I've only watched half of the finale so here we go:

Dan knows for a fact that Serena doesn't remember words when she's drunk. She remembers moments, and events, but not words or dates.

He, on the other hand, tries to remember both moments and words. And so when their lips meet, and he's hovering over her with a slightly tipsy smile on his face, he says those words again. "I love you, Serena van der Woodsen."

And he remembers, that she smiles and kisses him again, but only after mumbling, "I love you too."

Serena's relationship is crumbling and she doesn't care. All she cares about is the dark haired boy on her other side, her Brooklyn boy, and the words he said to her last night. She knows that he thinks she doesn't remember because well, he's Dan Humphrey. But she remembers and that's why she lets Nate walk away.

She won't ever forget those words, just like how she won't ever be able to forget him.

Weeks later, they're lounging in the Hamptons, enjoying summer when all of a sudden, Dan looks over, sunglasses perched on his head, his chest bare to the sun. "Serena," he says, lightly, carefully.


"Do you remember?"


He shirks back, embarrassed. "Nevermind."

"Okay," she mumbles, going back to her magazine. A second later, she's next to him, covering his eyes.

"Serena, what are you doing?" He laughs, trying to move her hands.

Her lips are at his ear and she whispers those words again. "I love you, Daniel Humphrey." She moves her hands and he stares at her in shock. "I remember." And then she kisses him.

He pulls back, and blushes red. "I love you too."

My comeback is coming back horrendously. Well, I think so anyways.