Pain -Chapter One

"...........Just a little storyto get the wheel moving....Pleaz R&R! Taken place right after '100...And yes, as in 3 days grace song"

Spencer Reid knocked on Morgan's door-wobbling unsteadily. Once Morgan answered, he immediately saw the distraught look on his friend's face. " said that I could come to you if I needed to, right?" he said in a shaky voice.

"Yeah kid........Are you okay?" Morgan asked. Before Morgan could even guide Reid inside, Reid dropped his cane and threw himself into Morgan's arms- crying. "Come on Pretty Boy. Let's get you a blanket- you're shaking." Reid nodded in Morgan's chest, and let Morgan help guide him inside. Morgan let Reid gently collapse on to his couch, and sat down next to him. He pulled Reid back to his position on his chest. Reid gladly cried on Morgan, who had his arms wrapped protectively around him.

"Hey, what is all of this about?" Morgan softly prodded. But Reid didn't answer. All he did was pull closer to his chest and started crying heavier. "Calm down Reid, it's alright. I've got you." Reid sniffled and tried to control the wave of shakes that coursed through his body before Morgan noticed it, but Morgan did. "Here," Morgan mumbled as he pulled a blanket over Reid's small body. "Please Pretty Boy, talk to me."

"Just......feel bad, is all." Reid mumbled as he wiped tears from his eyes.

"Don't lie to me, Reid."

" all just became too much, I guess." he tried again. "Just....a lots' happened lately. I'm tired and I'm getting weak. I just don't know how much more I can take." Reid said.

"Pretty Boy, what do you mean?" Morgan asked, pulling Reid up until he could see his eyes.

"It hurts......." Reid whimpered after a minute, losing his eye contact with Morgan.

"You're leg? Still?" Morgan asked. Was that why Reid was crying? His leg was hurting more than it should? Reid nodded as he lowered his left hand onto his leg. "Have you told you doctor?" Reid shook his head. "Why?"

"Because......he told him it wasn't suppose to."

"Well, there might be something wrong if it is still hurting. Reid, I think you need to talk to him." Reid shook his head no.

"No.......nothing's wrong." he mumbled.

"Kid, you came to my house in tears because of how bad the pain was. Something's wrong." But Reid couldn't hear his friend. His eyes were drooping shut, and he was loosing consciousness. Finally, he fell to sleep, and he couldn't feel the pain.....

"Reid?" Morgan asked before realizing he had fallen to sleep. "Damn it" he muttered as he gently pushed his younger friend off him, he was going to have to talk to the kid once he woke up, but he wasn't going to wake him up now- he finally looked at peace.......

"........Very short prologue, I know. But first off, a few things you should know. This will eventually be Morgan/Spencey slash- my first multi-chap story I will be doing as a slash! Its not going to have many chaps if everything goes according to plan- somewhere between 4 and 6. if u have any request as to what is wrong with Spenceys leg or just anything at all you want me to add, go ahead and PM/Review me a request. Even if you want to request a drabble/ONESHOT. With that said, Pleaz R&R!"