"Father?" the blue eyes glinted in the morning sun as the youth stared up at the man, twisting the handle of his suitcase with his overbearing apprehension. The blue eyes that bored into the taller man's relaxed, losing their wideness when the man nodded and lifted his hand to indicate that the young man was to come to him.

"Yes Arthur, my son." He ruffled the pale gold locks. "I am sorry that I appear a stranger to you, but alas, it was for your own safety and for the safety of your mother and brother."

Arthur's mixed feelings about the contact made him wince, though part of him sighed with relief as he knew that the man before him was indeed his father…a father that was not entirely indifferent towards his existence. What Abraham had said startled him and he waited for the man's hand to leave him before he spoke.

"Why would we be endangered?" he grimaced slightly afterwards, almost regretting that he had asked.

Abraham paused, steeling his gaze for a moment. "You know my line of work involves risk."

"But I do not know what this line of work is…" Arthur realized he was mumbling like a child and he straightened his posture and dropped one hand from the handle of his suitcase. Speaking up, he continued to erase any forming disappointment he feared to exist in his father. "You have called me here in the hopes of my one day taking control of this organization. I'm afraid your letters have only let on that it is in charge of protecting England and the Crown from pressing threats."

The taller man nodded but did nothing to draw out the topic as he then suggested that they go inside. With only a fleeting glance at the carriage that was beginning to move behind him, after dropping him off, Arthur followed the man who shared his blood and the Hellsing name.

Arthur stared down the barrel of the unloaded gun with a nervous smile and he crossed his legs as he leaned back in the chair, away from the weapon. Knowing he has one of these with him, I have to make sure none of my…less desirable habits surface while I'm here…and that mother never gets her hands on one of these. His lips twitched at the memory of how his drinking and womanizing terrorized the woman to the breaking point.

"You will become familiar with these items during the next six or so months. You will not drop your other studies as I am aware that you are currently attending Oxford. Textbooks will arrive by the end of the month and I have arranged for an acquaintance who happens to be a retired professor from Oxford, to tutor you. Until then you will focus your attention on…" Abraham pulled the trigger to see if the harmless click would make his son flinch, when it did he continued with a wry smile. "…these, and you will take up fencing lessons."

Good God. Will I be expected to literally fight to protect England? Like a freakin' knight of the round table? Who does he think I am? King Arthur?

Arthur's inner monologue failed to reach his features and he smiled with a nod of acknowledgment.

"You will begin tomorrow, for today you will familiarize yourself with the layout of the estate."

"Yes, of course."

Goddamn this place is big. Who the hell needs so much land? Arthur scowled, not caring as the butler escorting him gave him a curious look. Damn Richard…he should be the one here doing this…

His thoughts froze as he was let into his room. A grin spread across his face at the sight of the spacious and well furnished room.

Never mind…Hell, why should my spoiled little brother get to come here? For once I'm going to have the chance to become something and have someone be proud of me. Richard can have the old woman…