Episode 1 Chapter 1 Life Happens

Lily's voice can be heard, "I'm only twenty-five years old. Some people would say that I'm old, but others would say that I'm young, and that I have so much more life left to live. Either way I have learned throughout my life that with the future lies the past."

Lily sighs as she stares at an eight year old girl sitting at her kitchen table and coloring a picture.


Lily is sitting outside of a law office waiting for Spencer to come out.

"Hey," he says as he walks out of the room.


"Miranda was right. I have a daughter."

"Wow…what are we going to do?"Lily couldn't believe this was happening.

"I have full custody of her Lily. I guess I'm going to raise her."

"Oh…without even talking about it with me…"

"Lily…I have full custody of her. I didn't think that there was anything to discuss."

"I guess there isn't." Lily wasn't happy about it at all. How was she going to be able to help Spencer raise the child of a woman he cheated with?

The scene changes to Spencer and Lily standing in the gallery. Miranda walks out with a little girl.

"Scarlet sweetie…this is your father…Spencer."

"Hi," Spencer smiled at her. She was absolutely beautiful.

Lily looked at the girl. She looked just like Spencer. She was definitely his daughter.

Spencer walks into the kitchen. "Scott wants you to come see his block tower." He kisses her cheek.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she shrugs. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine…"

"She hates me Spencer. It's been six months and she hates me."

"She'll come around." Spencer walked over to Scarlett. "Hey sweetheart."

"Daddy," Scarlett hugs him. "I'm drawing a picture for mommy. I know she's going to come back."

Spencer shook his head. She still didn't understand that Joanna was never coming back.


Elizabeth is watching Emma play with her toys. She was so cute and perfect.

"Hey babe," Noah walks in and gives her a kiss on the cheek. "So listen wifey I want you to go get dressed."


"Because I am taking my beautiful wife out to a fancy dinner."

"What about Emma? We can't leave her here by herself."

Noah smiled, "We're not going to leave her. Uncle Dan Dan is coming."


"Daniel is going to babysit. He loves Emma."


Elizabeth opens the door to see Daniel. "Hey what are you doing here? Noah took Emma to the park."

"I've been wanting to talk to you since the wedding."

"Okay…what's up? Oh yeah and thanks again for coming with us. It really meant a lot to Noah. He loves you ya know."


"Are you okay?" Elizabeth could sense that something was up.

"At your wedding…I had a flash of memory about us."

"About us?"

"Yeah it was right after you and Noah broke up, and right before you were raped."

Elizabeth doesn't look shocked.

"You remember don't you?" He could tell by the look in her eyes that she had always remembered.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Yes you do….we slept together Elizabeth."

Elizabeth sighed, "Yeah…okay…I remember, but we promised never to say anything to anyone."

"Yeah but Elizabeth you had a baby."

"You don't think that Emma is your daughter, do you?"

"She could be. The timing is right on Elizabeth. Emma was born a month early or so you thought…The reason I have such a connection with her could be because I'm her father."

"No…Daniel just forget about it…Noah can never know about this."

"But I deserve to know if you…If Emma is my daughter."

"No…Noah is her father, and that is all that matters."

Elizabeth snapped back into reality. She never wanted Noah to know the truth. She had put that part of her past in the back of her memory and she never wanted to think about it again.

"You know honey I'm not really in the mood. I think we should just stay in tonight." She gives him a kiss on the forehead and walks to the bedroom.

Noah could tell that something was up, but he had no idea what it could possibly be.


Brooke and Nathan are lying in bed together. "God I can't believe we are on our honeymoon."

"I know it is amazing. We never got to go on a honeymoon before."

"I know…damn that Emily." Brooke kisses him.

"I know it's not Hawaii or anything like that, but…"

"It's perfect Nathan…I love Savannah this time of year…and most of all I love you." She kisses him again. "I'm so glad that we renewed our vows. It was a perfect day Nathan Scott."

"I promise you a million more perfect days…Brooke Davis Scott." He smiles and continues to kiss her.


Brooke and Nathan are standing next to each other in front of their family. Peyton is the minister.

"I'm beginning to love this job." Peyton laughed. "Well today I'm just here to look pretty…Nathan and Brooke just want to say a few things to one another…So Brooke you can go first."

Brooke smiles, "The last year of our lives has been an uphill battle. I never imagined that we would get through it. I always hoped that we would" She squeezed his hands. "I love everything about you Nathan Scott…from your beautiful smile to your unbelievable eyes…I love you, and I can't sit here and promise that it is always going to be easy because with us well especially with me…nothing is easy…We both know that, but I can promise that no matter what happens that I will never stop confiding in you, believing in you, and fighting for you. Because I know in my heart that the two of us are supposed to be together forever."

Millie rolls her eyes and almost gags.

"Nathan," Peyton pointed to him.

"You're right about the last year being a struggle, but I always knew that we would find our way back to one another. I've known you since we were kids, and you know then I didn't see the real you…And we both had other lives and other loves, but I feel like your Chase and my Haley are in heaven talking about us, and I feel like they put us together because they knew that we were supposed to be together." He smiled. "I'm so glad that I finally saw the real you Brooke, and I'm so happy that you took a chance on me, and our love for each other. And like you said I can't promise that it will be easy…nothing ever is with us. But I can promise that no matter what happens that I will never stop confiding in you, believing in you, and fighting for you. Because I know in my heart that the two of us are supposed to be together forever."

"Alright so that is my cue," Peyton laughed. "I now pronounce you husband and wife again…You may kiss your bride."


"Hey," Hunter says as he walks into the kitchen.

"What?" Millie rolled her eyes.

"I wanted you to know that I'm going on a camping trip."

"Oh come on no way you can't leave me here to watch Sophie and Ally."

"I'm not. Sophie is having a sleepover at a friend's house, and McKenzie is going to keep Ally."

"So what about me?"

"I trust you. At least I hope I can trust you."

"You can definitely trust me." She lied.

"Okay great…and could you not tell mom and dad that I went camping. I'm supposed to be watching you."

"I won't say a word…And you don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine."

"I sure hope so." Hunter was always worried about her. She had a wild streak.


Jamie walks into the doctor's office. Summer is lying on the table. "I'm sorry I'm late."

"The doctor hasn't even come in yet…so you're good." Summer smiled. She was happy to see him.

"I just don't want to miss any of your appointments. I promised that I would always be at everyone of them."

"I know…I couldn't do this without you Jamie."

He squeezed her hand. "I wouldn't let you do this without me."


Jamie walks into Summer's house.

"I'm glad you called."

"I got the test results back Jamie."

"I figured that's why you called. Did you get your wish?"

Summer took a deep breath. "Chase is the father Jamie. You can see the results if you want."

"No," he shook his head. "I trust you." He was upset.

"I'm sorry Jamie. I know that you wanted to be the father."

He sighed, "I just thought that I was. I had this feeling the moment you told me you were pregnant. I guess I was wrong." He smiled, "But I'm happy for you. I know that you wanted Chase to be the father."

Summer didn't say anything.

"The baby may not be mine Summer, but I'm going to be here for you…every step of the way. I promise."

"Jamie you don't have to do that."

"I know that, but Chase would want me to be there for you, and the truth is I want to be there for you too."

She smiled, "Well I can't argue with that then. Thank you Jamie for being so understanding."

Summer hugs him.

Jamie was disappointed, but he'd get over it. He was happy for Summer.

Chase would live on in his child.

It was a sign that everything was going to be okay for all of them.


This is the beginning of part 6. There was a six months time jump. So Summer is almost ready to have her baby. Some things will be done in flashbacks to catch you up, but there isn't much to catch up on.

I can't believe I'm on the sixth part. That is incredible and makes me feel really good.

I kind of feel like this part is filler part. It is to wrap everything up that happened so far. Part 7 will be completely new stuff. I mean that is if you guys want a part 7.

Thanks again for all the reviews. I got almost 500 reviews for the last part, and that was amazing for me. I couldn't believe it. You guys really have stuck with me, and it is great to see that I get more and more reviewers as the story goes on. I guess that means it doesn't suck, and that my writing and storylines improve over time. So thanks again.

And remember that with me nothing is ever what it seems.

Let me know what you thought about the beginning of part 6!