Take Me Out
by: ShinJinIchi23


Disclaimers & Warnings: Read it in Chapter 1. :D


"Mikan… I know what you're doing." Ruka said knowingly.

"Hehe. Sorry!" Ruka then opened the door of the car and Mikan entered. He also entered and sat on the driver's seat. With that he drove away.

Not far away, Natsume, who was on his car, saw it.



I. Hate. Meeting. You


YMITv Broadcasting Company. Wonder why YMITv? Guess what? YMITv is just one of the many businesses of the Sakura family; they have Hotels, Restaurants, Real Estate and many other businesses.

Walking gracefully with high heels. Wearing elegant looking long sleeve and skirt. Expensive jewelries.

"Good morning, Sakura-sama."

"Hi! Morning."

"Have a great day Sakura-sama."

"You too. Have a great day. Work hard huh?"

"Were lucky to work here." A random employee whispered to another.

"Not lucky, we're blessed. We have a beautiful and very kind chairman."

Mikan didn't go to her office. Instead she went to her bestfriends office. She entered without knocking. The executive producer just watched Mikan as she sat on a couch and removed her high heels.

"I really hate wearing this. Morning Hotaru." Mikan greeted.

"Didn't you read the sign on the door?" Hotaru asked coldly. She was still reading some papers.

"I see but I ignored it."

"It says PLEASE, DO NOT DISTURB." Hotaru pointed out.

"I just read the part 'Please Disturb.' Mikan joked. Hotaru threw the paper she read a while ago wherever she loved to.

"If your going to asked me why I did that - "

"Yeah, I want to know. I can remember you make me drink that juice then I feel dizzy. Then I'm on that show. Why didn't you tell me that you will do something like that?" Mikan asked before Hotaru can finish.

"I just discovered something that urged me to do that."

"What is it? Please tell me. I know you won't do that to me just because of money or ratings."

"It's for you to find out. I won't tell you."


"Mikan, I don't want to see you getting hurt. I'm busy, leave me alone now." Hotaru said wanting to end the conversation. Mikan feel this and just changed the topic.

"Mou, commanding your chairman like that."

"I never treat you as the chairman."

"You're really mean."

"You're my bestfriend, not my boss. Now get out." Mikan smiled at Hotaru. She was blessed to have a bestfriend like her.

Mikan exited the room. Then it began.

"Mou! Mou! Mou! Mou! What does she mean? I want to know!" Mikan said childishly. She wanted to know why Hotaru did that, BADLY.


The Hyuuga Corporation. One of the largest and influential corporations in Japan. It's a 40 storey building with about 100,000 employees. On the 30th floor was the office of the General Manager. Inside was Natsume, in the front of his Mac laptop. He can't focus. He ruffled his head in confusion. He can't remove the image of Mikan in his head.

"Damn. Curse it."

He glanced at his Mac book. He opened a browser and typed her name in a search engine. Mikan.

151,989,098 Results Found.

Mikan A. Sakura, Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

"Mikan Sakura." Natsume read. He opened the page and saw a picture of a beautiful lady wearing formal attire and smiling. He looked closer to it and almost falls on his seat. He was shocked at this revelation.

'It's her?'

Mikan A. Sakura

YMITv Broadcasting Company Chairman and CEO.

"That stupid is the chairman of that TV Station? What happened to the world?" Natsume said to his Mac book while remembering how she talks and acts.


'General Manager, Nogi-sama wants to talk with you.'

"Let him in."

The big oak door of Natsume's office opened and revealed the blond hair boy. Ruka entered and sat on the sofa.

"What brings you here Ruka?" Natsume asked. He closed the lid of his Mac book and sat on the sofa opposite to Ruka.

"Just want to ask how your date last night is." Ruka asked.

"I didn't enjoy it." Natsume lied.


"The girl was annoying. If I can I already left her alone there."

"That's great." Ruka muttered.

"Are you saying something?"

"No. Uhm. Is that so? Well, I'm here to say thanks to you. The show ratings were great."

"Ruka, did you spy on the date?" Natsume suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I see you last night near the restaurant."

"No, I didn't spy. I just fetched someone."

"Your girlfriend? I didn't saw her face for she's hugging you like tight. Who was she?"

"You want to meet her Natsume?"

"Sure why not."

"I'll introduce you to her someday."

'Even though you already met her.'


The day had past. Mikan got home earlier than she expected.

"Sakura-sama, the laundry you asked me to wash was already in your room." One of their maids informed her.

"Thanks." She answered and went to her room. Her room was big, organized and clean, thanks to the maids. She saw his coat and tie, folded in her bed. She smiled. It brings back their funny moment in the restaurant.

She opened the drawer in her night stand and picked up a small piece of card.

Natsume Hyuuga
Hyuuga Corp. General Manager
Contact: 987-65-43

She immediately picked her phone and dialed the number on the card. It rings.

"Hello, who is this?" The man in the other line asked boringly.

"Oh, he is bored."

"Tch. Is this a frank call? Then rot to hell." Natsume replied angrily. He was easily to get annoyed because he was still confused.

"Mou, you're really rude. Then I'll just throw away you coat and tie."

Natsume on the other line was shocked after hearing what the girl said.

"Is this the stupid childish girl?"

"Yehey! You finally noticed. Want me to throw a party?" Mikan answered jokingly.

"Tch. Go and throw the party on the trash can." Natsume replied icily.

"Oh men, you're in a bad mood. About your coat, get it here in our house. I'm too lazy to go out. I'll just text where. Ja!" Mikan immediately ended the call. She didn't want to argue to anyone in bad mood.

"I hate talking on moody person over the phone. I want a face to face battle." She chuckled.

Natsume on the other line blinked. Then he slapped his forehead.

"Damn. Bad move."


2 hours later. It's already past 7pm. At the Sakura mansion, Mikan was on the living room, watching random DVD from their DVD Rack. She don't know what kind of movie she was watching right now, she just want to kill the boredom she was feeling.


To her surprise, a bloody girl with crack and scary face appear on the screen which made Mikan to jump in surprise and scream. This is the type of movie she hated the most. She immediate grabbed the nearby throw-pillow and covered it to her face.

"Tanako-chan! Please turn off the TV!" Mikan shouted behind the pillow. No answer. All she can hear was the horror sound from the movie. She shivered. Remote was on top of the TV.

While outside the door…


Natsume raised an eyebrow.


"KYAAAA! Please stop that! Tanako-chan! HELP!"

Natsume heard the familiar voice.

"Tanako is dead. Shut up or you will go after her." Natsume heard a man talking inside. He twitched.

The door opened.

Natsume's eyes widen at what he saw.

"Who are you? You look pathetic." The man on the door said grossly as he saw Natsume's flabbergasted face.

He had this silver color hair.

Jaded eyes.

Expressionless face.

"Tch. Are you gay? Stop looking at me."

He was only wearing a bathrobe. Most of his perfect body showed.

"What's happening there? Why someone shouted?" Natsume finally managed to ask. The man in front of the door glared at him.

"I'm killing the people inside this house. Wanna join?" The man answered, sarcasm was overflowing in his voice.

Natsume took it seriously. After hearing her shout and what he heard from this guy, he tried to punch the man in front of him, but failing miserably. The guy avoided it without breaking a sweat.

"Geez, you're too serious, old man." The guy said, smirking.

"What? Old man?" Natsume replied furiously.

"You actually take that seriously? What a wretch." It hit Natsume's patient limit. He was about to attack him again but…

"You-chan! Who's there? And please kill this TV too!" Natsume stopped.



"You-chan! Who's there? And please kill this TV too!" I heard her say again. I stopped on my tracks.

Kill the TV?


What the hell.

"Baka ne, kill it yourself." This guy she called You-chan annoyingly howled.

I saw him diverted his eyes on me.

"Now old man, what do you need?"

Seriously how old is this guy?

And who is he in that childish girl life?

His boyfriend?

"Tanako-chan! You're alive! I thought the TV monster ate you already." I head the idiotic girl said inside.

"I'm sorry Sakura-sama, I'm preparing the dinner. And Sakura-sama, TV doesn't bite."

Is she really that stupid?

"You-chan…" I saw her, on the door, on the side of this You-chan. Somehow, seeing them that close made me feel angry.

"…oh, it's you. You finally find your way here." I rolled my eyes and glared on both of them. What am I? A dog?

Oh I hate meeting you. I hate that Ruka's show.



On the YMITv Station…

Hotaru was still in her office, reading, crumpling and throwing papers in her office. Then she remembered what her informants reported to her. She released a deep sigh.

"Nogi Ruka, why did you lie…"

"Of all the person, why you…"


A/N: By the way! Thanks for the reviews! I'm so happy that the readers enjoyed it! When I write chapter 1-3, I was on the mood so I put my happiness on that chapter. But after that my mind suddenly went blank. Weird.

~Lhai-Chii ^^