Austria has been having some trouble with Hungary and decides to IM Russia, an expert with, let's say, 'Marital Problems.' It's just some short crack-ness.


I own nothing.

DiscipleOfChopin has signed on.

DiscipleOfChopin: Servus Ivan.

CommunismIsSexy: Privet Roderich, what a nice surprise.

CommunismIsSexy: To what do I owe this honor?

DiscipleOfChopin: Um… How do I put this… I have, a problem.

CommunismIsSexy: I'd be more than happy to help you with any problem. I believe I've helped you in that way before.

DiscipleOfChopin: No, No. Not that kind of problem.

CommunismIsSexy: I'm not sure I understand then.

DiscipleOfChopin: Let's call it a marital problem.

CommunismIsSexy: I am not married.

DiscipleOfChopin: But I believe you may still understand.

CommunismIsSexy: I do not wish to talk about marriage.

DiscipleOfChopin: Ivan, just hear me out.

CommunismIsSexy: Neyt.

DiscipleOfChopin: … Ja.

DiscipleOfChopin: …

DiscipleOfChopin: So Ivan, how's Natalia?

CommunismIsSexy: Eh...? She's o-okay, I guess.

DiscipleOfChopin: Really now,

DiscipleOfChopin: What has she been up to lately?

CommunismIsSexy: W-why are you asking me these things!

DiscipleOfChopin: because they put me in a rare position of power ^.^

CommunismIsSexy: Neh, go play your piano, da.

DiscipleOfChopin : I can't, Hungary is near it .

CommunismIsSexy: Da, is she as scary as my sister?

DiscipleOfChopin: Not quite, she doesn't stab. That is actually why I've come to you for advice.

CommunismIsSexy: Da….

CommunismIsSexy: Do you wake up in the middle of the night to scratching on your padlocked door?

DiscipleOfChopin: That, yes. Actually she knows where the keys are now.

CommunismIsSexy: Or worse, do you wake up in the middle of the night, bound and chained to your bed, the padlocked door lying off the hinges nearby?

DiscipleOfChopin: I've woken up in handcuffs, that was after she found the keys T.T

CommunismIsSexy: Da.

CommunismIsSexy: She knows where the keys are. They are on my person.

DiscipleOfChopin: Oh, that's a good idea.

CommunismIsSexy: Neyt!

CommunismIsSexy: The day she was searching was a hard one for us all

DiscipleOfChopin: Oh.

CommunismIsSexy: Latvia and Estonia still suffer from the shock.

DiscipleOfChopin: What about Lithuania?

CommunismIsSexy: Lithuania...

CommunismIsSexy: …was with me at the time...

DiscipleOfChopin: So that's where that scar came from...

CommunismIsSexy: Things happen.

DiscipleOfChopin: I-... that's nice

DiscipleOfChopin: Why are you so mean to the Baltics anyway?

CommunismIsSexy: Mean?

CommunismIsSexy: I'm not mean...

CommunismIsSexy: I love them…

DiscipleOfChopin: ...

DiscipleOfChopin: With your faucet pipe?

CommunismIsSexy: Both of them...

DiscipleOfChopin: Wait… both?

CommunismIsSexy: Da... Austria-san.

DiscipleOfChopin: Isn't one enough?

CommunismIsSexy: You didn't think the faucet pipe sticking into your back that time, was the one in my hand, did you? The Baltics call all the ways I play with them as "using his faucet pipe."

DiscipleOfChopin: But...But... it was just as long as your faucet pipe.

CommunismIsSexy: Da, it is.

DiscipleOfChopin: ...

DiscipleOfChopin: No wonder Belarus loves you so much.

CommunismIsSexy: Are you, lesser than me, Austria-san?

DiscipleOfChopin: ...

DiscipleOfChopin: I'm not sure if that's something I should...uh...

DiscipleOfChopin: That's not...

DiscipleOfChopin: ...

DiscipleOfChopin: Ja.

DiscipleOfChopin: But I think everyone is.

CommunismIsSexy: Da.

CommunismIsSexy: Don't feel bad.

CommunismIsSexy: And with Veta, remember,

CommunismIsSexy: Her love for you is her weakness.

CommunismIsSexy: You can use it against her, da?

DiscipleOfChopin: Not really. I don't have any power over her, she just does what she wants.

CommunismIsSexy: Da. Pravda.

DiscipleOfChopin: At least she doesn't regularly carry around sharp things.

CommunismIsSexy: Roderich, must you bring that up?

DiscipleOfChopin: Oh, sorry.

CommunismIsSexy: I've had to grow a thicker skin.

DiscipleOfChopin: I'm honestly not surprised.

CommunismIsSexy: Da…

CommunismIsSexy: Speak of the devil, I'm afraid I must vacate to my closet now.

DiscipleOfChopin: Good luck.

CommunismIsSexy: I shall need it.

CommunismIsSexy: This was a nice talk.

CommunismIsSexy: We should do it again sometime.

DiscipleOfChopin: Ja. We should.

DiscipleOfChopin: Wait, which it are you talking about?

CommunismIsSexy: Dasvidanya!