Author's Note: Not much to say here really...except unbeta'd so there will be mistakes, but don't worry too much about them. Enjoy the story and lemme know what you think! ta muchly.

The First Mistake

Barker laughed.

"Did she just say what I thought she said?" He slyly smiled at Casey, who was showing mild surprise at Milligan's slip. After that very sensual kiss she had given Bartowski, she had said the wrong name…she had said 'James' not 'Charles' which meant that she had been thinking of Casey.

"Yeah, she did say what you thought she said. Quiet, Barker…I want to see how Chuck gets through this."

Casey watched the screens and listened carefully in the earphones to what Chuck was saying. As Chuck wasn't saying anything and looking quite dumbfounded, the situation was a little tense. Even Sarah was hovering at a nearby table, wondering if he was going to say anything.

"That has got to hurt." Barker continued, leaning back in his chair and propping his hands behind his head. "Kiss a girl and have her say another man's name? Not good. Hell if you really were his dad, that would…that would be so humiliating."

"Chuck! Say something!" Casey growled into the microphone.

"Huh? What did you say?" Chuck was still very bewildered and gobsmacked. ``What?"

"I said Charles." Milligan was obviously pretending that she hadn't said the wrong name and she was hoping that Chuck hadn't heard her. Actually Casey and Barker weren't sure that Chuck did hear. Perhaps the kiss from Janet affected his hearing. "Was…was the kiss okay?"


"I was all right to kiss you like that….yeah?"


"I would try extending your vocabulary, mate." Barker said. Casey nodded in agreement.

"Chuck, remember the rest of the mission. You've gotten this far, proceed to the next step." Walker's voice calmly spoke over the comms and Casey watched her gently place the bill on their table. It was a little tense for a moment as still Chuck said nothing. Milligan was more than worried.

"Dammit, Chuck, say something!" said Casey. "Don't let her know that you heard her slip and say something! Preferably not anything moronic!"

The rest of the team all sighed with relief when Chuck broke from his dazed trance and found his composure once again. Almost.

He smiled and quickly dealt with the bill, not taking his eyes off Milligan as they small talked. Casey, pleased that Chuck was back in his cover mode, but not pleased about the sickening words of seduction he was spouting, took off his head phones and adopted the same posture as Barker. Let the Englishman and Walker listen to that drivel.


Casey didn't quite understand Barker's question and scowled.

"How do you feel knowing about Milligan's obvious attraction to you?"

Casey grunted a number 34 grunt and turned his attention back to the screens. Chuck was being too good at his cover now. Walker had given him back the card and gave Chuck a slight disapproving look before walking off.

"Doesn't any guy like it when women are attracted to them? Or now that you're with Agent Bartowski's sister, does none of that matter."

Casey wasn't going to say a word. Though Barker was right, if other women found him attractive then so what? Ellie was the only one who really mattered. Barker grinned as his question was already answered by Casey's lack of verbal response.

"Is she for keeps? Or is she the one, the one who you could try and have a normal life with?"

Casey stiffened in his chair and then pretended to looking busy by adjusting something on the computers before him. He then put on the headphones again, because he wasn't going to discuss his feelings about Ellie with the Beefcake.

As soon as he did…Casey heard Chuck say something really stupid.

"Yeah…my sister is a doctor. Ellie is the best!"

"Your sister's name is Ellie?"

In that instant, a month and two weeks of Cover prep had been instantly crapped down the toilet.