Hey Guys. I'm back :). I know it's been months and I'm sorry :(. I've been so busy with work and writing this chapter. I had an idea for this chapter to be longer than it's going to be BUT I had to cut it in half because it was so long. I didn't want to keep you guys waiting any longer either. Also I started writing this is November and if you know me from twitter and Scott, you know we started dating in December and it was so weird for me writing his part in this story (you'll see why ;)) BTW I have an old show references in this chapter and some movies. Tell me which shows and/or movie and I'll put you in the next chapter. I also want to thank Steffy, Dev, and Scott for helping me with this chapter. You guys helped a lot and gave me amazing idea. I love you guys. ANYWAY it's here and I hope guys love it :).

I do not own iCarly, the designers, etc. etc. Enjoy the chapter :).

Carly stomped out of the elevator walking towards her office. She was still beyond pissed.

Scott stood in front of Carly's office door. "Good morning Ms. Shay"

"What's so good about it?" Carly yelled as she ripped the latest issue of 'Gossip' in half.

Scott looked at Carly scared with wide eyes. "Oh my god you know"

He started to run but wasn't quick enough. Carly grabbed Scott by the collar of his white button down shirt. "You KNEW?" she hissed.

Scott nodded timidly.

"How did you know?"

I-it was k-kinda obvious" he stuttered. Scott was a little shaken up by Carly.

Carly looks up and sees Freddie getting off of the elevator and heading to his office. "Go get coffee, and don't mention this to Freddie" she whispered.

Carly freed Scott and walked into her office. Scott headed towards the elevator trying to avoid a conversation. If he let it slip to Freddie that Carly knew, she would cut his balls off… literally.

"Hey Scott"

Scott speeded up "Can't talk dude. Carly needs her coffee, she's in one of her moods this morning." He entered the elevator. "Good luck. Guard your loins." He said before the doors closed shut.

Freddie cocked his eyebrow. He shucked as he took out his cellphone out of his pocket.


Meet me in my office

Before going to see



Freddie sent and waited. A minute later his phone vibrated.

"Of course. ;)


Freddie smirked and went into his office. Oh if he only knew.

Sam walked out of Freddie's office fixing her hair. She walked towards Carly's office and opened the door. "Hello Carlota" she greeted her best friend with a dreamy look on her face.

"Be here in a few minutes" Carly hung up the phone, well more like slammed the phone. She looked up at Sam. "You're late." She said in an aggressive tone.

"Ouch, someone had a hot cup of bitch this morning?" Sam spoke as she sat down. "And I'm late because of LA traffic."

"Mhm… sure"

Just then Freddie walked in. "You wanted to see me?"

"Actually, I wanted to see the both of you." Carly got up from her chair and walked in front of her desk and faced them. "I know"

"You know?" Sam asked

Freddie raised his brow. "You know what?"

"Oh you know what I know. The whole world knows" Carly the issue of 'Gossip' at their feet that read 'Move over Mirlando! Here comes Seddie' (A/N: Miranda and Orlando. I'm sorry but I refused to put Jelena)

Their eyes widen. "We can explain" they said simultaneously.

"No need. I honestly don't care. I'm just pissed that I'm the last one to know. You know how much damage control I have to do? So this is what we're going to do. Saturday, Sam has to go to that award show. Sam is going to take you as her date. Freddie, I want you to take Sam to the gym and while she's there, I want you to go buy a suit from Calvin Klein. Sam, I want my Louis Vuitton luggage by the end of the week."

"So… you really don't care?" Sam wondered.

"Of course not Sammy." Carly walked over to Sam and gave her a hug. "You're my best friend. I just want you to be happy." (A/N: I just got chills typing that up because I wrote this part of the fic in November. WAY before iOMG)

Sam smiles and hugged her back. "Thanks Carls"

Carly pulled away "Well I have a lot of work to do"

"I'll go take Sam" Freddie stated grabbing Sam's hand.

"Have fun you two" Carly smiled as they left. She picked up the phone and dialed. "Hello Gossip? I just might have a huge story for you about our sweet 'All American Girl'"

Freddie held Sam's hand tight as they sat in the limo.

Sam looked down at their hands. "Um… nervous much?"

He let loose of his grip a bit "Sorry. I'm just not use to being on the red carpet. I'm use to handling it. You know, doing nonstop work"

"It'll be fine" Sam leaned in and kissed her boyfriend gently. She pulled away slowly when she heard a knock on the limo. "That's our cue"

Freddie stepped out of the limo and held out his hand so Sam could gracefully get out. Sam was wearing a gorgeous black asymmetrical lace black cocktail dress, black platform pumps with silver crystals on the heels. She wore her hair curly in a ponytail. Freddie was wearing black trousers with matching blazer and a navy blue button down shirt.

They were lead to the carpet together. Freddie has been to a couple of these red carpets as a job, but never as a guest. However he did know it's better for Sam to get picture alone. So he just stood on the side, knowing not to get in the way.

Sam posed and smiles for the cameras, looking like a complete angel.

"Samantha" a photographer yelled. "Take one with the boyfriend"

Sam motioned Freddie to come over to her. So he did. He put his arm around her waist. "I don't think I'll ever get use to this" Freddie thought to himself.

After a few thousand flashes blinding Sam and Freddie; Sam went to answer questions for the interviews.

"Samantha" said a woman holding an 'E! News' mic. "Remember me?"

Sam smiled at her. "I can never forget you Giuliana"

"May I say, you look amazing. Who are you wearing?" Giuliana asked.


"And the shoes?"

Sam smirked. "'Miu Miu' of course. I almost wore my 'Christian Louboutin.'"

"Now your boyfriend looks handsome. Did you dress him?" Giuliana joked.

Sam laughed "Not tonight" she grabbed Freddie's hand so he could join the interview.

Giuliana turned to Freddie. "So Freddie, who are you wearing?"

Freddie gave her a sincere smile. "Uh… Calvin Klein"

"Not too shabby"

Sam gave Giuliana a hug. "Thanks so much. Say hi to Bill for me."

"Thanks you Sam. And I will"

Sam squeezed Freddie's hand. "Okay, I know you're a professional, but let's avoid the 'Gossip' interview. They like to twist stories."

Freddie nodded and kept walking along with her.

"Samantha, interview please?" a gentleman said calling for her.

"That's them" Sam whispered. "We're in a rush, sorry" she said politely.

"But I want to hear your boyfriend's reaction to your affair."

"What?" Freddie asked

"Just ignore him. That dude is rude."

"That was fun. I'm glad we didn't go to the after-party. I would rather spend the rest of the night with you." Sam said opening the door of her loft.

They walked in and went to the living room. "Mhm" Freddie said a little irritated messing with his phone.

Sam kicked off her heels, sitting down on the couch. "What is with you tonight? You seemed pissed all night."

Freddie shrugged "Just a lot on my mind"

"Oh my gosh. Are you upset at what that idiot said? You know I would never do that to you."

Freddie turned his phone to Sam. "Well explain this"

"'Samantha Puckett caught in the act with her trainer?'" Sam read. "That's nonsense"

"Sam, you're kissing him" Freddie raised his voice.

She stood up, her eye narrowed face to face with Freddie. "On the CHEEK" She yelled "I kiss EVERYONE who is a friend on the cheek."

"Friend" Freddie snorted

"He is only my friend. What? I can't have guy friends now? This is my life Freddie. And you're going to have to get use to these stupid rumors. UGH! You're such a…"

"A what?"

A... a NUB"

They stood in silence for a while. "Do you… like him?" Freddie asked quietly.

"NO! Gosh, you know how I know? Because I'm so in love with you that I can't stop thinking about you nub of a self."

He stood there dumbfounded. "You love me?"

"Yes Freddidiot, but this is not how I wanted to tell you. Who wants to be yelling at the person they love 'I love you'?" she yelled.

Freddie grabbed Sam's cheeks and placed a passionate kiss on her lips. He pulled away grinning ear to ear.

Sam looked at Freddie shocked. "What the chiz was that all about? You were just mad at me?"

"I love you too. I'm sorry for being an idiot… again"

Sam smiled look up at Freddie into his eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Yeah, I'll say"

Two weeks has passed since that night, and Freddie couldn't be happier. Since he had felt so bad for accusing Sam of cheating, he wanted to make it up to her. He has time off coming up and he wanted to take Sam somewhere special. He had originally had planned to go to Maui, but Sam mentioned missing her Mom. From then, he had been working on the perfect trip.

Freddie was at his desk looking at flights to Seattle, when he heard his cell phone ring.

"Benson" he answered.

"Hey dude. What's up?" Gibby asked

Freddie shifted his eyes from his computer screen. "Not a lot, just at work"

"You work? Wow! Sounds fun" he said with a sarcastic tone. "I've been hearing a lot about you and Samantha"

Freddie groaned

"Are you sure I wasn't interrupting your afternoon make-out session?"

"Shut up Gibby"

"Okay Mr. Hollywood. I'm just glad you took my advice, and for that you owe me"

"I. Owe. You?" Freddie repeated.

"Yes! Anyway, Tasha and I wanted to come and visit you for two weeks next week and we want to save money so I was hoping you'd let us stay at your place."

Freddie frowned "I would, but I'm going away next week. Sam and I won't be back until after next week."

"Oh!" Gibby said sound disappointed. But can I stay there anyway?"

Freddie chuckled. "Sure Gib"

"So where are you going anyway? Paris?" Gibby asked.

"Nothing that fancy. I'm Sam to see her mom."

"Aww, good boyfriend" Gibby cooed

"…And my mom…"

Freddie could hear Gibby drop his phone. "Bad, BAD boyfriend. You do know your mother is SATAN, right? She will kill your girlfriend. No matter how awesome she is."

Freddie ran his fingers through his hair. "Yes Gibby. I realize my mother is a nutcase, but Sam has to meet her eventually, and seeing as both of our mothers live in Seattle, I'd rather kill two rocks with one stone."

"More like killing your girlfriend" Gibby muttered. "You are a brave soul, Benson"

"Yeah well, I'm going to have to be." He paused "I'm also taking her to Houston, Texas"

"Why there?"

"I'll explain later" Freddie heard a knock on his door. He looked up and saw Scott's head poking in. "But hey, I'll call you later. Bye Gib."

"Later dude"

Freddie hung up. "What's up Scott?"

Scott shrugged. "Got bored. Carly doesn't want to be disturbed. I think her and Sam are having girl talk."

Freddie raised his brow.

"Yeah I don't know." Scott said as he sat down. "So how is your romantic week plans going?"

"Good I think. I'm hoping it will surprise Sam"

"You will" Scott tapped his fingers on Freddie's desk like something was on his mind. "So… expecting to get lucky?"

Freddie looked away from his paperwork he was working on and up at Scott. "Seriously dude? Remind me, why am I friends with you again?"

Scott put up his hands in defense. "Just a general question, seeing as Sam is still a virgin."

Freddie threw his pen on his desk. "How do you possibly know that?"

"Innocence" Scott said wit no hesitation. "So how you lose yours?"

Freddie turned red as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm… um… halfavirgin"

Scott's jaw dropped. "How is that even possible?"

"Got drunk, met a girl, gave me a... well you know, bit me, walked away, end of story." Freddie said quickly.

"I hope you walked away with you pants off or that would be even more embarrassing than that story." Scott muttered quietly.

"Anyway" Freddie loudly spoke. "On the subject of losing IT. How'd you lose yours?" he asked.

Scott grew stiffed. "Well… uh… it was… um… uncomfortable."

"Um… okay? But how…"

"Just let it go dude. Let. It. Go." Scott said covering his face with his hands.

"Chill! How bad could it be? It's not like it was with… I don't know, Carly." Freddie laughed hysterically until he noticed Scott sinking deeper into the chair. Freddie's eyes widen as he put the pieces together. "OH MY GOD! YOU SLEPT WITH CARLY?"

"Scott stood up and walked to Freddie to cover his mouth. "Shush… Not so loud"

"But… why?"

"Well we were 17 and Carly and I were at summer camp"


"Ugh, how did I get stuck with you as a partner" Carly stated

"Like I wanted to be stuck with a wannabe princess bitch like you" Scott said.

"I'm going to kill Spencer. Who the fuck needs summer camp?"

Scott narrowed his eyes. "Could you get your conceited bitch ass away from that stupid mirror?" Scott grabbed the mirror from her hands and threw it into the lake.

Carly's jaw dropped. "You douche bag"

"Preppy Princess"


"Snot nose brat"

(Flashback Ends)

"So then what happened?" Freddie asked

"We started making out and you can probably guess what happened next"

"You played UNO?"

"DUDE" Scott yelled

"Okay. But why was it not comfortable"

"You try having sex on a canoe" Scott sighed "And… A bass got in the canoe; I got scared, and went head first into the lake."

Freddie busted out laughing. "You… ha ha... fish… lake… Oh my god"

"Shut. UP. Freddie" Scott said through his teeth

"Well at least you didn't sleep with her again after that" Scott turned red "Oh my god, you slept with her more than once? What? Her vagina didn't bite you dick off the first time? Do tell"

"Soooo… you going to fuck Freddie soon or what?" Carly said looking through her planner.

Sam glared at her best friend. "So, you gonna screw Scott on a boat again?"

Carly got up from her desk, charging at her like an angry bull. To Sam it was more like and angry bunny. "Who told you? I'll fire his ass"

"Chillax, and you forget that I knew how to pick the lock of your diary when we were 16"

Carly gasped "And FYI, it was canoe."

"And his cabin" Sam mumbled before nonchalantly sipping her bottle of water.


"No I'm not telling you"

Freddie chuckled "You know, eventually you're going to tell me. Might as well let it be now."

Scott sighed "I know" he paused "So it was like the day after the canoe incident. And I was in my cabin alone watching a documentary about sharks on my laptop…"


Scott was a on his bed with his laptop open watching the documentary, when there was a knocked on the cabin door. "Go away" Scott yelled

Carly suddenly barged into the cabin. "It's not like you're naked… yet anyway. What are you watching? Porn?"

"You're so stupid. I swear."

Carly smirked "A stupid girl who you slept with"

"That was a mistake. A huge one"

"I'm sure you don't think that" Carly smiled

"Yes I do" Scott argued

Carly flipped her hair back "Nah, I mean come on, look at me"

"Who the hell are you? You act like a goddess when you're far from it."

Carly went and sat on Scott's bunk. "Because I am. Anyway I have a proposition for you that you will be stupid to say no to"

"What? Selling my soul to the devil? Sorry but seeing what it did to you, I think even for you, you got the short end of the stick"

Carly shook her head. "Not that. But speaking of short ended sticks. I think we should have sex again."

"First of all, its normal size"

"Not from what I'm use to" Carly muttered

"Well that's because you're a whore. And second of all, no"

"Come on. It's not like it's a commitment or anything because honestly I can't stand you. So have sex with me"

Scott scoffed "Make me"

"Gladly" She grabbed Scott from his shoulder pushed him down on the bed. Carly climbed on top of him and began to kiss him.

After a few seconds of resisting, he began to respond back.

Soon enough their clothes were on the ground. All of a sudden they heard noise coming from outside. "Oh no, it my bunkmate" Scott whispered "Hide" Carly got under the covers to hide. The door flew open, entering Scott's roommate. "Hey Joe" he welcomed.

"Hey dude. Just came to get a… condom… bro are you naked?" Joey stopped dead on his tracks.

"Uh… yeah?"

Joey noticed the laptop on the foot of Scott's bed. "Ohhhhhh…" he looked at the screen and saw sharks swimming around. Joey cocked his eyebrow turning his attention back to Scott. "Hey, whatever gets the process going"

Joey walked over to the nightstand and grabbed a box of condoms. "Hey" Scott said getting Joey's attention. "Can I get one of those?"

He looked at Scott confused. "Oh…kay?" Joey tossed one at his feet and walked out.

(Flashback Ends)

Freddie couldn't stop laughing. "Ha… shark… shark p-p… shark porn?"

"Oh shut up"

"Sam, you never answered my question. Are you going to lose your virginity to the dork?"

"Hey, only I can call him a dork. And I am… not… a vir… okay, how did you know?' Sam looked at Carly.

"Smell of innocence?"

Sam rolled her eyes. "Okay, whatever. But I don't know yet. I do love him but it's a huge step."

Carly took a sip from her cocktail. "Oh gag me"

"I still can't believe you slept with Satan more than once."

"Karma is a bitch" Scott mumbled.

"So that's what she calls her vagina"

Scott glared at his nerdy friend.

Sam and Freddie were packing their own places they couldn't get their own places. They couldn't get their friends voices out of their heads.

"Pack sexy lingerie"

Sam went to her closet and pulled out a pink Victoria's Secret bag.

"Bring condoms dude. You never know."

Freddie sighed and put the little black box at the bottom of his suitcase.

"Don't forget an LBD and Fuck Me heels"

Sam pulled out a short, strapless black dress, along with a pair of her "Miu Miu" black platform pumps with the gems down the heals. She placed them neatly in her luggage.

"Don't pack your dorky boxers"

Freddie ignored that advice, packing his Galaxy Wars boxers.

"And most importantly. Don't get (her) pregnant"


Finally finished. This is the longest chapter I have ever written. Over 3000 words? I'm proud of myself. Anyway the dresses are on my profile. Also I know Carly seemed like bitch because frankly I made her that way but I have reasoning. I don't hate Carly I love her. And her character in this story is one of my favorites. I'm also sorry about the language in this chapter. I so excited about next chapter because the chapter after that is when the climax happens. Anyway Review but no flames. I mean it guys. NONE! KP out.