To protect the harvest

A Tokyo mew mew and Harvest moon crossover

I don't own Tokyo mew mew and the harvest moon games

This is set on harvest moon ds cute and back to the nature and Tokyo mew mew without deep blue

Without blue knight either they are boring and very annoying to me

Sorry I know the first/last one was boring and let this be boring too!


The mew mews found a place where normal animals exist chickens,dogs

cats,cows and horses but the aliens are about to discover it

so they went there to protect it and convince the alien to

leave...but who knows they might fall in love?

Another peaceful day on mew mew café

"Finally summer!" Ichigo spoke as she sat down on one of the chairs in the café

"No school…." Lettuce thought "Everyone!" Mint came rushing in "Oh….Mint!" Pudding was

Surprised "You seem to be happy" Zakuro added "Of course I'll be visiting my cousin!" she answered

"You seem excited who's the cousin?" Lettuce can't help but to ask she was surprised too

"Lumina, from the Forget-me-not valley!" she exclaimed "So that means….."Pudding spoke

"She will be taking a break from working in the café" Zakuro cut her off "That's alright with me"

Ichigo stood up "She's not really doing anything here only bossing me around life's better not having…"

"ME AROUND?" Mint shouted she was mad hearing those from her "Don't you guys worry" Shirogane

Walked up to them "We will be giving you a vacation break too" Keiichirou spoke "It's only fair but.."

"All of you take this" Shirogane handed them phones "Ummm… I kinda have this, lots of them"

Mint and Zakuro chorused "Wow!" the other mews exclaimed "Go where you want but If we detect…"

"Aliens….you guys have to come back…those phones are used for giving locations of their…."

Keiichirou trailed off he forgotten something "chimera anima?" Pudding asked "Exactly" he answered

"Now off you go" Shirogane ended the conversation


"Maybe I'll eat cake first or go to carnival" Ichigo thought until her phone rang "Hello?" she asked

(note- This is her phone, not the one given to her) "Uncle?" she asked but before the uncle can answer

"You have a phone?" she blurted out "No this is landline remember your cousins?" the uncle asked

"Claire from mineral town and Pony from forget-me-not valley?" she answered

(Claire from back to the nature and Pony one of the playable characters on Ds cute)

"Yep,do you mind taking a break here in the valley this summer?" He asked "No, see ya!" she answered

"Bye, and see you" he answered Ichigo sighed and put her phone in the bag "Was that Masaya?"

That startled Ichigo "Pudding!" she turned to her friends "You should go on a date with him" Zakuro

Smiled and laugh "Zakuro…" she gave her a sad look "It was uncle he told me to visit the valley"

"Forget-me-not valley?" Lettuce asked "Yeah…why did you know?" "Mint was going there…."

Ring! Ring! Ring! The mew mew phones rang!

"Hello, this is Lettuce" "Pudding here!" "Zakuro" "Ichigo! Who is it?" "Girls we have something to

Tell you" Shirogane spoke "What is it?" "The mineral town and forget-me-not valley are…"

"What!" Ichigo shouted "Ichigo too loud!" Mint was on the line too to other mews surprise

"Those places are not discovered by the aliens yet" Shirogane spoke "We need to go there" Lettuce

Continued "Yes, split into two who had issues in forget-me-not valley?" he asked "Me!" Mint and

Ichigo answered "Okay the two of you in the valley and the rest in Mineral town…."


Finally Shirogane spoke "Dismissed"

Forget-me-not valley

"I guess I'm staying in Pony's house until the aliens get their interest out of this valley" Ichigo gave a sigh

Mint smiled "I guess so…" They continued to walk until they reached the valley and came upon a girl

"Tell me you're not Ichigo!" A brown haired girl who stared at them upon seeing them "I am"

She answered the girl hugged Ichigo "Cousin, you look awesome!" She exclaimed and turned to Mint

"I believe you're Mint...I'm Pony Lumina's bestfriend!" she turned around and pointed to a farm

"See that cousin? That's my farm" A barking dog came running upon them Ichigo screamed in horror

"Wow…you changed a lot I knew you loved dogs" "Not anymore" Mint laughed "MINT!"

Mineral Town

"We're here!" Lettuce went down the boat "That was fun!" Pudding went down happily Zakuro

Who was not enjoying anything followed silently they came upon a girl who wore a dress and glasses

"Midorikawa?" she spoke "Mary!" Lettuce gasped "Nice to see you again!" she hugged her old

School bestfriend "Mary, who are they?" A blond girl with blue eyes came "Oh Lettuce and her friends"

She turned to the blond "Lettuce, my bestfriend, Claire" (note:I put the mineral town boys here)

"Hi!" she greeted them "I'm Pudding!" "Zakuro Fujiwara" After some warm greetings a braided girl came

she walked to the girls and stopped "Uh who are they?" After the introductions Ann spoke

"Where are you guys staying?" "Dunno…." They all chorused "How about at the inn?" she asked

"But you have to work like cooking and serving of course" "Okay! Pudding was a waitress from a café!"

Pudding jumped "She will use her skills here!" "Thank you you're so kind" Zakuro stated "Thanks"

Lettuce who stand up and stared at the ocean "We will protect this place…there's tons of innocent guys"

She thought

And that is their start

How was it? Lettuce and Mary are school buddies from Japan (which Mary calls city and has to transfer

Homes of her father reasons) leaving lettuce behind About Lumina well attitude is in the blood

I say! Hahha! Just joking
