Well everyone – here it is, the last part!  I have al little time today before I have to memorize my English presentation (help!) so I thought I'd finish this story off before finals week.  I hope you enjoyed the story and this last part. =D

~ Part Ten: The Power of Healing ~


            I paced nervously back and forth in my room, waiting for Qui-Gon to return. What was taking him so long? The Council had summoned him to report what had happened to Master Daec-Mar so why hadn't he come back yet? There wasn't much to say. Master Daec-Mar was dead and it was time to forget he had ever existed.

            I sighed, not agreeing with my own thoughts. Of course we couldn't forget him. As much as I wanted to, I knew that I couldn't. I had to move on from Master Daec-Mar, not forget him. There was a difference. Of course, forgetting would be much easier and less painful than remembering all of the cruel, wicked things he had done to me. I wanted to bury it all deep inside me; the fear, the pain, the uncertainty, and lock it up so it couldn't hurt me again. I couldn't do that thought. I knew Qui-Gon wouldn't let me. He wanted me to heal, and how could I heal if I kept it buried inside me for the rest of my life? But I wanted to bury it.

            Force, why couldn't all of this be easier? During the day it was all right. It was easy to keep the memories at bay with Qui-Gon at my side, being so gentle and concerned over me. Nighttime was another story. Like vicious wolves the memories would come back, sinking their fangs and claws into me until all I could do was huddle myself into a small ball and pray that morning was not far off. Master Daec-Mar lived in the silence and darkness of the night. When I closed my eyes his voice was all I could hear, laughing at me, taunting me, telling me that no one would ever love me because I was worthless, unworthy and…

            "Stop," I muttered under my breath. This wasn't going to solve anything and would just make me feel worse. I was a Jedi; I would meditate and it would help clear my mind, just as it always did.

            I dropped to my knees in the middle of my room, bowed my head slightly, and closed my eyes. Choosing the simplest meditation that had ever been taught to me I took several deep breaths to relax my body and then pictured one of the most calming scenes I could think of. It was a meditation taught to young initiates. You were told to picture a calming place and then let your mind float out into the realm of your imagination until you literally felt that you were there. It involved sending your awareness deeper inside of your own body and creating an almost dream-like image of where you wanted to be. Although it was one of the simplest mediations, no non-Force sensitive could do it.

            The place I always pictured didn't actually exist, at least not as far as I knew. It was a small water fall that fell into a pond that was surrounded by chocolate colored sand and large, lush, green ferns. The water itself was a mixture of different colors, ranging from blue to red, and looked like a rainbow as it fell into the pond. The sun was shining brightly and the sky was dotted by small, puffy white clouds that smeared themselves across the horizon. It was so beautiful, so peaceful, and so perfect, that sometimes I thought I could just stay there forever.

            In my mind I walked towards the cool pond and bent down to scoop some of the rainbow colored water into my hands. The water was cool to my touch and if I cupped my hands just right I could see the reflection of the sun and clouds just before the water slipped through my fingers.

            I laughed.

            Scooping more water into my cupped hands I brought it up to my lips to drink but just before the cool water reached my parched throat I saw a strange reflection. Letting the water fall between my fingers I leaned forward to study the reflection better. It was the reflection of a man wearing a long black robe and a hood over his face. It was hard to make out his feature but I could distinctly see his eyes and they reminded me horribly of…

            I stifled a panicked scream and my heart leapt up into my throat, a deep pain settling inside my stomach and heart.

            It was Master Daec-Mar!

            No…no, it wasn't. It couldn't be. It was just an illusion, a trick of meditation and learning to see and feel things that weren't really there. All the images around me were from my own mind. I had often been warned as I young initiate that this meditation wouldn't work unless you could completely clear your mind of all troubling thoughts. Many Masters had told me that if I attempted it when my mind was troubled that it was quite possible that the things that were troubling me would somehow manifest themselves into my illusion. But I had always done this meditation! Even after Master Daec-Mar had chosen me as his apprentice, and this had never happened.

            In the watery reflection of Master Daec-Mar my first Master let his hood fall back onto his shoulders so I could see his face. He was laughing. An evil cackling laugh that always filled my ears and haunted my thoughts…

            I let out a startled cry when I felt a gentle hand fall upon my shoulder. My initial instinct was to shove it away and run but in the illusion my mind was creating there was no one there to shove away. That meant that it had to be…

            "Obi-Wan!" I heard Qui-Gon call from somewhere far, far away and suddenly realized that it was my Master, trying to bring me out of my meditation. "Padawan!" Qui-Gon's voice was worried, almost afraid.

            I reached back out to the real world, that of my room, and watched gratefully as the reflection of Master Daec-Mar slowly faded as my imaginary world cascaded into nothingness around me.

            I opened my eyes. Qui-Gon was kneeling in front of me, an expression of pure anxiety distorting the usually calm features of my face. "Qui-Gon," I breathed out his name in a sigh of relief, throwing myself into his arms without even willing myself to move.

            "Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon's voice was so concerned that I felt guilty for worrying him so much and found myself wishing that I wasn't such a burden to him. "Oh Padawan, it's all right, don't be frightened."

            My Master's arms gently closed around me and a moment later he pulled me closer to him until I was halfway sitting in his lap. In some distant part of my mind I knew that I was trembling uncontrollably and that I was acting like a baby but I couldn't bring myself to pull away from Qui-Gon's comfort.

            After a few long minutes of simply sitting there in my Master's lap and accepting the comfort he was giving me my breathing returned to normal and I was able to calm myself. Regretfully, I pulled myself out of my Master's embrace and a bright blush covered my cheeks as I realized just how childish I was acting.

            "I'm sorry," I said without looking up.

            A gentle but firm hand took hold of my chin and tilted my head up until I was looking straight into Qui-Gon's bright blue eyes. "Don't be," he said simply.

            "What happened with the Council?" I asked suddenly. I knew how out of place my question seemed but I just had to change the subject before Qui-Gon questioned me on what I had seen.

            Qui-Gon cocked an eyebrow but made no comment of my obvious evasion of the questions I knew he would ask.

            "I'm sorry that it took so long," he said, "but the Council insisted that I be very…thorough."

            I nodded, "What did you tell them?"

            Qui-Gon squeezed my shoulder softly, "I told them what happened, Obi-Wan."

            Then why had it taken so long? I refrained myself from asking the question out loud. I already knew the answer. They had been talking about me. Surely the Council wanted to know whether Qui-Gon thought I was capable of being a Padawan and whether it was worth it to even help me recover. They probably saw me as some weak little boy who had been too afraid to tell his Master the identity of his attacker. They were right. I was a pathetically weak little boy.

            I sighed mentally. Why was I thinking this way? Of course the Council hadn't asked Qui-Gon that. They had probably merely been concerned and had wanted to know how long Qui-Gon thought it would take me to recover, and how he planned to go about the matter. The Council did not see me as worthless, that was Master Daec-Mar talking.

            "What's going to happen now?" I asked softly.

            Qui-Gon stood and then helped me to my feet. Then he led me over to my bed and gestured for me to sit. I did as he bid me and was surprised when, instead of sitting next to me, he dropped to his knees and took both of my hands in his. "Master Daec-Mar's body is going to be sent back to his homeworld where they will take care of his funeral arrangements. They wished to avoid the questions that would surely arise if we tended to his body here at the Temple."

            "What about the bombs?" I asked, trying not to let myself think any further about my first Master. He had already infiltrated my thoughts enough for one day.

            Qui-Gon smiled, "I was getting to that," he squeezed my hands, "Yesterday Adi Gallia went down into the secret passageways herself and removed the bombs. She also checked to make sure there were no others. Although they have not decided, the Council thinks that they are going to close off the passageways and chambers, to prevent anything like this from happening in the future."

            I nodded. Good. The chamber was a place filled with the darkness of Master Daec-Mar's soul. It was like his lair, far away from all light and goodness. The darkside was palpable in that room and it needed to be shut away. "Anything else?"

            Qui-Gon hesitated, clearly debating whether or not to tell me something. "The Council believes that it would be best that you see a Soul Healer, Obi-Wan," he said carefully.

            I closed my eyes. No, not again. I could not deny that the Soul Healer had helped me recover the first time this had happened, but the healer had been so…impersonal. I wanted Qui-Gon's help. I didn't want to have to sit through another season with a Soul Healer who was trying to analyze everything I did, said, and thought.

            Qui-Gon smiled reassuringly, "Do not worry, Obi-Wan. I convinced them not to force you to see a Soul Healer. I think that we can deal with this better among ourselves, just the two of us."

            I breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Master," I smiled slightly. "I-I feel more comfortable with you…"

            My Master smiled.

            "So that's it?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

            Qui-Gon nodded but then shook his head. "That's the end of Master Daec-Mar," he agreed, "but we still have a long path to travel before this trouble comes to an end for us."

            'We', I replayed the word over and over again in my head. 'We'. Qui-Gon and me. It felt so good to know that I wasn't alone. That Qui-Gon was here with me.

            "Yes," he smiled faintly "We still have a long path to travel, Obi-Wan. I will not let you travel it alone."

            I smiled and blushed. Force, why couldn't Qui-Gon always be like this? Caring, gentle, and understanding? This was the kind of Master I had always wanted, this was the kind of Master that I could give my loyalty to…and my love.

            I reached out deeply into our bond and simply let myself bask in its warmth and in the knowledge that for the first time, I wasn't alone.


            Sweat drenched my body and my breathing was so loud that everyone on Coruscant had to be able to hear it, along with the pounding of my heart. Another dream, another nightmare. What was wrong with me? I couldn't even sleep through the night! I had been released from the Healers' Ward three days ago. My wounds hadn't completely healed but instead of stinging, the slashes on my back only itched irritatingly. The healers had used a special herb to help me sleep but ever since I had returned home I hadn't been able to make it though the night without having waking up at least twice or having another nightmare. Another nightmare about…Master Daec-Mar, about his cruel words and cackling laugh…

            I shook my head. Force, why couldn't I stop thinking about him? What was wrong with me that he dominated my thoughts? Even mediating didn't help. Nothing did. Would this torture never end? All I wanted to do was sleep, was that so wrong? Some Jedi I was, I couldn't calm my mind enough to sleep.

            "Obi-Wan, Padawan," Qui-Gon's gentle voice startled me out of my thoughts.

            I jumped slightly in bed, my heart leaping into my throat, before I managed to control my surprise. "Master," I mumbled, ashamed, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

            "I'm not surprised. You're troubled." It was a statement, not a question.

            I sighed, almost inaudibly. Qui-Gon must have sensed my distress through our bond. "I'm sorry to disturb you, Master. Please go back to sleep, it's late." Qui-Gon had already risked his life for me, the last thing I needed to do was deprive him of sleep as well.

            "You didn't disturb me, Obi-Wan. I am your Master and it is my duty and pleasure to protect and care for you," his tone wrung of honesty and sincerity, reaching deep inside me to momentarily soothe my tumbled wash of emotions.

            I felt myself blushing at Qui-Gon's words and was grateful for the cover of darkness. "Thank you, Master, I appreciate…" my voice choked out before I could finish my sentence. My words were woefully inadequate. Qui-Gon had risked his life to save me. He had struck down his own Master to protect me, his Padawan. Even though no one else wanted me, he had nearly died for me. Telling him I 'appreciated it' was almost insulting in the face of what he had been willing to do for me. I wanted to thank him, but words weren't enough to express my gratitude and I didn't know what to say. I would just have to hope he already knew.

            Qui-Gon's footsteps were silent as he approached me and I didn't realize he had moved until I felt the bed dip in under his weight. There was a soft rustling of robes as Qui-Gon gathered his clothes about himself. "Obi-Wan," I started when I felt a gentle hand cup my cheek, "sometimes you don't have to say anything."

            'But I want to' I protested silently, but the words never made it past my lips. Qui-Gon must have read my thoughts through our bond. He wanted to tell me that I didn't need to thank him for what he'd done, but I wanted to. I needed to, but I couldn't. Maybe, someday, after I'd gotten over all this, I could give Qui-Gon the thanks he deserved.

            "You've been having trouble sleeping these past few nights," again, it was statement.

            "Yes," I agreed, placing my hand over his.

            "I could help you sleep and find pleasant dreams if you like, my Padawan," he offered, stroking my hair softly with his free hand.

            I smiled sadly, grateful for the offer. "Thank you, Master, but no." It was a foolish wish, but I wanted to overcome this without Qui-Gon's sleep suggestion.

            I half expected Qui-Gon to force me to go back to sleep, as he had in the hospital the first night that I had regained consciousness, but instead he accepted my decision. "Would you prefer to talk then, Obi-Wan?"

            I shuddered involuntarily. I wasn't ready to talk about what had just happened with Master Daec-Mar. I needed time to think and to process it all. "About what?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

            Qui-Gon's response surprised me, "About what ever you want, Obi-Wan. About when you were eleven, about now, or about something else, I'll listen all the same."

            Tears came to my eyes unbidden at the caring that shown through my Master's voice. I was touched by how deeply he worried for me. Unlike what Master Daec-Mar had said, he truly cared and worried for me.

            I wanted to talk to Qui-Gon, but I wasn't sure if I could. The memories were still too painful to even think about. I knew that Qui-Gon would understand, but I didn't want to disappoint him. He said I could talk about anything…perhaps just knowing he was here with me would help. I would talk for as long as I could.

            "A-after I came back to the Temple and…he was sent to Perelious Prime, I had a lot of…horrible nightmares about him," I started slowly, a pain settling in my heart as fear bloomed inside of me, "I…u-used to dream that he'd escape from…prison and come after me. In my dream I would be asleep…and when I'd wake up…he'd be in my room…laughing at me, telling me no one wanted me. I'd wake up screaming sometimes…" I choked on the words, swallowing down a lump in my throat. "I'd wake up…so afraid, but no one would be there…I would always be alone…I-I'm glad that you're here, Qui-Gon…" Tears drowned out anything else I had hoped to say. They were tears of fear and pain, but they were also of relief and joy. It felt so good to know that someone was here for me, when before I had always been alone. I was crying both for what had happened, and out of gratitude that I had a Master that cared so much about me, even though he sometimes didn't know how to express it.

            Qui-Gon leaned forward on my bed just as gentle arms reached out to enfold my body and I let myself fall into them without so much as a single protest. My Master held me tightly, drawing me close to him and slowly swaying us back and forth in a comforting rhythm. Nestling deep into Qui-Gon's form I wrapped my arms around him to hug him back with all my strength.

            "I am here for you, Obi-Wan. Don't forget that. I'll always be with you, if not in form then in spirit. You won't ever be alone again, I promise," Qui-Gon spoke with such faith in his words that I couldn't help but believe him.

            "Thank you," I spoke into the folds of his tunic, still wanting to say more but settling for something I knew I could say without faltering.

            Qui-Gon rested his chin on my head and tightened his arms even further. "Let it all out," he murmured softly, "just let it all out."

            As if on cue the tears that trickled down my face turned into a flood of distress. Thick drops of water formed in my eyes and flooded out from under my closed eyelids to soak the soft cloth of Qui-Gon's tunic. My shoulders shook from the silent sobs that wracked my body and after a few moments I could feel a cold wetness pressing against my face as my tears thoroughly drenched my Master's night clothes.

            I knew I was acting un-Jedi-like but I couldn't help it. I needed the release too badly. I was ashamed of my tears, of my weakness, but I couldn't stop. All the other times that I had awoken from terrible nightmares, sometimes screaming, no one had come to hold me, or even to comfort me, and I found the temptation too great to resist.

            For what was probably only a few minutes, but to me felt more like hours, Qui-Gon just sat there and held me. He didn't speak words of reassurance as I poured out all the pain and fear in my heart, but he didn't have to. His simple presence was enough for me. Just by being with me he gave me a greater gift than any words could have.

            Even after my flood of tears had run their course and I was left with nothing more but soft hiccups in their place, he didn't draw back. He just held me. It was so simple an act and yet it meant more to me than anything else anyone had ever done for me.

            Once my wave of distress passed and the tremors that shook my body stilled, I was left calmly and securely nestled in Qui-Gon's arms. My face was pressed tightly against his thoroughly tear-soaked tunic but oddly I didn't have trouble breathing. By pressing my ear against his chest I could hear his heart; strong and steady as it beat. Even it was comforting to me.

            "I promise that I won't let you down, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon finally spoke, still not making any move to release me.

            I breathed deeply, letting myself feel nothing but the comfort of being held this way, "I know you won't," I said, my voice thick and hoarse.

            "Do you want to go back to sleep?" he asked gently.

            I sniffled softly. I wanted to go back to sleep, but I was scared. As embarrassing as it was, I was scared of the dreams I knew would come as soon as I closed my eyes and let sleep claim me. "Master," I started, but then hesitated, too ashamed to ask.

            "What is it Obi-Wan? Don't be embarrassed."

            "I-I…" I didn't want to admit that I was afraid to go to sleep alone but… "W-will you stay with me…Master? And hold me?"

            I sensed rather than saw the gentle smile that covered Qui-Gon's face, "Of course I will, Obi-Wan, for as long as you want, I will."

            "Thank you," I managed to say.

            Qui-Gon didn't answer right away, but when he did his voice held a fierce note that I had rarely ever heard in it before, "It will be all right, Obi-Wan. Do you believe me when I say it will be all right?"

            "Yes, I believe in you, Qui-Gon," I answered without hesitation, knowing that with Qui-Gon everything would be all right.


Journal Entry; May 8th, 2300 Hours

            Two months have passed since Master Daec-Mar's death and Qui-Gon and I spent the entire time meditating and rebuilding our bond. After many long discussions and heart-felt confessions, I truly feel that I have healed from what the dark Jedi did to me. I no longer need Qui-Gon's constant approval to feel pride in myself. Even though I suspect I will always find it comforting to huddle close to his protective body, I don't need that comfort anymore. Qui-Gon has shown me the worth inside my soul and I have learned to embrace who I am. I'm not perfect, nor will I ever be, but I am the best that I can be. It doesn't matter what others think of me as long as I know my own skills and weaknesses and accept the qualities that make me who I am.

            It hasn't been an easy path to travel and Qui-Gon and I had our skirmishes along the way. After a few weeks of excessive coddling my Master became a very strict and demanding teacher. Everyday he would insist that I meditate on one of my most unpleasant memories regarding Master Daec-Mar and then come to peace with the fact that it happened. As I once told him, he told me that there is nothing I can do to change the past and that I have to accept it and move on.

            Many days he has forced me to think about things that I would rather forget. Once I was so terrified of the memories he was making me remember that I lashed out at him. I accused him of not understanding what it felt like to have my self-confidence ripped from me, to not be wanted by any of the Jedi Masters who had come in search of Padawans. I told him that no one had ever forced him to talk about Xanatos and that he was being unfair and hypocritical. Qui-Gon softly responded that he wasn't forcing me to talk about what happened to me, he said that he was just not letting me run from the memories, like he had with Xanatos. He said that when he forced me to meditate on what happened he was forcing me to accept the past and move on. He assured me that he had never once intruded on my privacy.

            Far from calming me down, this had only served to anger me even further. His complete calmness in contrast to my loss of control annoyed me greatly. I told him that I wasn't ready to remember these things and that he should understand because he hadn't been ready to think about Xanatos for many, many years. Again, Qui-Gon's words heightened my anger. He said that the reason he was lost for so many years was because he ran from the memories that frightened him; he refused to let me do the same thing. I can't remember exactly what I said to him but I continued to accuse him of not understanding my feelings until my voice gave out and the anger fled my body as quickly as it had entered it.

            Finally, after listening to my angry torrent of words, Qui-Gon calmly said words that I will never forget. "You were never unwanted by Jedi Masters, Padawan; destiny was just ensuring that we came together as we were meant to. I am sorry that it was so hard for you but I am forever grateful that you waited for me. I would never trade your place in my life for anything in the entire universe. I know you think I am being unfair but I am doing this because I care for you and I don't want to see this become to you what Xanatos became to me. I am not forcing you to talk about what happened when you're not ready to. I'm forcing you to face the memories because I don't want you to bury them. Running from the pain won't make it go away; it'll just make it worse. I know; that's what I did with Xanatos, until you came along and changed everything."

            At first I was so shocked by his words that I just stared at him, unable to formulate any response. A few moments past in complete silence before I realized what I had done. The guilt cascaded over me like rough waves over a sandy beach. Qui-Gon was the man who had devoted every minute of every day to helping me recover from my ordeal and rebuild my self-confidence and instead of thanking him for everything I had vented my anger and frustration on him. I started to cry then. I couldn't help it. I babbled some nearly incoherent apology and then abruptly found myself in his arms. That was the last time I cried myself to sleep.

            It was a turning point in my recovery. The next morning Qui-Gon and I discussed everything and I realized that he would never ask me to talk about Master Daec-Mar until I was ready but that he would also not let me bury the memories. He didn't want them to haunt me. It was the first time I thanked him, truly thanked him, for what he was doing for me. Something about my outburst made me realize that I let Master Daec-Mar manipulate me and strip my confidence away. After that, everything else came easily, in small but significant steps.

            Of course I still thrill at any words of approval that Qui-Gon gives me but I know that my Master is not a man prone to constant praise. He did it during and shortly after the Master Daec-Mar incident because he knew I needed to hear it, but ever since I started my road to recovery the words have been few and far between. It doesn't bother me though; instead it makes those spoken words all the more important to me. I have learned to read Qui-Gon's emotions in his face and gentle actions. The way his eyes shine after a special accomplishment or the way he touches my shoulder to complement me for a job well done, are enough for me.

            Qui-Gon himself has changed. I think he has finally found that balance he was searching for. In his teaching he is very demanding but he is no longer cold. When I do poorly he's not disappointed, he reprimands me if I was unfocused and then suggests ways to improve. He is very tough. We cannot move on from one lesson until I have performed to the best of my abilities. However, there is another side of my Master. When I am troubled or saddened he becomes one of the most caring people you'll ever meet. He'll sit down and talk to me or just hold me, if that's what I need, for as long as I want. If it wasn't for Qui-Gon, I wouldn't have gotten my confidence back. He'll never know how much he means to me.

            Today my Master told me that I am finally ready to take on all the responsibilities of a Padawan. In other words, he thinks that I have completely recovered and am ready to begin going on missions again. I was filled with such a sense of wellbeing and confidence that I too realized that I am ready to face the galaxy again. I wanted to say so much to Qui-Gon, I wanted to thank him for helping me heal, and for understanding when I needed him to sit with me and when I just needed to be alone. I wanted to tell him how much I care for him but I couldn't find the words to say. Instead, I just hugged him and I knew that he heard all the unspoken things in my heart.

            Yes, I will always feel happy when I hear my Master's words of praise, but I don't need them anymore. I am ready to move on. I am finally ready.


            My face was sticky with sweat and my breathing was slightly irregular but for the first time in ages I truly felt in tune with myself, and the Force. The dark black blindfold that obscured my vision and the rate that my heart was beating at did little to distract me from my objective.

            My senses were attuned to everything around me. I could hear the light humming of my 'saber and feel the Force buzzing around me. Not only could I sense where the five small probes were located, but I could practically see them hovering in front and to the sides of me.

            One of the probes let out a small burst of blaster fire at me while two of the others circled around to my sides and fired simultaneously. Effortlessly I brought my 'saber out to deflect the first probe's fire and then blocked the fire of the other two probes by zigzagging my 'saber from side to side.

            My weapon hummed and buzzed loudly as it hit the blaster fire and sent off waves of heat to cascade over my body. More sweat poured from my forehead to drench my blindfold but I ignored my physical discomfort, as I had been taught to do.

            Sensing the probes' actions before they actually took them I leapt into the air and swerved my 'saber out in front of me to deflect the approaching blaster fire. Then I twisted to the side and blocked the fire from another one of the probes. Just before my feet hit the ground I turned my 'saber to make solid contact with yet another string of blaster fire.

            When I landed I felt the unfamiliar sensation of exultation flow through my veins. Not only was I back to performing to my usual capabilities, I was exceeding them! I had never done so well before. As a young initiate it had been enough for me to simply block as much blaster fire as possible but now, not only was I deflecting the blaster shots, I was dancing within the Force. My movements weren't perfect – not even another forty years of training would make them so – but they were filled with a certainly I had never felt before. I didn't think I could do it – I knew I could.

            I flicked my 'saber slightly to the right and deflected another shot. When three of the five probes converged in front of me and began firing at the same time it was an easy thing indeed to let the Force guide my movements and block each and every single shot. I hadn't been hit once today and it had been at least two hours!

            I stretched out my arms, loosening my sore muscles. I was far from the point of exhaustion but my muscles were beginning to hurt slightly from the constant strain. I had never been allowed to go this long before.

            I sensed a sudden movement to my right and immediately turned to deflect the imminent blaster fire. Just as the small probe was going to shoot I heard a loud click and then a metallic clattering as the probes deactivated and fell to the floor. The session was over.

            Gentle fingers untied the knot that fastened my blindfold and pulled it away from my face. I had to blink rapidly until my eyes became accustomed to the sudden waves of light but as soon as my vision cleared I saw my Master's supportive face.

            Qui-Gon smiled broadly and his eyes twinkled with joy. I felt him place a gentle hand on my shoulder and squeeze it lightly. No words were spoken between us and I didn't need them. I didn't need for him to tell me he was proud of me or that I had done well, I already knew that. I could feel his warmth through our bond and it was enough for me.


Thanks for reading! =)  And thanks for the FB! =D