DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto, but I do own the OCs and the plot.

Chapter 3 - Forget

I was awaken by the sun's rays penetrating my eyes from the cracks of my drapes. I turned to look at my clock on my nightstand, it said '5:04 AM'. Time to get up for my usual early morning stroll. I yawned as I removed the sands from my blue eyes. I ungracefully carried myself off of my comfy bed and dragged my feet to the bathroom of my quaint apartment.

I did what I have to do in there -shower, brush teeth, wash face- in 15 minutes, and got out wrapped in a towel. I wore my usual attire -a rose pink pleated mini skirt(of course I had on tight white shorts underneath) and a loose long-sleeved white blouse that I leave un-tucked. I dried and brushed my long wavy light auburn hair, letting it fall just above my bottom.

I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and took my sling bag before leaving the apartment.

I breathed in the fresh air and started walking around town. Thinking.

Why do people think about what they want to forget?

Thinking about forgetting what you want to be forgotten. But it wouldn't be forgotten if you think about forgetting it, because you're thinking about it. And when it is something you need to remember you forget, because you don't think about it. So I must not think about what I should forget...? But then I'd be thinking about not thinking about the something I want to forget...then I can forget it. So how exactly do you forget something? I know, by not thinking about it. So the right question is 'how do you not think about something'? But I know what I want forget, I'm thinking about it at this very second...so I've still haven't forgotten him.

"Oh, Miu..." A voice broke my train of thoughts.

I looked up at the speaker.

"Hey Toyome...you're quite early today." I mumbled in reply to my colleague.

"Of course!"

"Toyome! Miu!" Another voice came into our conversation.

"Hikaru~!" Toyome squealed as the boy ran towards us.

Hikaru was finally in front of us when he said, "Well, well, well...seeing two beautiful ladies so early in the morning sure brightens up my day."

"Stop flattering us, Hikaru!" Toyome blushed waving a hand.

"But it's true." He stated impishly, rubbing the back of his neat black hair. Toyome blushed at his response. "Especially you...Toyome" he continued making Toyome red as a tomato.

Toyome kissed him on the cheek as a thank you and the two giggled at eachother.

I hate it when they do this when I'm around. It's not like that I'm not happy for them or anything...I just feel even more left out. The couple makes me feel awkward. One time during the research laboratory they were by the bookshelves teasing each other playfully, and I needed a certain book for my research quick because I was sure it's going to be long, but they were blocking the way...I didn't want to be the joy killer of the two, so I ended up in the lab for the night after waiting an hour for the two lovebirds to get out of the way. And this kinds of situations happen a lot.

"Miu...?" Another voice? Someone to free me of the awkwardness?

I turned quickly to the person, happy. My smile immediately dropped when I saw what I want to be forgotten. "Sai..."

His expression changed to that of curiosity.

"Miu, you know this person?" Toyome suddenly asked, intrigued.

"Yeah, Sai, he's a...uh..." What is he to me? a friend? an acquaintance? a friends of my friends? someone I met in the library? the one I have admired from afar? the one I want to forget?

I trailed of. Unable to finish my sentence.

The people around me looked at me quizzically.

Silence filled the bubble the four of us are in.

A grin began to form across Toyome's lips. "Ahhh...I get it..."

"Get what?" The two boys and I questioned.

"I'mma gonna take Miu for awhile." She spoke as she grabbed my forearm. "You two introduce yourselves, talk about girls, maybe boobs or even the size of your penis...or something." She continued a little too loud, causing the elders who were drinking their early morning tea to look at our direction wide-eyed.

Toyome dragged me away from the two. Abruptly, she twirled me to face her and said, "You like that sexy Sai guy."

Her statement surprised me. "What! N-"

"Don't you even deny it. Toyome-sama knows everything."

I was speechless. What's going to happen now? Or better yet...what should I do now?

I want my feelings for Sai to be forgotten...to be gone. Not to be known!

"Heh!" Toyome laughed. "Fine. I'll keep it a secret. But you know me..." she smirked playfully.

Oh yeah. I know Toyome all right. She'll surely gonna do something about this.

I gulped. I'm terrified.

All of a sudden she grabbed my forearm again and pulled me towards the boys.

Toyome and I stopped the moment we saw the two's expressions. Sai is smiling happily and Hikaru stared at him wide-eyed. What the were they talking about?

"Interesting..." Hikaru mumbled as Sai nodded.

"What the hell were you two talking about?" Toyome questioned, obviously having the same thought as I did.

"Nothin'" Hikaru grinned. Toyome eyed him suspiciously.

On that moment I saw a flash of pink. "Sai! There you are!"

"Oh! Sakura." Sai turned and so did everyone else. "Is there something going on?"

"Yeah. We have a mission." She answered simply. She saw me and then smiled, I gladly returned it.

"Who are your friends?"

"My name is Toyome Shiha and this is my guy, Hikaru Koju." The two grinned.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sakura Haruno."

"I guess we should be going too then." Toyome suggested.

Sakura agreed, "Yeah..."

All of us waved goodbye and went on our way.

"So...got the reports, Mui?" Hikaru questioned.

I stopped dead on my tracks. "I forgot."

A/N: Too lazy to re-read, so there might be a few mistakes here.

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