So, in my continuing timeline, this is a few years after Ron and Hermione are married, so a few 'years' since my last story. It gets better after the italicized words. Promise! Love you!

*Disclaimer* I do not own Harry Potter.

"I HATE YOU RONALD WEASLEY!" Hermione Weasley yelled at the top of her lungs. Her husband stared at her, wondering what he could have done this time, seeing as he had just walked in the door. He put his bag and coat down on the table and walked towards his emotional wife. As much as he usually found her angry sexy, he wanted to know what he could do to make her calmer, since she seemed in danger of rupturing an artery.

"Love, what-" He put his hand on her shoulder, but she shook it off, bodily pushing him away from her.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Ron lifted his hands, palms out, as a sign of peace.

"Okay, Love. Can you tell me what I've done?" Hermione took a deep breath, but seemed no calmer. When she spoke, it was in a quieter tone, but still full of the same amount of venom.

"What have you done?" She advanced on her husband, as he backed up cautiously. "I'm carrying your demon seed! I spent all of the last three mornings throwing up, which you would know if you hadn't left for the past few days! I'm achy and tired, and I have to pee ALL THE TIME!" Ron froze where he was. Had she really said what he'd thought she'd said?

"Mione? We're having a baby?" Hermione did not soften at the joy in the man's voice. He wasn't her husband any more. He had left, so she would too.

"Yes, I'm having a baby." She picked up one of the only books Ron owned and threw it at him, clipping his shoulder. "And you are NOT going to be part of my babies life!" With that final parting remark Hermione apparated out of Ronald Weasley's life, forever.

Ron Weasley sat up in bed, horrified at the nightmare that he had just had. He reached over too feel for his wife, the woman he loved, and saw that she was safe, and was not, in fact pregnant, mad at him, going through violent mood swings, and leaving him. His wife was curled up against him and he fell back into sleep, this time, peacefully. It was still early when he woke up again. Hermione had left their bed for some reason. He waited patiently for her to come back, but after ten minutes, decided to go look for her. He found her kneeling on the floor of the bathroom, retching. Alarmed, he ran over and held her hair out of the way. When she was done she got up and brushed her teeth. Ron led her back to bed, got her settled and ran to the kitchen to get her a Sprite and some saltines. His mum always said that it helped with an upset stomach.

"Thanks Ron." Hermione said nibbling on the crackers. Ron rubbed her back soothingly, worried that his best friend was seriously ill. Hermione never threw up.

"Should I take you to St. Mungo's love?" Hermione smiled weakly at Ron, and shook her head.

"I have another theory as to why I just tossed my dinner." Ron looked at her speculatively, worry still tinging his brow. "I think that maybe, a certain someone is making me feel this way." Hermione smiled as her husband froze, then looked down at her tummy.

"Really?" Hermione nodded.

"My period should have been a few days ago. I was going to tell you today, if I didn't get it." Ron whooped loudly and hugged his wife, kissing her passionately, laying her down beneath him, crushing her gently under his weight. Suddenly, he stiffened, and pushed himself off of her.

"Shit, I didn't hurt the baby did I?" Ron looked so concerned that Hermione just had to laugh as she tried to pull him back down on top of her. He wouldn't budge. She sighed as she saw his mind working, apparently thinking of not being able to touch his wife while waiting for the baby.

"Love, you're fine. We can make love while I'm pregnant." Ron looked skeptical at first, so Hermione elaborated. "As long as we aren't too terribly rough, like hanging me from the ceiling for instance, it'll be fine. Once I start getting big I can't lie on my back for long periods of time, but we can have sex other ways." Hermione wiggled her eyebrows similarly to how Ron did. Ron looked shocked, then pleased and relieved.

"Good. Blimey, I was just considering trying to go nine months without you, and bloody hell, I wouldn't make it." Hermione laughed again as Ron lowered himself, carefully, on top of her again. They quickly stripped out of their clothes, and they made love together, their joy and love for each other leaking into their cries. As Ron drove Hermione to her last climax, she screamed out.

"Ron! I love you so much!"

"God Mione! I love you too! So much! And our baby!" With that final shout, and thoughts of their new baby in their heads, Ron and Hermione came together. As they lay together in bliss, Ron rubbed her stomach. "I'm glad we're having a baby love." Hermione nodded in agreement. "Can you promise me one thing though?" Hermione raised her head to look at her husband.

"Anything Ron. Absolutely anything." Hermione noticed that Ron looked really nervous.

"Promise that if you go into crazy mood swings that I don't understand, 'cause I'm a bloke, and bloody slow at times, that you won't hurt me too bad, or leave me?" Hermione giggled slightly, and kissed her husband's nose.

"Silly man. I would never leave you. Do you not know how very much I love you?" Ron didn't look reassured by this, and Hermione grew serious. "Love? Why are you asking this of me? What happened"

"I had a nightmare." Ron snuggled his head into the crook of his love's neck as he related the dream that had made him so worried. Hermione understood. She had had nightmares of him leaving her. She ran her hands through his hair, catching the strands to pull his face up to hers.

"Ron, I have loved you for so long, I don't know what I would do without you. I think that I might just stop existing completely. I promise, though. Just to make you feel better. Goose." Hermione smiled lovingly at her husband, and Ron looked relieved. He finally seemed to get it through his exceptionally thick skull that his wife would not leave him. The couple huddled together in the light of the new day, secure in the knowledge that together they were starting a family. Their family. A family that would stay together, no matter how many bad dreams either of them had.