I Don't Have the Right To by G.R.A.B.


I don't own the characters and the anime Soul Eater.

Here's another fanfic of mine, I hope you'll like it. This is the first time that I decided to write a story with some lemons... but it will be on the next chapter(s). I'll think about that first. hehe.

Special thanks to angeldescendantfor influencing me at making fanfics.

Hope you'll enjoy! Reviews and comments are much appreciated.

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 1


'Soul, I'm leaving tonight.'

'Where are you going? It's already late.'

'I have a date.'

'With whom?' asked Soul starting to feel jealous and possessive of her.

'I have a date with Black Star.'

'What? There are so many guys in the world, why he?' said Soul giving her a hint that he is available.

'I just want to give him some chance. I admire him so much because he has the guts to confess how he really feels about me.'


'Yeah. He told me that he likes me and he asked me to be his girlfriend.' said Maka as she turned a little pink.

Soul felt like his heart was stabbed by a knife. He can't believe what Maka said.

'Are you okay?' asked Maka.

'Uh. What did you say? You said yes?'

'Not yet. I just don't want to have relationships as for now.' answered Maka.

Soul felt relief as those word came out from Maka's mouth.

'Good.' Soul smiled.


'Uh. Nothing.'

'I'm going. Cook dinner for me okay? Thanks.' said Maka and left.

'I'm happy that I still have the chance to call you mine.' Soul thought.

Without Maka knowing, Soul followed them on their date.

Everything went perfect. She enjoyed the movie a lot and also the romantic dinner that Black Star planned. She liked it and when their date was about to end…

'Maka… I'm not forcing you to love me back. I just want to be with you because I love you. I love you so much. I know you don't want to have any relationships as for now but I'll be waiting.' said Black Star seriously.

'I knew that you can understand my decision. Thank you.'

'I'll do everything for you.' said he as they both smiled.

'Maka, let me…' said Black Star as he approached her. He kissed her on her lips, it was long but gentle.

Maka was shocked at first but she kissed her back. Black Star too was surprised that she will kiss him also. Their lips parted.

'Thank you.' said Black Star. Maka was speechless and was so shocked of what she did.

'I'll take you home.' said he.

'Uh. Okay.'

It's already 2am, so Maka thought that Soul was already asleep. She opened the door carefully not to wake him up but she found Soul sitting at the couch waiting for her.

'I thought you're sleeping already.' said Maka as she stared at him. As far as she can tell, he's not in a good mood.

'What did you do with him?' asked Soul annoyed.

'Oh. We had fun.' she laughed.


'We watched movies and had our dinner. That's all.' she smiled.

'Liar!' shouted Soul.

'W-What are you talking about?'

'Why did you kissed him back?" he yelled.

'Are you following us?' asked Maka.

'Answer my question first.'

'Now I know that a bastard like you doesn't know how to respect privacy.' said Maka with a frown face.

'Do you like him?' said Soul becoming aggressive.

'Will you stop asking private questions like that? What's happening to you?" shouted Maka.

'You really want to know why?'

'Yes. I want to clear things out!'

'I'm jealous! Are you that numb?' answered Soul.

'What are you saying? You don't have the right to be jealous because we are not lovers!' shouted Maka matching his voice.

Soul stopped and looked at her.

'You're right. I am not your boyfriend so I don't have the right to… I DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO.' he said at a low voice so it's kinda startling.

Maka was shocked of what she said. Soul went into his room and locked himself.

'Soul, wait! Come out! Open up!' said Maka as she continuously knocks at the door but there is no answer.

Maka gave up. She looked at the dining table and found some food. She remembered… she asked Soul to cook dinner for her. It was the first time that Soul followed what she said.

She ate. The food is out of flavor but she still ate it. She ate it while tears rolled down her cheeks.

The next day, Maka woke up early. She was quite nervous because she doesn't know what and how to apologize to him.

She came out of her room and looked for him. He's not there even at his room. It's weekend so there's no classes. She wondered where he went.

After the weekend, Soul went home.

'Where did you go? I've been looking for you.'

'I'm surprised that you care about me.' Soul faked a smile.

'Soul… I'm sorry.'

'There's nothing to say sorry Maka. I hate you… because you're so numb.' said Soul.

'S-Soul… Forgive me for what I've said. I'm sorry.' said Maka as tears started to form at her eyelids.

'Your sorry will not change everything.' answered Soul as his door slammed shut.

She cried.

It's Monday and they have practice about Chain Resonance but Soul doesn't participate. He's not going at school, so, Maka too decided to leave school.

'It's Monday, you're not going to school?' asked Soul.

'Isn't it obvious? We suppose to have a practice about Chain Resonance, but you don't participate… how can I join their training if I'm all by myself?' answered Maka.

'Soul, please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry.' said Maka.

Silence answered her.

'I'm sorry about what I've said. I was carried away. I hope you understand.' said Maka lovingly.

'I don't hate you just because of what you've said.'

'Can we just be okay and forget everything about that?'

'I think… that's impossible.'

'I'm sorry, please forgive me.'

'Shut up!' he yelled.

Maka sighed and went to her room.

On the other hand, Soul was thinking about what he saw. Their kiss.

'She looked like she enjoyed their kiss very much. I think she's in love with him.' sighed Soul.

Soul opened the fridge and grabbed a couple of beer. 'I just want to wash all these pain. Damn it!' he said.

'I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her.' he murmured as he drank all the beer. He was already drunk and started to break some things at the living room. Maka heard the noise he was making and she rushed out to see what's happening.

Soul lies on the floor with his right hand full of blood. Maka was shocked of what she saw so she approached him.

'Soul, what are you doing?' said Maka as she held her hand.

'Leave me alone!' yelled Soul as he pushed her away.

'Stop it! You're already drunk! That's enough.' said she grabbing a bottle of beer from his hand.

'I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.' he said.

Soul's crimson eyes widen as tears started to fall from her eyes.

'I know. It's okay if you hate me, I can't do anything about that.' said Maka. 'But I don't want you to be like that because you're mad at me. Come on, take a rest now.' said she as she helped Soul to stand.

She put him on his bed and started to clean up his wounded hand.

'It hurts.' said Soul.

'I'll be gentle, don't worry.' she faked a smile.

She wrapped it up with bandages and now, she started to wipe a cold towel on his body.

'What are you doing?' he asked.

'This will help you feel good. Are you still dizzy?'


'Take a rest now, okay. I'll just clean the living room.' she smiled.

He nodded. He heard her still sobbing so he followed her into the living room.


'What are you doing here? Take a rest now.' said Maka as she sobs.

'Maka…please stop crying.' said Soul as he wiped her tears.

'I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to hurt you like that. Come on, stop crying.'

'You're mad at me… and you hate me. How can I stop crying if I kept on thinking about that?' said she.

'I just… I-I love you Maka.'

'Are you serious?' Maka's green eyed widen. 'Is this man really drunk?' she thought.

'I became jealous because I love you. I like you Maka.' said Soul as he hugged her very tight.

What Soul said made her cry a lot more.

'You're that numb also huh?' giggled Maka.

'What are you sa--' he was about to scold her again but he felt a pair of soft lips touched his.

They kissed!

Their lips parted and he became speechless.

'I love you too idiot.' said Maka as she kissed him again.

'Y-You love me?' asked Soul.

'Yes, ever since we met.' she laughed.

'For real?'

'For real.'

'I love you Maka.'

'I love you too Soul.' They both smiled.

'So, will you… be mine forever?' asked Soul sincerely.

'Well, if it's you… why not?'

'Is that a…'

'YES.' she smiled.


'I want to have it back!'

'Wait! I love you honey.'

'That's… disgusting. I love you babe.' she laughed.

'Well, that's more I like it!' he chuckled.

They both laughed.

Well, I think it's better to have another chapter for this. Maybe the next chapter will have some lemons but I'm sure I'll suck on writing that. So… I'll think about that first.

I really had a hard time thinking about the title of this chapter. I thought it will be good if it's entitled Jealousy, but I changed it into Numbness. I really find it very boring and uninterested but I hope it's still good. hehe.

Jeez, my cousins are quite influencing me at lemony stuffs. God, I hate it.

As for now, read and review!