One, Two, He's Got You

By winchester1967

A/N: This is set sometime between Nightmare and Salvation. I'm setting it in season 1 because everytime I start to write something about season 5, I see Sam's fight and I cry. This has nothing to do with the season 5 story I am writing...anyway, on with the story!

It was a cool Forth of July weekend as Jenny Montgumery made her way home. She had been up all night with her friends, drinking, partying, and watching the fireworks explode over the lake. She had curled up in front of the bon fire next to Mick Gilmore, only the hottest guy in school. She was underage to say the least, but this forth was the best ever! Now she silently snuck in. Her grandma was "watching" her and her little sister while her parents went on a "business trip" in Mexico. Oh what joy the rest of this summer was going to be.

Helen Montgumery was asleep when Jenny came in. She snored softly in her bed that was in the guest room. Jenny knew that she took her hearing aids out at night, usually, unless she was listening for her. Tonight was no different. They set in a box by her bed. She had better hope they never have a fire while she was here. Oh, well. Jenny moved soundlessly past Janis's room, peering in to see the ten year old asleep, her Jo Bro night light shinning brightly in the dark room. Jenny smiled and shut the door again. Janis had a problem with the door being open at night. She didn't want the boogeyman to get her.

Jenny went into her room and changed out of her sweaty clothes. Running around on the beach had taken a lot out of her. She would get up and get a shower in the morning, but right now she just wanted to go to sleep. It was well after midnight and she thought she was going to puke. She changed into a pair of sweat pants that had been cut into shorts and a red tank top. She placed her purple iPod in the matching iHome and turned on the music. With it set to random, she let the sweet sounds of her music pull her to sleep.

She was standing next to Mick, holding his hand and looking into the bon fire. The night was clear as they seemed lost in each others company. That's when she heard a noise. It didn't sound like the simple popping that comes with fires, it sounded like...metal. She looked into the fire, ignoring Mick's advances. This was her dream, why was there something strange. The clear sky turned cloudy and Mick disappeared. That's when she could hear the little girls singing.

One, two, Freddy's coming for you

There, four, Better lock your doors

Five, six, Get a curifix

Sever, eight, Stay up late

Jenny watched as the shadow of a tall man unfolded itself from the fire. He wore a hat and when he flexed his arm, his hand had five thin, yet sharp, blades on it. Jenny took off running as the little girls screamed in her ears.


Jenny fell to the ground as someone pushed her. She felt his blades slid across her skin as she tried to get away. But it was no use. He had her where he wanted her. Trapped inside her dream.

"I've got you now." He whispered. Then he laughed. Jenny never saw his face, she just knew he wanted her dead.

Inside her room, Jenny was screaming louder than she ever had. But her music covered her voice from Janis and Helen's hearing aids were out. She suffered all night...alone.

So, what did you think? Kinda scary huh? Sorry I didn't have the boys in there, but this is like the scene before the title card that gives a summary of what they're dealing with. Please review, prettty please!