Well here goes, this was hard to write however I did it, I think it is different than I wanted it to be, however… I let the story tell itself. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Gaara, Sai, Sakura, Temari, Kankuro … You get my drift. Although I would LOVE to own Neji…

Enjoy please, and review, let me know how much you hated it!

Feeling as if he were swimming in a pool, Naruto slowly deepened the kiss, pulling Gaara into his arms. The supple body that was pressed intimately against his, begging for more, brought Naruto to the realization that he would never be able to tell Gaara that he hated him. It was the opposite, he loved him so much that he didn't want Gaara to lose the respect of the people in Suna, resulting in them hating him.

Gaara put his hands on Naruto's shoulders and let them move of their own accord. His right hand went to the neck to play with the blond hair that lay against it, while his left hand trailed down his back, feeling every muscle tense up at his touch. When his hand lightly slid under Naruto's shirt to feel the skin, Gaara's mouth released Naruto's and made a trail down to the base of Naruto's neck on the opposite side of his hand.

One arm went around Gaara's waist while Naruto's other arm grabbed the Kazekage's shirt in front, pulling him even closer if it was at all possible. A long drawn out moan was heard as Gaara's mouth played havoc with Naruto's neck. It had been too long, his hand that had been latched onto Gaara's shirt let go and slid to the others hips.

Gaara felt the need that matched his own from Naruto, he needed, no he yearned or ached for this moment to last for ever, however like all good things, they end all too soon. As the familiar feelings rushed over them, and their lips met once more in a heated kiss that spoke of the need, and promises that they wanted, a loud crash reverberated through the room.

Both Naruto and Gaara looked over to the sound. Standing large as life, stood Killer Bee.

"Yo, yo." his voice echoed in the room. "So you have become Ho-" when he saw the two entwined in each others arms, both with lips that were slightly swollen from kissing, his voice faltered before dying completely.

"I'm so sorry…" Sakura was saying, she was standing next to the jinchūriki, behind her was Temari and Kankuro. Sai was standing on the other side of Killer Bee with his arms folded, leaning against the wall just studying the two Kage's. Behind all of them was once a wall next to a locked door, now it was a empty space leading out to the hall.

"Gaara," Temari blushed for she realized that they had interrupted a intimate moment that they had been hoping for. "…."

"Damn…" Killer Bee mumbled, "Why did I have to forget my rhyme?" He scowled at Gaara as if it was all of the Kazekage's fault.

Grinning sheepishly, Naruto scratched his head and said, "So what brings you here?"

Gaara glared at the intruders and held on to Naruto tighter as if he was drowning in a sea during a hurricane and Naruto was his life line.

"Oi," Sakura said, "You can loosen your hold on Naruto."

"We told him not to interrupt." Kankuro was blushing at his brothers possessiveness.

Sai smiled and nodded, "I'm glad that he did, we need to get back to the meeting."

"Right…" Sakura slyly said, "you just wanted to peek yourself."

"It was those two girls that were trying to look through the key hole to that door when I showed up." Killer Bee said while he was writing furiously in his book of rhymes. "And I came here to congratulate Naruto on becoming Hokage, I had a good rhyme memorized, however I never expected to find the Hokage locking lips with the Kazekage."

Sakura and Temari both bit their lips, they did NOT want to pick a fight with the eight tailed jinchūriki.

Kankuro however laughed at his sisters faux pas, "Caught red handed so to speak."

"Its hot…" Sakura was turning red in the face of Gaara and Naruto both glancing at them. "I need to go get some fresh air."

"I'll go with you." Temari said as they both left the room.

Once the two girls were gone Killer Bee nearly pushed the other two out of the door, "Lets give them some privacy."

"As if," Kankuro snorted, "how can they get any with a hole in the wall?"

Killer Bee glared at them, "I will keep anyone from looking in."

On his way out the hole/door, Sai commented almost to himself, "I wonder if Neji would let me do that to him…. Kiss him that is…."

Kankuro looked at Sai and grunted, "I knew it…"

Naruto chuckled quietly as he was once more left alone with the Kazekage. He didn't know what to say, so he just disentangled himself from those arms that had comforted him more often than any others, those arms that knew everything about his body, those hands that knew every curve, dip and hollow on him. It felt as if he was naked without the feel of Gaara's arms around him. For a moment, Naruto was confused, did he really want to end this wonderful relationship? Resign himself to a life of solitude. No he didn't, he wanted to be greedy and demand that Gaara choose him over all the people in Suna. It tore his heart up, kokaro…

"Promise me something," Gaara had tears in his eyes. "You need to promise me that as soon as the meeting is over, you will give me all the information you have been withholding from me."

Naruto gently traced Gaara's jaw from the temple to the chin. "I won't make that promise." He gently kissed Gaara on the mouth. It was a bittersweet kiss that told more than words how much Naruto yearned for Gaara. Slowly he ended the kiss, "I will tell you now and let you decide what you want to do about it."

Gaara was astonished that Naruto would forgo the Kage meeting for their discussion, then again, Naruto was the most surprising ninja, so it would be expected that he would be the most surprising Kage. Tilting his head, he waited for the words that would be either the death of his heart, or the highlight of his existence.

"I want you to marry that girl."

Shock filled Gaara's eyes at his words, he didn't expect this. "NO!" He nearly shouted at the blond.

"Please Gaara," Naruto wrapped his arms around Gaara's slender waist and pulled him gently onto his lap. "I want you to."


"You have been through more than your fair share of hurt," Naruto held on tightly to the red head's waist as Gaara tried to break free. "I don't want to see you suffer due to me. If you marry her, the elders will be happy, which in turn will make the people of your village happy."

"Why should I care if the elders are happy? What about my happiness?" He wrapped his arms around Naruto's neck and nuzzled up to him, his legs curling up so that it was like old times when they would watch the stars at night or just relax and cuddle.

Naruto lightly ruffled the Kazekage's red tresses, pushing the bangs away from the ai symbol on Gaara's forehead and kissing it before saying, "You will always have me, I will be with you for eternity in my heart."

Tears welled up in Gaara's eyes and spilled over, "No… I want you with me for all time, all the time, not just in your heart."

"Gaara," Naruto softly said as he wiped the tears off the pale cheeks. "I heard what the elders said, if you don't marry this girl, and you openly stay with me, then they will have you leave the village. They are old fashioned and think I am corrupting you. I do not want you to lose the respect of all the elders and villagers over me, so I want you to do the right thing and marry the girl."

"I can't," Gaara shivered despite the warmth, the thought of having sex with anyone other than Naruto disturbed him more than anything. "Its you I love."

"And I love you."

"Then stay with me, or let me stay with you, I will give everything up for you."

"But you worked too hard to give it all up, as for me, I honestly would, yet that is the entire problem, we still couldn't be together without you having people that were upset with you. All your life you have had to fight for the love and recognition of everyone around you, now that you have it I do not want to be the cause of it going away." Naruto held up his hand for Gaara to not interrupt, for the red headed man was about to. "As for you and I, I think we can still arrange to be together."

Silence filled the room as Gaara mulled over everything that Naruto told him. Over by the hole in the wall, Killer Bee was mumbling, however it was obvious that he was not paying any attention to the two Kage's discussion.

Gaara gave Naruto a small smile, "I think if its what you want, then I will do it on three conditions."

"What are the conditions?"

"First, I do NOT have to touch her."

Naruto inwardly sighed in relief, for that had seriously bothered him too, Gaara was his and no one else's. "O.K."

"Second, I get to see you as much as I want."

He couldn't help the smirk that spread over his face, "I wouldn't dream of being away from you for too long." Naruto admitted.

"Good," Gaara fully smiled, "Third, you are to be my best man, I want you at my wedding."

"I guess I can do that." Naruto teased, "I'll have to rearrange my schedule though…."

Gaara sighed and kissed the man that would hold his heart for eternity. Whatever the future held, he would face it head on with Naruto still in his life, even part time was better than not at all. As soon as the Kage meeting was over he would make Kankuro promise that he would transform into the Kazekage and "satisfy" the girl. Gaara knew it wouldn't bother his brother. As for the future, it would all be left to chance. He would not be without Naruto any more and he would never have to be alone and un-loved.


a/n: I hope you enjoyed my story, Arigato to all those who reviewed. It was better than watching Sai tease Naruto, well ok, so I lied.