There is always sleep before part and meet…

I lay on my bed and stared at the clock. It's eight at night and yet I'm attempting to go to bed. Of course this is ridicules and on the edge of becoming an obsessive freak. I know all this but I have to go to sleep now.

When I was little my mom always told me that the sooner I go to bed the sooner morning comes. If that's true then it means that I'll be able to see him tomorrow. I can't wait! Roxas… that's such a cool name for a punk like him! I mean… Riku is a cool name and all and so is Axel but the name Roxas… it just has this fuck me vibe to it.

His looks help this vibe become stronger. I like this vibe. Apparently others do too though. Axel and I are friends and we have been for five years but even so… I'll kill him if he goes after Roxas. I'm just being nice though. If he were anyone other than one of my best friends then he would be slowly tortured with melted copper sliding over his stomach while his nails are ripped off.

During all of this I'd also be shaving his precious hair.

Thank god he's my best friend. It costs too much to torture people these days. I smiled to myself and decided that I can win against him. Roxas and I… we'd make a good pair. I know this because he just looks the part. He seems like the only guy I know that can top me and I can top him right back!

That's just the kind of fuckers we'd be. I would say lovers but at this point we aren't in love. I mean, I haven't even talked to him as anything more than friends. I probably should flirt tomorrow when we meet up once again. I smiled to myself once more and closed my eyes ready for sleep to overtake me.

I woke up at three to the sound of my phone ringing. I picked it up groggily. "What do you want fucking bastard?" I demanded knowing full well the fucktard was getting in the way of my precious sleep! I still have so many fucking hours till I get to see him again and now this guy is ruining my quick way to getting my Roxas!

"Sora? Uh… it's me, Roxas." The person on the other line said hesitantly. My face turned red, like really red, insanely red. I know I just ruined the cute and perfect image he had of me. Aw crap. My hand covered my mouth in horror. "Sora are you there? Were you sleeping?"

I blinked and quickly took a deep breath to compose myself. "Yea… but it's okay. Sorry about the greeting. I thought you were Axel or somebody else." I grumbled and rubbed my face with my hand. I could hear him laughing softly to himself.

"So you treat me differently than everyone else who could have called you this late?" He asked sounding highly amused. I sat up in bed then banged my head against the wall several times. I officially decided that phone calls late at night are stupid. They are so fucking stupid. You say the damndest things to people and it sucks.

"Yea whatever fuck it I don't care anymore." I growled and started to hang up the phone but he stopped me. I don't even know how to explain how but somehow he stopped me. I hesitated thinking that he wanted to tell me something important.

"I love you." Roxas informed me blankly then hung up. Fuck it. I'm going to bed.

When I woke up the next morning I blinked in surprise seeing someone sitting on my bed leaning over me. I blinked several more times before finally raising an eyebrow. "What are you doing Roxas?" I asked hoping he was doing some form of mind rape. That would be classic awesomeness that I would have no choice but to indulge.

"I'm watching you sleep." He explained making me glare at him before slapping the boy. NO FUCKING RETARD WATCHES ANOTHER FUCKING RETARD SLEEP. It's illegal.

"Don't do that… it's illegal." I informed him darkly watching his amused expression. I got up and put on my clothes for the day knowing full well that this felt awkward. He loves me. I lust after him sure but no love here.

"Do you want to go out with me?" Roxas asked after I was fully dressed and ready to go. I glanced around my apartment making sure no one else was around. I mean, almost everyone has a key to my place. That's probably how he got in.

"Uh… sure if we can fuck a bit along the way." I informed him and then smirked at the guy. He looked at me curiously then smiled slyly back at me. I accepted that as a yes and went on into the kitchen to get poptarts. Roxas followed me like the little macho puppy that he was making me smile softly before opening the pantry.

"Smores poptarts it is." He grinned and grabbed the box before tossing me one. I watched him get once for himself and led him to the living room where we began playing the movie Howl's Moving Castle. It was nice being together with him like this. I may not love Roxas but I like hanging out with him. He held my hand halfway through the movie and when it ended I squeezed his before holding it up to my mouth and kissing it.

"Why do you only want to fuck me? Can't we be something more?" Roxas asked softly leaning forward with his body pressed against mine. I have to say, this is not helping his case. I blushed scarlet and tried to pull away. Okay sure I've been fantasizing about this for a long time but uh… not when he loves me.

I didn't know how much I'd regret not spending enough time with him.