My name is Bella Swan, I'm 15 years old and I'm in foster care.

When I was only 10 years old my mum and dad were killed in a car accident. Drink driving.

The ass that is James Nomad was drink driving and lost control of his car on the highway and crashed right into their car. My dad was killed instantly but my mum lasted for a week before slipping into a coma.

Their killer is still alive to this day. Rotting away in jail because he took the two people I loved most in my world - my best friends, my parents. My world.

I had to move in with my old neighbours for a few weeks but I was so angry I started to verbally lash out.

They couldn't handle me and I've been in foster care ever since.

I don't know much about all of the ins and out of it all. All I know is that I get picked up by some family who is willing to foster me. I move in and about a month later they call the social who come and collect me again.

I've been in 12 foster homes in five years. I could totally claim a world record.

My new foster home was with the Cullens. Carlisle, Esme and their other adopted children.

Five adopted kids. And me... Brave people.

I don't know a thing about them apart from that. And that he's a doctor or something.

It's something like two o'clock. They were coming to pick me up at three.

I've already packed what few belongings I had, consisting of a few pairs of clothes, shoes, my trusty converse, my laptop, my iPod, phone and jewellery that belonged to my mum before she was killed.

I'm supposed to meet Victoria so she can go over details : where they live, what they do, how I'm supposed to be good, to tell me that this family is going to change me, blah blah blah. The usual.

I just nodded my head and pretended that I was actually excited to go to the rainiest town in the continental US. Forks, Washington.

What's next? Spoons, Chicago? No offense but I don't really want to spend my time in a town that is named after breakfast cutlery thanks very much.

Victoria has been my 'settler' for as long as I've been in the system. She puts word out about me to potential foster families and looks after me when I get sent back. She's like the big sister I've never had.

We say goodbye in our usual way. She hugs me, whispers in my ear 'Be good.' and I go out into the hallway to meet my new 'parents' after giving her my signature smirk to which she rolls her eyes.

I walked out into the hallway and immediately caught the eye of two beautiful people.

The man was tall, blonde hair, handsome and had very peculiar golden eyes. The woman was a bit shorter with caramel-coloured hair and those same golden eyes. They were both stunning. And very, very pale.

The woman gasped when she saw me. Ah, this must be Esme.

She rushed forward towards me and caught me in a hug. "You must be Bella." She asked when she pulled away.

I was almost tempted to say no but I didn't instead saying, 'Yeah, you must be Esme." and smiling.

She seemed like a very kind and caring person so I didn't want to be bitchy or sarcastic. It's like she just oozed love and warmth, even though she was quite cold.

"I am, dear, and this is my husband Carlisle." She grinned.

Carlisle stepped forward with his hand outstretched. "Welcome to the family Bella."

I took it and shook it. "Thanks."

"Are you ready to go now honey?" Esme asked.

"Yeah, I guess so." I replied.

"Good. Let me just grab your bags and then we can get going." Carlisle said.

"Uh it's just this holdall and my rucksack." I sighed.

"What? Where is all your clothes?" Esme exclaimed.

"All the clothes I own are in the holdall. The other families usually received money to get me some new things but they don't fit anymore." I shrugged. "It's fine. I can do my own washing."

"Nonsense dear. I think Alice will have fun shopping for you anyway honey." She smiled.

I just smiled.

Carlisle grabbed my bags and we headed out to the car.

When it came into view I gasped. "That's your car?" I almost yelled.

I was looking at a black Mercedes. It looked brand new. And VERY expensive.

"Yes. Is something wrong?" Carlisle asked worriedly.

"It looks so expensive. Like I'll damage it just by lookin' at it!" I exclaimed.

He just laughed and rolled his eyes. "Get in Bella."

I got in and put on my seatbelt.

The drive was only an hour long but I brought out my iPod just in case.

Carlisle started the car and started the short journey to Forks.

"Now honey do you have any questions you want to ask us?" Esme asked.

"Eh yeah. Where do I sleep?"

"Your own room of course. I decorated it purple for you - I hope that's okay." She smiled.

"Yeah, I love purple."

"Oh, good."

"Can you tell me about your other 'children'?" I asked.

"Well, Rosalie and Jasper are twins - the blonde ones. They were my late sister's children but she died so we took them in about 6 years ago, when they were 12. Emmett was next about 4 years ago. He was a runaway but he's mellowed alot since then. He's quite intimidating at first but really he's just a big teddy bear. And Alice and Edward came about 2 years ago. They are brother and sister but they are so different. Alice is very tiny and very hyper, whereas Edward is tall and is very.. well.. Edward prefers to just play his piano and read books instead of anything else."

"Okaaay, cool." I think I just totally lost her at intimidating. "Anything important I need to know about them though?"

She looked worried. "Well Bella, actually there is. And we want you to tell us your honest opinion. How would you feel if we told you that some of them were dating..." I kept a straight face. "Each other."

I raised my eyebrows. "Seriously?"

They nodded.

"It's up to them who they want to date. Who am I to judge?" I shrugged.

Esme sighed in relief. "Good, well I may as well tell you who is dating who then. Rosalie is dating Emmett. Alice and Jasper are together and Edward isn't dating anyone."

"Okay." I smiled. I'm sure I could remember that.

Esme glanced out the window and evetually murmured, "We'll be home in about ten minutes."

"Can I ask you guys a question?" I blurted out.

They looked at each other and Carlisle nodded, "What is it Bella?"

"Can you two.. uh .. not leave me alone with them tonight? I just don't think I would feel comfortable and I know I just met you two but I feel safe around you and.." I blushed realizing I was babbling.

"Of course honey. But really there is no need to worry. They are all very welcoming and kind. Trust me I raised them better than to be rude." Esme smiled.

"Thanks." I grinned, feeling relieved.

About five minutes later we pulled up to a white masion.

"THIS is your house? Wow. It's huge."

They both laughed. "Come on inside. There are some people who are dying to meet you."

I bit my lip. I was suddenly feeling very nervous.

"It'll be fine. Come on." Carlisle put a comforting arm around my shoulder and guided me into the house.

We walked into the house and Carlisle called out, "We're back!" and guided me into the living room.

I sat down on the couch and put my iPod into my pocket for later.

I heard footsteps bounding down the stairs just as a small, pixie-like creature danced into the room and pulled me up off of the couch with amazing strength.

"Bella!" The pixie screamed before pulling me into a hug.

"Uh.. hi." I muttered awkwardly.

She pulled back and said, "Oh yeah, introductions. Sorry. I'm Alice." She grinned pointing at herself. "And this is my boyfriend Jasper!" She exclaimed pointing to a tall, blonde, lean figure standing about two metres away from us.

"Welcome to the family Bella." He said, extending his hand. I shook it.

I was so busy getting attacked by Alice that I didn't even notice the room filling up with people.

I started to look for Carlisle or Esme when suddenly I was pulled up into the air.

"Ohmigod!" I screeched, gasping for breath.

The person set me down on the ground and apologized, "Sorry Bells!" I froze. "I'm Emmett."


Charlie, my dad, used to call me that. It was my nickname. And at Christmas he always called me 'Jingle Bells' like the carol.

My eyes immediately started to tear up when I thought of my dad and I tried to blink them back before they fell.

Unfortunately Esme noticed. "Oh dear! Are you okay?" She asked worried. She snuck a glance at Jasper who shook his head slightly.

"Well I think that's enough for today. How about I show you your room?"

"But she hasn't met Edward or Rosalie yet!" Alice screamed.

"Alice, stop. I am going upstairs to show Bella her room. She will meet them later." Esme scolded.

Alice huffed and nodded.

Esme wrapped an arm around my waist and led me towards the stairs.

One embarassing moment down. A million and one to go.

This is going to be fun.