Billy Joel once said, "I really wish I was less of a thinking man and more of a fool not afraid of rejection."

"Reid, you have your mail forwarded here to the office?"

Another case had called FBI Agent Aaron Hotchner and his team out of state. It was a rare success and the agents were feeling good as they stepped into the office at Quantico, Virginia.

It was late. Tagging a ways behind the others, Dr. Spencer Reid dragged his feet and pulled his hand to his mouth. A long yawn escaped his throat and briefly muffled the voices around him. Due to this temporary moment of distortion to his hearing, Reid entered the main office unsure as to why all eyes were on him.

"Well, kid?" Morgan had a playful chastising smirk and laughter in his eyes that the young genius was all too familiar with.

Shifting his gaze uncomfortably from side to side, Reid tensed his shoulders and responded, "W-what'd you say?"

The same amusement found in Morgan's expression was always clearly written on Prentiss's as she answered, "We were just wondering why you have you mail sent here instead of your home."

Reid cocked an eyebrow. "H-how do you know..." But the question was one that didn't need answering. The answer was sitting on his desk.

Next to a small pile of probable junk mail, on Reid's desk sat a medium-sized package. Curiously he eyed the box and made his way closer to inspect it without making another sound.

"Best not to question the motives of Dr. Reid," J.J. mused quietly to Prentiss with a soft smile. "He's a question mark if there ever was one." With that said, she slipped away as Morgan and Prentiss added a few teasing remarks.

When Reid refused to react or even respond in any way, Morgan's expression changed to concern. "Kid... you okay?"

But the young doctor still didn't move. Instead, the letters from his desk slipped from his fingers and fell to the floor. His gaze remained fixed on the package, mouth gaping. Eventually, he managed to speak.

"I-it's from Gideon."

Morgan's eyes widened, as did Prentiss's. They exchanged a surprised glance then simultaneously turned their attention back to the young man. As her gaze trailed back to Reid, Prentiss caught a glance at one of the envelopes that fell. Like the package on Reid's desk, it was addressed from none other than their former teammate, Jason Gideon.

"Reid. Look." She said quietly and leaned down to fetch the letter.

Finally, Reid tore his attention from the box and retrieved the envelope from his friend. On the back it read, 'Read first.'

The shock wore off instantly and Reid tore into the envelope without thinking. Five years. Almost six. That's how long it had been since they last heard from Gideon. So long without a word. Just the idea of seeing his friend's face again, brought an enormous smile to Reid's face.

To be the ones to witness such joy brought similar smiles to both Prentiss and Morgan as well. It was a moment that Hotch and JJ would have appreciated if they weren't in their own offices. Rossi probably wouldn't have found the moment quite as endearing, of course.

"Well, what's it say, kid?"

Reid was lit up like a child on Christmas as he momentarily glanced up and answered, "He's coming back. I-it doesn't say when but he says he...he hopes I have a fantastic time turning thirty and that, and that he'll be here to make sure that happens."

When she didn't think she could smile any bigger, Prentiss could. She laughed lightly and asked, "What else?"

For some reason, his rapid reading skills weren't doing Reid any justice. Perhaps it was the excitement. Maybe he wanted to saver the moment. Either way, he was clearly taking his time in reading the letter. "He says... I hope you like your birthday gift. But do me a favor and wait until the day of to open it."

Suddenly a look of suspicion overwhelmed Morgan's face. "Reid... let me see that letter."

Reluctant to hand it over, the young genius did so slowly. When it was completely out of his grasp, he looked back at the package with more delight than before.

Morgan, on the other hand, was less than satisfied. "Kid, this doesn't make any sense."

Rather surprised by the tone of his friend's voice, Reid recoiled and slipped his hands into his pockets, "W-what you mean?"

"Well, for one thing, where's the apology for being gone so long without a word. Guy's been gone for years and suddenly he just pops back up like this... expecting you to forgive and forget."

"He knows an apology isn't necessary with me." Reid answered, though calmly, there were traces of defensive irritation in his voice.

Joining Morgan's suspicious tyranny, Prentiss gave her two cents as she gazed at the letter over Morgan's shoulder, "He's right, Reid. I mean... on top of that, why talk about plans and not mention any specifics? And... you know, I know I don't have your eidetic memory but-

"Forget it," There was no anger in Reid's voice but the emotion was clearly raging through him as he snatched the letter from Morgan. "You guys don't get and that's okay but... I'm not going to let you take this away from me. Gideon's coming back and that's all that matters right now."

Suddenly feeling like that had let Reid down somehow, Morgan and Prentiss back off without another word. The tension was lifted in the next few seconds when JJ walked back out of her office and through the cubicles among her friends.

"Well guys... I'll see you all tomorrow, bright and early."

Her smile carried across the room and locked on Reid who quickly grabbed his things. "JJ! Hold on. I'll walk out with you."

The way he left without even a goodbye to Morgan and Prentiss made JJ a little uneasy. Still, she smiled again as he approached her with his hands full.

"Need help with that?" JJ offered a hand to the packaged box under Reid's arm.

"Oh, no. No I got it." He smiled back at her and walked along toward the parking lot. "You're never gonna believe who it's from."


"Gideon." Even with the ridiculous scene displayed by Prentiss and Morgan, Reid still couldn't fight off the grin that crept up when he thought about it.

The reaction he hoped for, of course came from JJ. Her eyes danced with happiness for her friend. "Gideon? Are you serious?"

With a small laugh, Reid replied and gestured to the top of the package where the names were, "Yeah! Look! He wrote a letter, too. Said it's for my birthday. And! The best part; He's coming back here."

"That's so great, Spence! You must be so happy."

As they walked out the door and into the cluster of cars, Reid nodded, biting back his smile. "Yeah I... I am. I.. uh.. you know, it kinda has me thinking..."

The pair reached JJ's car first. She popped the trunk open from a distance and placed her purse inside. Over her shoulder, she flashed Reid another one of her breathtaking smiles, "Yeah? About what?"

Sweat gathered in the young man's palms. His throat suddenly grew tight and his legs, weak. Somehow, he managed to get the words out, though. "A-about... the uhh... the last time... Gideon got me something for my birthday..."

Unfortunately, the reaction Reid predicted was the one he received. As JJ understood exactly what he meant, her gaze immediately left his and fell to the ground. "Spence…" That tone wasn't good either.

"JJ," He didn't mean to interrupt, but he had to. He didn't mean to gather her hands in his, but he needed to. He didn't let himself think. If he did, he'd back down and that wasn't going to happen. Not this time. "Just let… just let me get this out…"

He paused for a moment and waited for protest. None came. To his surprise, JJ was still. She was tranquil. She was waiting.

The pressure was on as Reid forced the words off his tongue, "I know… I know we agreed not to talk about it and especially since… you and Will… and since Henry… but… … but JJ, I know what you're waiting for from him. And it's just… it's been too long, JJ. He isn't going to change and… and there isn't going to be a wedding… and… and I could take care of your… and Henry."

In a voice that was entirely void of emotion, JJ whispered, "What are you saying, Spence?"

Before he could answer, Reid had to swallow the lump in his throat. "I've been thinking a lot lately. Maybe it's just because of turning thirty but… now this, with Gideon's letter. I just… I-I… feel… I mean, I want…" Without even knowing what he was doing, the young man pulled his dear friend closer. His lips drew nearer to hers and trembled nervously.


Then everything went still. Everything froze. Everything… died.

"N-no…?" He pulled back away and just to be safe, removed his hands completely.

JJ forced herself to face the sad, childlike brown eyes of the man she was rejecting. "There are more than enough reasons, Spencer. We work in the same division. I'm a lot older than you. I have a famil-"

"JJ, don't you think I've gone over all of those things in my head? Don't you know me at all? I'm not that kind of person who doesn't think things through. I'm willing to give up this job if it means being with you." Somehow their hands found each other again. "JJ, that night we spent together… it was the best night of my life. It's… it's what's kept me going, it's kept me here."

"I can't."


"I can't, Spencer. I just…" With what little strength she had left to face his heartbroken exterior, JJ looked up one last time before turning away. "I can't."


When he reached for her, JJ grew visibly tense and no words were needed to tell Reid to back off. He swallowed his pride and let her go. For the first time in his life, he actually poured his heart out to someone. And for the first time in his life, he knew what it meant to be rejected.

Unable to move, Reid remained next to the car as it pulled out of the parking space.

Unable to look him in the eye, JJ rolled down her window and in a fragile voice, she spoke before driving off,

"Happy birthday, Spence."

~ Author's Notes ~

The sappy angst pretty much ends here. Don't jump to conclusions and assume this is going to be a story about a lame love triangle. As much as I do ship JJ/Reid together, that isn't going to be this story's main focus. In fact, things are about to get twisted the fuck up.

Honestly, I'm a little disappointed in myself over how this chapter turned out. It's not as intense and raw as I had hoped. Still… I hope you enjoy it. The concept behind this storyline is one that has been bugging me for awhile.

P.S. I want to take a moment to recognize and thank two insanely talented writers for inspiring me to branch out and write my own Criminal Minds fanfiction.

BIG HUGS to Chloe Winchester, author of 'Chaos Theory' & purplerayz, author of 'Someone You Trust'.