A/N *Wipes away tear and sniffs* It's the last chapter! It's the epilogue! I want to thank Lily Marco, -Moody-Muse-, tiki13, , voldyismyfather, IheartDracoandRon and TashaLyn13 for reviewing. I would like to thank adalis, anoosh, Bready Bread, Lily Marco, Rosario Lamia, SecretPain121208, Selena Skye, sunshine16, TashaLyn13, tiki13, twilight charmer and voldyismyfather for favoriting my story. And I would also like to thank biccyboo, DeathxwithxKisses, , Heimarmene, icefox425, IheartDracoandRon, lucy rose labyrinth, missygrace101, Rosario Lamia, TashaLyn13, .Rose, and voldyismyfather for adding this story to their alert lists.

Disclaimer: It isn't mine, sadly.

It was three years after the wedding(s) and Draco and Hermione were living comfortably in their own little cottage, with little baby twin girls almost a year old now. They were fraternal twins, so they didn't look alike.

One baby girl had deep brown eyes and a few platinum blonde hairs on her head. The other little girl had steely grey eyes and caramel hair. You could tell that they were Draco and Hermione's kids. The girl with brown eyes was named Rose, and the girl with grey eyes was named Eselie.

They were sharing a room with two cribs in it; the girls were known to fight over the left side. Hermione had no idea why, but they just did. Draco and Hermione loved their children, of course, but Draco couldn't help wondering if they were Squibs. Neither of the two had shown any magical abilities at all.

Well, until one day. Hermione was off to work in the shop, while Draco stayed home with the kids. The twins were up in their room. Draco heard a whine and someone clapping. He rushed upstairs to the kids' room only to be frozen in shock: First, Eselie lifted up Rose's crib with Rose in it without touching it. Not wanting to be outdone Rose lifted all the stuffed animals she had into Eselie's crib, lifted Eselie into it, and lifted the crib up to the ceiling, all the while not touching anything.

Draco was amazed. He sent a letter to Hermione telling her with great detail exactly what had happened. A few minutes later, Hermione popped into the living room and rushed up the stairs to Eselie and Rose's room. She saw everything. The two girls were simply trying to outdo the other one.

Eventually Hermione had to comfort Rose because Eselie had accidentally knocked a stuffed animal into Rose's head. Then Draco had to comfort Eselie because she was feeling left out. So this went for half an hour.

Five years later, Hermione had two six year olds and four three year olds on her hands. That was when she decided they were moving. Hermione told Draco that if any of the kids grew any larger, the house would burst, so Draco moved them all to a bigger home.

Draco had switched jobs from their shop to the Ministry when the shop had gone out of business. Hermione had gone to not working at all. Draco made three times as much as both of them put together had made in the shop, so it didn't much matter. Plus, Draco had all his family's fortune left over.

Ginny's POV

I loved all eight years after the wedding of Harry and I. We had four children. We had a six year old godson named Teddy, a six year old son named James, a five year old boy named Albus, and a three year old girl named Lily.

Our children got along just about as well as we did at the Burrow when I was young. I felt sympathy for Lily, she was just like me. The only girl, the youngest. But most defiant and strong and quick-witted and smart.

I could barely believe that in only five years my son and godson would be going off to Hogwarts! Of course, I never thought of Teddy as my godson, because technically, he was Harry's godson, and he was just like a son to me.

I love all my children, and my nieces and my nephews. Rose (real name Rosetta) and Eselie were six years old, while their three little brothers (Gandr, Thad, and Paul) and one little sister (Priscilla) were all three years old. Those were Hermione and Draco's children. And Ron finally found his perfect match: a sweet, well-rounded woman named Asteria Greengrass. She was his age, and happened to have gone to Hogwarts at the same time, in Ravenclaw. She told me she had secretly liked Ron the entire time at Hogwarts.

Asteria and Ron already had two three year old boys (Ronaldo and Caster), and they were getting along perfectly fine with the other kids. There's not much else to tell about my perfect life actually.

Oh no, wait! Wait! I forgot! I play for the Holyhead Harpies now, isn't it great? I'm the perfect person for the team. I play Head Chaser, and everyone depends on me. If I quit… well, it wouldn't be good.

And so, as they say in those dumb storybooks, we lived "happily ever after".

At least, almost so.

A/N Did you like the FINAL CHAPTER? Yes, it is over. I really hate it to be over. Sorry for such the long wait! I had to go to Conneticut, and then Vermont, and then a sleep away camp. And now our Internet's down. What could go wrong, huh? Bye bye! I still don't know whether to do a sequel or not… Review and tell me, eh? Bye!