I am here...

The first thing he saw was the flashing white fluorescent light that stung his eyes. His eyes, even though teary-eyed due to the light, tried its hardest to stay open while his ears was hearing the rhythmic beeps of machines near him. He could not clearly remember when was the last time he saw this light, since the only color that he remember was a splash of red light devouring his consciousness.

After his eyes had been desensitized, those onyx orbs took a quick scan to the things around him. He saw a table full of packaged food, clothes and dirty plates. Beside those were books and notebooks, scrambled, which resembled a dirty, disgusting pile of garbage. He could read the titles of some books. Geography. Literature. Mathematics. Science? The other books just had small characters that were just too small for him to read.

After a while, he saw a chest freezer placed beside the table. His mind is wondering why in the hell that chest freezer exists inside his room. He may be dull in academics but he knows that chest freezers should be inside the groceries and supermarkets and not in the hospital room. And adding to the mystery is the fact that the chest freezer had Vongola crest tainted with blood.

He chuckled in his mind before he turned to his left and saw a calendar and a clock hanging on the ghost white wall. He looked at the calendar which shown the merry months of September and October. He noticed that some of the dates were crossed out.

September 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30…

He looked at the other month and started to mouth the dates crossed out.

October 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12…

He counted in his mind the days crossed out…

8 plus 12… plus 12… hmmm… 19? 18? Wait… wait… 20, I think?

He just assumed it was 20 days. 20 days. He wondered what happened in those 20 days. He was totally clueless what happened to those 20 days. He could only recall being on the baseball team locker room, along with Mizuno, getting their things ready… that was all. After that, the color red was all he knew.

Was I sleeping?

After a while, he started to hear an unusual sound near him. It was different from the machines that surrounded him. It was human… yeah, a human breath. It was shallow, he noted, and it was going faster…

And faster…

And faster…


He heard a scream so loud that it managed to break a certain part of him.

He looked at the direction of the scream and saw a familiar brown-haired teen, sitting beside him.


Upon recognizing Tsuna, he felt loftiness that he once felt after that man saved him. It was heavenly...

Until he started the see the man's wretched figure, different from the one he admired, idolized, loved.

…huge black bags under his eyes and tears coming out from those two sleep-deprived orbs… breathing so fast and shallow…disheveled and unkempt hair with some strands stuck together by a red, sticky substance…tattered and torn white – or maybe gray with some specks of red – button up shirt …his angelic face… covered in dirt and blood… blood?

The black-haired swordsman noticed that Tsuna's mouth was moving – mumbling words. At first, all he heard was air…

"… you should be dead…"

The swordsman was at loss at what Tsuna was talking about… then the voice becomes louder,

"… why are you here…"

The swordsman started to wonder what his bestfriend is saying-

"I killed you…"

Yamamoto was-


Even though clueless about the situation, he knew that Tsuna needed help, especially his help. He raised his body from the bed, but he was instantly pulled back to the matress by an intense weight. He felt the weight towards his whole body, the annoying feeling as it slowly creeped towards his fingers and toes. This made him feel that a he was under a very large boulder, breaking him into pieces. However, this was nothing compared to the wailing he was currently hearing and fear that he was seeing from Tsuna

I need to touch him.

Unfortunately, the weight was just too great for him, too powerful for his weak and frail body. It made him useless, leaving him immobilized as his Tsuna was breaking into pieces in front of him, falling under the abyss, asking for his help. Trying, he called his name,

"Tsuna, don't cry… I'm here."

He swore that he used every vocal chord he had but he just wondered how in the bloody hell voice did not come out. He tried it again and again but still, no voice came out.

"Tsuna, Tsuna… I'm here... I'm here… I lo-"

Tears came out of his eyes as he reached the point that he could not do anything but to watch the man suffer… still voicing the words he wanted to say to the man he loved.

The door open wide with Gokudera and Reborn rushing inside the room but was afraid of letting him be seen so he pretended to be asleep. He slowly opened small slits in his eyes to see what was happening. His hope rose up a little as he saw the silver-haired man approach Tsuna but it suddenly went down the drain as he saw that he was restraining his boss while the baby administered a tranquilizer for him to fall asleep.

Then, the Storm Guardian lifted Tsuna and was about to bring Tsuna outside the room when the Arcobaleno intervened,

"Where do you think you're going?"

Gokudera replied, "Reborn-san, I'm bringing him out of this room."

Yamamoto felt sad.

Reborn aimed the gun at the Storm Guardian and said, "Do that and I'll make sure you'll join the two of them here."

The Italian turned around and asked, "Why should the boss stay here? Does the boss have something to do?"


"Then, what must he do? I'll do it as his right-hand man!"

The baby said, "You cannot do anything, Gokudera. You cannot do anything."

"That's impossible, Reborn-san! I can do it!"

"That's impossible? If I cannot do anything about it, so are you idiot."

Gokudera's expression changed, "What do you mean, Reborn-san?"

Reborn smirked, "I'm quite amazed at your thickness, Gokudera."

"Just what do you mean?"

"Why would Tsuna stay here everyday, Gokudera, as if he lives here, bringing along his clothes and stuff?"

"Everyone would do that."

"Really," the Arcobaleno said when suddenly, an idea crossed his mind. "Do you know what's inside the chest freezer?"

"It-it's the fish that Yamamoto-san brought. He said that it was for his son once he woke up," Gokudera replied.

"Then, what kind of fish?"

"I don't know, Reborn-san."

"Why don't you take a look?"

"Okay. But where should I place Juudaime?"

"Place him beside Yamamoto," the baby replied.

The Storm Guardian immediately placed the sleepign Decimo beside Yamamoto, who immediately opened his eyes.. The Rain guardian was happy that Tsuna was beside him. He could actaully feel the warmth eminating from the boy. When Tsuna's head turned towards him, his heart jumped. The innocence of the brunette's face made his heart filled with joy.

Then, after a while, he looked at Gokudera who just opened the chest freezer. He was shocked at Gokudera's face, as if the silver-haired man had seen a ghost.

"Th-th-this is..."

"So, who do you understand now why he should be here?"


"It's a gift. Tsuna wanted to give that to Yamamoto once he woke up."

"But...what about Tsuyoshi?"

"From the day that chest freezer was brought here, Tsuyoshi already knew everything. Let him be where he wanted. Besides, this might bear good things."

"Between the two of us, you're the one who could read minds, so why didn't you stop him?"

The Arcobaleno mused for a second and replied, "I just couldn't."

"Will Juudaime be okay?" Yamamoto could hear the doubt and worry to the bomber's voice.

"I don't know, Gokudera. I just don't know." The baby walked out of the room and the storm guardian trailing him.

The Storm Guardian stepped outside the hospital; for he knew that he might get sick if he stayed there too long. He wondered why he was terrified when he saw that thing, considering that he already saw hundreds and hundreds of those. He leaned towards a wall and reached for the cigarette in his pocket, lighted it and puffed,

"You're one lucky bastard, Yamamoto."

He sighed, still trying to remove the image of Kaoru Mizuno's dismembered body inside that cold chest freezer.

Whew! Finished...

next week's fluff...

for sure...