot-blooded kind of personality. I sighed at the image, more than a little depressed with the lack of romance in my life.

I hadn't had a boyfriend in almost a year and a half, and though I'd been on a handful of dates, they all ended up with an awkward goodbye and sometimes even blocked numbers. Of course there was always the even more awkward situation of being the server at the bar where one of your past dates brought in his date for the evening. My friend Arlene, a fellow barmaid, just thought those moments were hilarious. I loved her but there were times I wanted to beat her with my serving tray.

Finishing the book was bitter sweet in a way, because I'd really enjoyed the sweetness of the tender feelings, the heat of the sex, and the pure bad-ass vibe that the guy, Johan, exuded. Sighing wistfully I fixed my top and started gathering my things. Gran came out wearing a pale green dress with a large floral pattern, waved to me, and I trotted over to her.

"Maxine called dear, she's helping with the church bake sale and wanted a hand so I'll be over there for a bit. You need anything?" Gran smiled up at me, her sky blue eyes bright, and I hugged her on impulse.

"I'm good now." We shared a giggle – whenever she used to ask me if I need anything when I was little I would always demand a hug, and it never failed; I would always get one of Gran's hugs. There was just something about being held in her arms that seemed to make everything right in the world.

"Well, what are you doing tonight? I'll be eating with Maxine and some of the other women."

"I'm going to finish the laundry and then be a lazy bum and eat leftovers for dinner. I'm enjoying my day off!"

"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you later sweetheart." She planted a kiss on my cheek and then was off, her old station-wagon backfiring as she turned out of the driveway.

I carried my things inside and headed for the laundry, folding dry delicate clothing into a basket, then switched my uniforms to the dryer – shorts and t-shirts, and put some towels into wash. Laundry pretty much finished I went to my room to put my things away, laid out a pair of yoga pants, bra, panties, a tank-top, and went to shower.

I took my time; I shaved, scrubbed myself down with almond and honey scented body wash, and focused on scrubbing my scalp well. Clean, smooth, and smelling fresh I dried and slathered myself with lotion. It was only five-thirty and I was left with nothing to do.

I could hear my box-set of Buffy season one calling to me, so I situated myself in the living room with a sandwich and prepared to start a marathon.

I'd gotten through one episode when I heard the car pulling up the drive and before I'd even gotten to the door it was being assaulted , trembling as multiple fists were slammed against it.

"The hell?" I was half afraid to open it.

"Sookie, Sookie, Sookie!" My name was chanted from two different mouths and I recognized instantly who my would be door-killers were.

"Hold your horses!" I pulled the door open, frowning, and was immediately bombarded by two soft bodies.

Tara hugged me on one side and Arlene took the other, squishing me between them as they propelled me backwards into the house. Arlene kicked the door shut behind her much to my annoyance, and they walked me to the couch until we all landed in an ungraceful heap upon the cushions.

"Sookie, we're going out tonight!" Tara was full of energy and smiles, and she was very nearly vibrating. She was my best friend, had been since we were in first grade, and she was very pretty. She was African-American with flawless skin, dark eyes, and a generous mouth. Her hair was just past her shoulders and as always her slender frame was encased in a lovely blouse and flirty skirt.

She'd come from a background less fortunate than mine and her parents were cruel people. Gran had kept her with us as much as she could and she'd become the closest thing I had to a sister. She'd done well for herself, worked hard and saved, and gotten a loan a few years back to start her own business. She owned a cute little shop called 'Tara's Togs', and she sold a variety of clothing and did special orders from catalogs as well. I'd bought plenty from her over the years, more than happy to help her business and to 'play dress up' - and use the advantage of her fashion tips.

"Out?" Somehow I didn't like the sound of that.

"Girls night out! There's a new bar in Shreveport; Fangtasia. It's a gothic kind of place with a bit of a vampire theme, but everyone's said its worth the trip. So, let's go dress shopping!" Arlene was a slight woman heading towards her thirties with a mop of flaming red hair piled atop her head. She was also extremely excited by the prospect of shopping and getting a night out while her boyfriend babysat her two kids.

I focused in on the name that she'd spouted off. Fangtasia, seriously? Fang-tasia. Who the heck would name their bar some lame pun line like that and be bold enough to have a vampire theme? It was in Shreveport for heaven's sakes! I could vaguely understand if it was in New Orleans, what with all the vampire books and what not that had mention there, but Shreveport, Louisiana – really?

The main matter however, was that they were trying to drag me out on my day off and I wasn't too keen about it. Don't get me wrong, I love a girls night out, but to a bar? I work in a bar. Bars lose their appeal after the first year of being legally able to drink or after the first year serving in one – whichever came first.

"Girls, I dunno, I wasn't planning on shopping this week and," Tara waggled her finger in my face, cutting me off, and I playfully nipped at it.

"You ain't getting outta this, Sookie Stackhouse! We're going out and you're coming with us. You're gonna get outta this funk and have fun!"

Arlene was quick to back Tara up. "Yeah! A man ain't gonna just come up to your door – you gotta get out there and get 'im!"

"A man!" I sputtered a bit and huffed at them both. "I don't need a man, thanks. Besides, isn't this supposed to be a 'girls' night?"

"Sookie, a lil' eye candy and flirtin' ain't ever done no-one no harm. Besides, the bar has a dance floor and I've got some dresses on sale, plus I owe you for the last pity party you had with me when I broke up with Mickey."

Broken up meaning when he'd stalked her and she'd come to stay with me and Gran. Pity party meant when he'd shown up at three in the morning and I'd answered the door with a shotgun in hand. I'd informed him that he best leave Tara be and get off the property. He didn't believe me at first, but after I'd taken a shot at his car and given him a warning shot that zipped past his head he'd taken off real quick and she'd not heard from him since.

Amazing what a little gun fire could solve.

They were both giving me 'puppy dog' eyes, lips pouted out and I knew I was done for. "Fine, let me get dressed." They squealed and followed me to my room, flopping on my bed as I grabbed some shorts to change into and headed to the bathroom. I shucked off my yoga pants and pulled up the jean cutoff shorts and returned to the bedroom to grab a pair of flip flops. "So, what time are we planning to get there?"

Tara stood and began to look through my underwear drawer. "Around nine-thirty or so. We're gonna go try on some dresses, pick up some food on the way to my house, and then we'll get ready. We'll take my car."

"This is gonna be fun!" Arlene hopped off the bed and danced my way, catching my hands and pulling me into an impromptu jig. I laughed as we did a disfigured version of the electric slide.

"Lingerie!" Tara shut my drawer and grinned over at me, leading the way out of the room, "You are in need of lingerie girl, so let's get a move on!"

I squawked but was ignored. I managed to convince them to let me grab my keys so that I could drive my car to Tara's and leave it there. I knew these girls and their ways; I'd end up being the designated driver so I may as well have my own transportation home waiting. I left a fast note for Gran and was pushed out the door, Arlene jumping into my car. I think it was to assure that I wouldn't ditch on them.

You'd think they'd trust me a bit more.

We stopped to drop my car at Tara's, piled into her Malibu, and headed for her shop. The trip was short but fun; radio blaring as we sung along to whatever song caught our interest.

The shop would be closing at seven and Tara's employee, Jessica, was running the store. We arrived with only forty-five minutes to shop and as soon as we entered the girls turned into a fashion-tactical unit. Arlene went right towards the dresses and Tara dragged me to the lingerie section on the left.

"Bra and panty combo – stockings too if you want. You have five minutes." Orders given Tara left me there to head to the backroom and grab the outfits she'd put aside for me.

I was tempted to tuck tail and run, but I knew they'd drag me back before I made it out the door. Resigned to my fate I shifted through the different piles and hanging articles of lacy and frilled under-things. A pretty bra and thong set, strapless at that, caught my eye; and I marveled at the pale rose pink color. It was one of the designs meant to not show through clothing and it was just my size. I eyed the price and did a quick mental calculation. If I didn't spend more than thirty on an outfit, and only fifteen on shoes, I would have enough for this set. It's a good thing I know how to budget.

Lingerie selected, I went in search of Arlene. Tara was with her, a bundle of clothing over one arm. I waved my choice of underwear at Tara and she grinned, thrust the dresses into my arms and pointed towards the dressing rooms.

I groaned. I liked dressing up, but as they both followed me – Arlene to try on her own selections and Tara to critique – I felt like a life-sized barbie.

Stripping, I slipped the new under-things on, wanting to make sure they would work for tonight, and pulled on the first dress. It was purple, pinched at the waist, tight across the ass, and my breasts were nearly springing free.

Sometimes I think Tara does this shit on purpose.

Pulling it off I threw it over the stall door, "Woman, I am not a hooker. Don't make me dye your hair!" It was an old threat that came along with a humiliating story on my part. Let's just say home hair-dye kits and I don't get along and I'll never try it again. Green, pink, and orange are not an attractive array of colors to have in your hair together, ever.

"You got the curves for it though!" She called back, laughing as I threw the next dress at her. Really – a little black dress with a neckline that plunged to my freaking naval and had a skirt that barely covered my ass?

She did do this shit on purpose!

"Oh Arlene, that's perfect! Sookie, come see!" I peeked my head outside the door, checking out Arlene as she made a slow circle.

The dress was black with a scooped neckline, a wide silver belt around the waist, and it barely reached the tops of her thighs. I was waiting for her ass to hang out, but Arlene was pleased with it, so I gave her a little whistle and a thumbs up. She gave me a smile in return then waved an impatient hand at me, "C'mon, hurry, try on the rest!"

Sticking my tongue out at them I retreated and began to shift through the pile.

Less than a minute later I was pretty sure I was going to have to murder Tara and bury her in the woods out back of my house. I mean really, did every single dress have to be black or some other muted color? Did they also have to offer nearly no coverage of my girly bits?

Frustrated I changed back into my shorts and tank and stormed out of the stall. "Tara Thornton, I'm gonna make friendly with a pig farmer and you'll never be found!"

She had the gall to look surprised. Arlene, back in her street clothes, was leaning against the wall howling with laughter.

I cut my eyes at her. "You're next on my list after I'm done with lil' miss 'lets put Sookie in scraps of cloth and call them dresses and see how long it takes her to lose it'."

She stopped laughing, but from the shade of red her face was turning and the twitching of her lips I could tell she was still amused.

"I don't know what the fuss is about. We're going to a bar with a 'theme'." Tara actually made air quotes with her fingers. "So we've got to look the part, right?"

"This part includes my ass and hoo-ha hanging out and my boobs popping out at random?" My tone was incredulous and my brows were arched high.

"You have the figure to pull those dresses off, besides, it's just a single night of fun." Tara's voiced pitched low and she was giving me the damn 'puppy eyes' again.

The bitch was trying to guilt trip me. I was seriously starting to consider that whole pig farmer thing.

"Look, I'm not wearing that crap. How about we just go to the movies or something?" Maybe they'd see reason?

Both women quickly objected. "No way in hell – we're going to that bar and you're coming with us!"

Well hells bells. Fine. If they wanted to go, I'd go, but I wasn't going to walk in there wearing anything from the pile of 'clothing' I'd left behind in the stall.

Growling under my breath about 'bitches' and questions of 'why I'm still friends with them' I marched out into the store, both of them hot on my heels. I searched the racks, shifting through the hanging articles of clothing quickly. They stood off to the side, trading whispers and pointed glances at me until I rounded on them, poking a finger at Arlene.

"Go find your shoes we're on a time limit!" She skittered away towards the shoes, leaving Tara and I alone.

"I love you." Tara crept up to my side, fluttering her lashes my way when I looked over. "You are so very lovely, Sookie Stackhouse."

My ire faded a bit and I rolled my eyes. "Flattery will get you nowhere, but feel free to continue."

Laughing, she stepped around me and began to shift through the clothes I'd already passed over. "So, what exactly are you looking for?"

"Something with color, a bouncy skirt," I pulled a green dress off the rack, held it up to my body and quickly decided against it. "I want something sexy that doesn't induce the question, 'So how much for a quickie?', and looks good with my tan."

"Picky bitch." She stuck her tongue out at me.

I snorted. "Says the girl that took seven hours to find her prom dress." Seven hours that I was forced to follow her from store to store, offering opinions and rating the style of each dress she tried on. I'd found my dress by the third hour of the 'hunt'.

Ignoring me, she went around me again to look at the dresses I'd yet to get to. We worked in silence for a few moments, and I was beginning to think that we'd never find a dress that would work for tonight.

Tara startled me out of my focused searching, "Ooh!" She pulled a dress from the crowded rack and held it up for me to see. "What do ya think?"

It was perfect. Spaghetti-style straps, a sweetheart neckline, cinched waist, and a short bouncy skirt. Taking it from her, I smoothed a hand over the silky fabric and was delighted with the scarlet red color of the dress; a wonderful color to go with my tan. Grinning at Tara, I took off for the dressing rooms, already pulling my clothes off before the door was even shut behind me.

I took time to examine it in the small mirror, turning this way and that to see every angle. My breasts were pushed up by the bra and my ample cleavage was hugged tightly by the neckline, my waist looked trim, and the skirt flared out at my hips, swishing as I moved. It was fun, flirty, and looked fantastic against my skin.

I just found my new favorite dress!

Flouncing out of the of the stall I twirled round for Tara and Arlene, earning whistles and a catcall. Laughing I bounced a bit, eying myself in the large mirror to the left, turning to double check the length of the skirt over my bum.

A pair of red strap-y heels dangled from Tara's fingers, and waggling her brows she knelt down to help me slip into them. Arlene made a suggestive sound and I flipped her off with my free hand, the other on Tara's shoulder as I attempted to balance myself on one foot. Finished securing the heels to my feet Tara stood, took a step back, and grinned.

"Girl, you are gonna knock 'em dead tonight!"

Giving one more twirl I admired myself and the added effect of the heels. My legs looked a mile long and with some jewelry, a partial up-do, and a hint of makeup I'd be set to go.

I changed into my street clothes quickly, and we went to the small rack of jewelry Tara had in the store, picking through the offerings. Arlene found a long necklace of different sized silver beads and matching silver earrings. I found a pair of gold hoops for myself and a thin gold chain for my wrist. We paid shortly after, and I almost argued with Tara about giving me a discount like she did, but one stern look from her and a mention of being put on her 'shit-list' kept my mouth shut. That woman was evil when she was getting back at someone for pissing her off and I'd rather stay clear of her clutches – unwillingness to take 'charity' be damned!

It wasn't until we were in the car and on our way to grab food before heading to her house that she surprised Arlene and I by handing us small handbags for the evening; a red clutch to match my dress for me and a silver bag for Arlene. I wanted to pout but it was a really sweet gesture so instead I leaned over and gave her cheek a peck and demanded that she take us somewhere to get a burger.

I needed more than a salad if they expected me to dance and drink!

We scarfed our burgers down in the car and when we pulled into Tara's driveway we spilled out of the car, bags rustling about as we charged her front door. I headed for the living-room where her stereo system was and turned on some music, Arlene started clearing off the coffee table so we could do our nails, and Tara went to grab her make-up case and dig out some spare toothbrushes for us. Yeah, she kept spares for when we went out – I've told her she's OCD and she keeps telling me that she's just 'prepared'. We've agreed to leave it at that, even though she color codes her clothes and organizes shoes by seasons and heel height - not that I've noticed or anything.

After unloading our purchases so they wouldn't wrinkle too badly, we settled ourselves on Tara's plush couch and chairs, giving each other manicures and pedicures, trading gossip and stories about the numerous customers we dealt with daily in our jobs as we waited for the nail polish to dry. Quickly taking turns we saw to our restroom needs and brushed our teeth before we all crowded around the large mirror in Tara's room. Her make-up case was open and all the brushes, eyelash curlers, moisturizers, powders, paints and what not were spread out and ready for us.

Singing along to the radio and occasionally stopping to break into dance we applied our 'faces'. Arlene attacked me with a brush and after much tugging, fussing, and a few near-misses with a curling iron she had tamed my long locks into an elegant up-do. She'd curled and pinned the majority of it up with strategically placed pins, little wisps of hair curling in soft tendrils to tease the skin of my neck and shoulders. Tara came after me and applied liquid eyeliner to my lids, arching it at the edges to make my eyes seem wider.

I'd stuck with a cream and gold palate of colors, careful to seem as though I had no make-up on, aside from the shimmer of gold on my eyes. The eyeliner was done lightly enough that it simply drew out my eyes and a touch of mascara darkened my lashes. A soft pink lip gloss made my lips look soft and inviting. Perfect!

Arlene had went with smoky eyes and bright red lips, Tara chose to follow suit, although there were hints of purple to match her dress. I wiggled my brows at both of them and smacked their asses once, earning giggles.

"Sexy ladies, we are going out tonight!" I was actually getting kind of excited now. It had been a while since I'd gotten a chance to dress up and hang out with my girls.

I did a double check on my bag, and the girls did their own bags as well; compact, lip gloss, identification, cash, cell phone, perfume, tissues, a spare tampon, mini comb, hairband, hand sanitizer, and one condom each. I wasn't too fond of the last addition to my bag, but I let it slide. It couldn't hurt to be prepared.

It was only eight fifteen when we left Tara's and it took us about an hour to get to Shreveport. The main strip was starting to get busy and Tara pulled into the parking-lot of Fangtasia. The lot was getting crowded so we hurried towards the door, slipping into line quickly. I'd been busy talking to Arlene, getting an update on her two kids and how they were doing in school, and it wasn't until someone had bumped into me that I looked up and fully took in my surroundings.

Everyone was dressed in black. Pale skin, skimpy clothes – mostly made of leather, dark make-up, and many people bore spiked body jewelry. Glancing over my shoulder at the woman who had bumped into me I found she and four others with her in nearly identical outfits of leather skirts and what I considered glorified bras. They looked me over and sneered before turning back to their conversation and the cigarette being passed between them.

The door to the club was open and music poured out; an alternating mix of rock, techno, and pop that echoed in the crisp night air, the bass rattling over the surging tide of chatter around us. A couple was pressed flush against each other as they attempted to grind each other into the front wall of the club, hands groping and mouths parting for heavy pants. I almost told them to 'get a room' but I was half afraid they'd take it as an invitation I had no intentions of giving.

The group of females behind us started giggling and when I peeked back at them I was pretty sure they were passing pills. Eyes wide I turned to Tara and Arlene, grabbing their arms.

"Maybe we should go to a dance club instead?"

Their reply was a mutual rolling of eyes and scoffing. Little by little, inch by inch, the line progressed and we drew closer to the door. A gruff looking woman was checking identification and taking the cover charge, and when we finally reached her she looked us over slowly. Her eyes lingered on me and the bitch had the nerve to check my ID!

Peering at my ID she raised a brow, looked up at me, then back at the ID. Finally she handed it back and spouted off a total, checking my money before nodding to the bouncer waiting at the door. The slender Asian man unhooked the rope to allow us passage and the girls squealed, grabbed my arms, and dragged me past the leering bouncer and through the threshold. My ears were ringing from the music before we were halfway inside.

Why do I always let them talk me into this kind of thing?

AN: I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and chapter two shouldn't be far behind! Let me know what you think so far – reviews are fantastic! They're my drug – really, I'm addicted.

If you have any comments/questions you'd like address feel free to send me a message; I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for reading!