Hello everyone. I have another story for you. Don't worry about my other stories I will return to them, they are not forgotten.

This story will fallow the Sonic X series with my own characters. Well basically, I replace Chris with my own character and make the story a little different.

So please review and tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sonic X or the Sonic Team. Except my own OC.

With Love, Amethyst ;]

It was dark, only the crescent moon shredding any light into my room.

Oh, how I love this kind off nights. Peaceful, calm and beautiful. Makes you forget all your problems, if only for a short time. And at that moment my life was nothing more than a big problem.

All my life I wanted someone to be with me...

... someone to keep me from being alone.

I've always been alone. No one with me, no one who understood what it was like to be me...

Danny, Frances, Helen... they weren't really my friends, so they won't understand.

My Grandpa, even he couldn't understand.

And my parents….well that was a whole different story.

It wasn't their fault. How could they known what I go thru everyday?

Dad was an actor, he was always busy with his movies, Mom was a singer, her job took all of her free time mostly, and grandpa, even he was busy with his science experiments... they were the ones out there, making enough money to give me every sort of luxury I could ever imagine...

But I didn't want that...

If I could have gotten them to come home by giving up everything they had given me, I would have done it in an instant.

When I was six years old, I remember one morning standing right before the doors.

Dad and Mom... were standing by the doors, saying goodbye to me, telling me to be good...

And then that question that I asked, every time I ever saw them...

"If I'm good, will you come back soon?"

I was too young to see that, despite their empty promise of "yes," they wouldn't come back until work was finished... which could take months. True, they came back occasionally, but it was always rushed and they were always running back off to work.

One time they left for a whole year. I remember that then, before leaving, my mother had bought me a lovely porcelain doll. She had crystal blue eyes and long golden hair. She was wearing a red gown with a matching shawl and bonnet as accessories. Her bonnet was fastened to her head with a green ribbon, which was tied into a bow at her neck and held in place with a pink rose brooch.

I named her Angelina, because she reminded me of a little angel.

That doll was probably the closes thing I had to a friend back in my childhood. I always had her with me. She was my only companion.

So years passed, holidays and birthdays, and all I got were presents from my parents. Yes, they were the best presents that money could buy, but I didn't want any of that...

I had everything that any child could want……Everything.

But what good are presents if you're alone?

Then my grandpa suggested sending me to a public school, so I could be with other kids my age. In the end my parents agreed.

But It didn't go as I planned…..as I wanted.

I was known as the girl with the famous parents, the rich girl, who was spoiled beyond reasonable thought.

They made fun of me….used me….ignored me.

No one took the time to know me. The real me. But then I met some kids that I could call my friends, the ones who started to know me for who I was, and for once I felt like maybe I wasn't so alone anymore.

But as time went by, I realized that no one, not even Danny, Frances, or Helen could understand me. Everyone had their parents with them all the time... but mine were missing. Gone, and as far as I knew, they were gone from the very beginning and will probably be gone forever.

My friends were trying their best to help me as best as they could and as much as I loved them and being with them, I knew I was still missing something. I was afraid to speak with them about my problems, because I knew they would never understand me. They would think I'm overreacting. So I usually kept all my thoughts to myself and never shared them with anyone.

I became even more distant than I was before. I rarely talked to anyone anymore. That's how I gained the title 'Ice princess.'

Yes, a really fitting title indeed. It fits me just wonderfully. Honestly, I didn't care what they called me….not anymore.

I'm angry, I know this……and my family couldn't care less.I'm lonely,I feel this……and I wish I was the best.

There is no one to guide me thru life…..I always walk alone.

I'm always crying at night, when nobody else is home.

I just hoped that everything will be alright in the end……that I just had to give it some time.

I hear the ticking of the clock. I'm lying here the room's pitch dark. The night goes by so very slowly. Sometimes I just sit there, on my bed, and talk to myself, pretending that someone's listening…..

….. Couldn't I leave this world for just a moment, to look into the future, to know what will be?

Just let me know, know the answer….

……How can I….. How can I - never be alone?

I really wish that someone would answer that for me. But I guess I have to find the answer myself.

I suddenly remembered one pitiful night, a couple of years ago, that changed me dramatically….

……The house was empty, the maids had already left for the night and my grandpa was working late in his science lab down town. The only ones home were dad, mom and me. I was really happy that they came home from work and now we could spend so time together. How wrong was I.

It appeared that dad came home drunk that night, from some kind off business party. And soon he and my mom began to scream at each other, throw things, fight.

I held Angelina tight in my arms as I came downstairs to see what was happening. That was my mistake. I don't remember what really happened after that, all I remember is my father slapping me across the face, ripping Angelina from my arms and throwing her against the wall.

All I saw that moment was, my doll…..my lovely doll….my friend lying on the ground completely broken.

I remember how my mother ran to my side while yelling at my father for hitting me, but I didn't care at that moment, something inside me broke that night……my spirit……my soul.

My father threw away Angelina that same night.

Now here I am today, unhappy, alone and broken…..

A broken doll by the name of Sierra Katelyn Edwards.