
Characters: Sam and Gabriel.

Disclaimer: Again, nothing. And gosh darn-it, I hate admitting that.

Because it's not about power, or influence, or whose stronger than the other.

And it's not about labels and words because if that was the case then they'd be a thousand miles (and more) away from one another because the boy with the demon blood and the archangel in a self-imposed witness protection programme go together in the same sentence with the same ease as Life and Simple.

It's not even about all that prissy girly shit like love, and trust, or even faith (which is shocking because he is an angel – even if he hasn't been one in a long time).

No, it's about pain (because that's what everything's about) and who can cause the least of it.

Because Gabriel is someone that Sam knows he cannot hurt, because bad beginnings or not, he's hardly more than an abomination of a human being and Gabriel is an archangel of the Lord.

And that means something.

And Sam is someone that's known so much pain in his lifetime. That he's the only other person in the universe that can look at Gabriel and appreciate the fact that even though he's not exactly good (half the time he's not even nice) he's still breathing and living and being.

And although there's hardly enough of him left to garner the name Gabriel anymore, Sam can still see the history behind those lies.

But most importantly, Sam can see the bad things that Gabriel has done and not judge him as a result of them (because he (Sam) did bring on the Apocalypse after-all, and that doesn't leave him in the best position).

And Gabriel can see every flaw in Sam and still be near him (because he can feel his guilt and if he wants to, he can see the paths and choices that have led him to where he is).

And together they may be chaotic and imperfect and full of blaringly obvious faults.

And theoretically they shouldn't even be able to exist alongside one another (because they're each like black holes in their own right).

But they cancel out the pain and leave not comfort, but indifference in their wake, because they're both as bad as one another in the sense that he's heaven and he's hell (and truth be told, they're getting to the stage where they can't differentiate between whose past is whose anymore).

However in the midst of it all, they have this understanding that should be impossible beyond all reason.

Because Sam, he's something like a beautiful mess.

And Gabriel's been a perfect disaster to everything he's touched for as long as he can remember (look at what he did to Mary – he brought news of a child that she would love beyond belief then watch die for her, and everyone).

But side by side, they're something like magnificent.

And truth be told, that magnificence, it's devastatingly perfect (and maybe God did know what he was doing when he created Sam – maybe it was his way of asking for Gabriel's forgiveness).

And end of the world or not, both angel and human have found something so impossible, that it shouldn't exist for them (especially in one another).

(But nothing's impossible for the boy with the demon blood and an Archangel of the Lord)

Solace. It isn't impossible.