Last chapter, so sad. T^T Thank you to all of my reader. *Deep breath.* And thank you to… Ugh, not way I'm writing all the Reviewers down! Sorry, thanks to the readers and reviewers!

For the last time in this story, I DO NOT Own Pokemon!

The next year pasted at a fast pace for May. She could hardly recall even getting her wings.

She did, however, recall waking up after Drew's embrace seem to take the energy out of her.

Her head felt full of cotton, and her body did not wish to do as she wanted. It took what felt like hours to forced her eyes open to a scene that made her heart skip a beat. Her mother and Max, asleep in a chair beside a bed with white sheets.

A-am I back…home? May thought, eyes shinning with hope. B-but how? Did Drew…A small smile appeared on her lips. Even if Drew took her back just because he couldn't stand having the daughter of the Warrior that destroyed his life when he was a child, or the ludicrous possibly that he cared enough to take her back didn't matter to May. Drew done something no Demon had ever even fathomed, and she was grateful.

Taking a breath, May said "Mom? Max?" Max's eye lids lifted slowly.

"Huh…? MAY!" Max cried as May sat up, jolting their mom. He ran over and hugged her. "You're okay! I thought you were dead! I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Max." May said, fighting tears. Their mom joined in the hug. The seconded they broke apart, navy haired Dawn had run through the door and barreled into May.

"MAY! I…MAY!" She cried. May laughed. Before long most every resident of Heaven was in the little room hugging May.

Finally, when her dad had ushered the rest of the Heavenly beings out of the room and convinced Max and her mom to leave Norman turned to May.

"May, I…would hope you could answer something questions for me," Norman's face was grave. May had a hunch what he wished to speak about, and nodded. "May, a Demon returned you to us. A Demon from a line that…was destroyed many years ago. Did he—"

"No!" May blurted out. "I mean, I just remember passing out…" Norman narrowed his eyes at May. There was something he wasn't telling her, but pushing her into tell him probably wasn't such a good idea right then.

A year later, and her father still had many ideas of how Drew tortured May in Hell.

Fazing back to present, May looked ahead smiling at the group of human children playing in front of hospital. She flexed her wings with a small grin. It felt nice to know that the sky was hers.

But, then again, it had been hers, for a short time with Drew. Sighing, her mind wander back to the questions that had been plaguing her: How was Tyra and the zombies? Who had told Drew about her heritage? Why did he give her back?

Suddenly, a sharp, cold metal touched her throat; the eyes of the damned looking pleadingly up at her.

"Nice big, silly, pigeon wings, Angel," A voice smirked. May eyes got wide.

"Drew," May whispered as the blade disappeared. She turned to see the Demon resting against the truck of a leafy oak tree, hidden from the sun's light. She strolled over and sat beside him without a word.

The Demon's eyes stuck slightly from the light that was filtering through the tree leaves. He was clearly spending to much time on the Earth Plane. But he almost couldn't stop himself. He knew one day he'd run into the over helpful Angel here if he come up long enough.

He glanced at May out of the corner of his eye. Hard to believe only a few years ago he'd called such a beautiful face 'anomalous' and 'very strange looking'. He almost wished he could take it back. Almost.

It didn't matter, not anymore. No matter how much he'd craved a glimpse of her, it wouldn't be enough. The Demon's nature was too selfish to live the rest of his life with just one glance. Half of him wanted to steal her back away with him.

"Hey, Drew," May's voice brought him out of his own mind. "I…want to ask you something…"

"Hmm?" Drew turned toward her. She bit her lip before saying, "Why…why did you…" She was losing her nerve, Drew observed. "Why—Who told you about my family?"

"Oh, that." Drew rolled his eyes. "An Angel by the name of Dawn I believe blurted it out. And Timble told me."

A frown come on her face hearing about Timble's betrayal. "Oh. So, how are they?"

Drew smirked, "They went into mourning, and you now have a grave maker." May shook her head with a laugh.

"Tell them May says hi from the Afterlife," May giggled as they lapsed back into silence.

The sun rose even high in the sky and Drew just barely hid his discomfort. He need to get back to Hell soon. But leaving was the one thing he didn't want to do. Maybe, if he stayed on the Earth Plane longer enough, he'd die and wouldn't have to fight this feeling that was crawling up in his heart.

May still wanted to know what reason Drew had had for taking her back to Heaven but could not muster up the bravery to ask. May pulled her knees up to her chin and stared at the humans.

Taking a breath, she realized something. Everything up until that point had been a little more than a blur to her, but time seemed to slow down at that point. Why was that? Why was it she felt as though everything was normal with Drew. "Why did you take me back." May jolted, only just realizing the words had come out of her mouth.

"Because you are the spawn of one of my most hated enemy."

So…that's why…May frowned inwardly. He didn't care about her after all.

As May was in her own little world, Drew made a very important choice.

A sudden chill felt over the Angel's skin. Her head snapped to the side. Drew was gone, in his place a single black rose.

Drew looked up happily at the Hell Skies, the pain gone, his answer to May's question ringing his ears.

Because you are the spawn of one of my most hated enemy. He sighed. The look on her face told him that wasn't the answer she wanted to hear. But it was the answer she need to hear.

Drew…couldn't be in love with an Angel. And May couldn't be in love with a Demon. He knew it was never meant to be. A wince came on his face as he thought this.

Love, he decided, is the most evil of Demons.

Well, how did we like it? Seeing as I'm writing this at 1:12 in the morning, it may or may not be any good.

Is it okay that I centered the none flashback parts? I wanted it to be different from the other chappies.

I hope to have the squeal typed and up by…before Thanksgiving…maybe. But, seeing as I have a bunch of stories to work on right now, I would like to finish some of them before I start another.

I thank all of my readers. Remember, if you review the last two chappies, you'll get a PM for when the squeal, "An Angel's Demon" is posted. Everyone else will have to keep an eye on my other stories and profile.

Also, I love my quote at the end. I guess tiredness make for good quotes. I have a fairly good idea what "An Angel's Demon" is going to be about that's to your helpful little idea you all put in your reviews. See you soon. ^-^