Disclaimer: See part 1

A/N: Sniffle. I can't believe it's finished. Thank you so much to all of you who have faithfully reviewed. This story has had my highest number of reviews, alerts, and been favourited the most. I appreciate it so much.

Thank you again to Kricket who has been a wonderful beta and even better friend.

Thank you for sharing the ride with me. Please let me know one last time what you think. Harlie

One Of The Boys - epilogue

"Mom, how did you know daddy was 'the one'," Francine asked, as she came into the den.

Penelope put down the microprocessor components she had been fiddling with to focus on her daughter. "What's brought this on?"


"What's he done now," Penelope asked, but she was fighting to keep her lips straight and the lift of excitement from her tone.

"Uh." The very sound told Penelope far more than anything her daughter could have said. She'd experienced similar frustration with her Hot Stuff in the first seven years they'd been friends. "He's...he's...damn it, Mom, why can't he see me as more than just his buddy? For the love of God, do I have to throw myself at him?"

Penelope smirked. "Well..."

Francine's head shot up and she focused exclusively on her mother for the first time since entering the room. "Mom?"

A little self-deprecating laugh escaped Penelope. "Did I ever tell you what my mother told me when I first asked her the same question?"

Her daughter shook her head, sending a mass of caramel curls streaked with cranberry red flying.

"I couldn't have been more than sixteen, but I knew I wanted a happy marriage like my parents had, if I was ever to marry. Mom told me I'd know the right man when I tasted him."

Francine went scarlet, sputtered for a moment, and then arched a brow at her mother in a nearly identically arch to her father.

"Mom. I...I don't think...I mean...That's how you knew? When you and dad...you know-"

"Francine Morgan, you're twenty-six years old and still can't accept the fact your father and I have sex?"

"No. I mean, yes. I mean, of course you have sex. It's just I'm shocked you needed a blow-"

"Perhaps if I'd done so, your dad would have caught on sooner. But, I quite literally licked his face while doing tequila shooters. And my Mom told me that she sucked chocolate off my dad's cheek. She said the taste of him was so intoxicating to her; she didn't even stop once the chocolate was gone. Apparently, daddy liked the feel of her pressed against him and licking him so much, he kissed her when she came up for air, and the rest, as they say, was history."

"Huh," Francine said. "How did daddy react to you licking him?"

"I took your mom home with me and never let her leave again," came Derek's deep voice, as he joined them in the den. "If your mom is telling you all this then things must be changing for you and Owen."

"Hardly. He doesn't see me as more than just a buddy. We spend 90% of our time together, but still nada. I'm tempted to show up at our next meeting naked, just to see if his pulse even blips."

"Like hell you will, young lady."

Penelope got up from her seat behind the desk and came to stand in front of Derek. "Why not, Hot Stuff? It worked for you."

"Hmmph." Derek wrapped his arms around Penelope and she gloried in his embrace, even after all these years. His brown eyes had darkened to a deep chocolate in the few seconds their gazes held. She knew where his thoughts had strayed, as hers were apt to go along, if not for their daughter's distress.

"Francine, all I can tell you is what I see when I watch you and Owen together; devotion, love, trust, and no small amount of heat. I won't tell you how to force his hand, but I will say this: one taste and my Mother knew. One lick and I had no doubt about your dad. I'm sure you'll figure it out." Penelope barely got the last words of her mini speech out without sighing as Derek nuzzled her neck.

"Thanks, Mom. Dad, I can take a hint. Love you both," Francine said, and left.

Penelope was well rewarded by Derek and was slipping into a satisfied orgasm induced coma, when the in-house telecommunications system indicated there was an incoming audio only communication.

"Answer," she heard Derek mumble from beside her. "It had better not be Reid."

The voice that came through the room speakers sounding a bit breathy, but happy. "Mom, you were right. Indescribable and yet…perfect. Love you. Talk later."

"Well, that's that," Penelope murmured, as she leaned over and took a quick lick of Derek's closest shoulder. "We've got ourselves a future son in-law, Hot Stuff."

"Humph," was Derek's response, before he rolled Penelope over him. "That boy had better realize there's more magic to life with my little girl than just tasting delectable. I always knew with you, Baby Girl."

Apparently, Derek agreed: Francine was no longer 'one of the boys' to Owen either.

Somewhere, Penelope thought, her Mom was smiling just like she was right now.

The End.