Well, you know I got bored when I start on a Know Your Stars POM fic! XD So~ Since I love to torture Rune and everyone seems to like her, she's gonna go first~! Well, enjoy and don't foget to reveiw! ;)

Rune: (walks into a dark room) Hello…? Anyone here? (spots a stool and sits in it)

Voice: Know your stars, know your stars, know your stars…

Rune: ..? OwO Where's that voice coming from?

Voice: Rune…

Rune: Yeah?

Voice: Shut up.

Rune: ? Hey! That's-

Voice: Rune… She wears curlers to bed.

Rune: Um… That… doesn't really make sense…

Voice: It doesn't have ta! NA!

Rune: (confused)

Voice: Rune… She wears hooker clothes.

Rune: Ah, you do know I'm a lemur, right? I don't even wear clothes, and if I did, they certainly wouldn't be hooker ones.

Voice: Cch. Fine, then. Rune… is a nudist.

Rune: WTF? Weren't you listening? I'm a lemur!

Voice: Rune… She's a cross bread between a squirrel and a penguin.

Rune: No, I'm half ringtail lemur, half mouse lemur.

Voice: But then why do you have a penguin husband and a squirrel for a son?

Rune: Cause Chip's adopted and I married Kowalski cause I love him! Besides, what does that have to do with my species?

Voice: …It just does, okay?

Rune: …

Voice: Rune… She's actually a male Squirguin(squirrel/penguin hybrid).

Rune: That's a lie! I'm a female! And I'm no damn 'squirguin'!

Voice: Suuuuure you are.

Rune: I AM!

Voice: Rune… He hates his son, Chip.

Rune: That's it! I am a SHE and I LOVE my son!

Voice: Then why do you beat him?


Voice: Rune… He has anger issues.

Rune: I'm gonna hunt you down and make you pay, Ninjagirly!

Voice: O.o; W-Wha? (ahem) I donot know of this 'Ninjagirly' you speak of! And now ya know, Rune, the Squirguin nudist who is actually a male and beats her hated son.

Rune: I'm gonna make you hurt, Ninja.

Voice: DX Nooooo! (takes off)