Author's note: This is my first Bat/Joker fict ever. Its based mostly on the Dark Knight (Nolanverse) , but also on there character's in the animated series. If its not that in character, sorry, I haven't seen the show or the movie in forever. I want to use NIN songs only in this fict, so I'm trying my best to make them fit. This is Physical (your so).

Disclaimer: Don't own these two lovely men. If only….


He had the other man tied down, and gave him one more swift punch in the stomach to try and shut him up. Instead he got another "haw haw ahee ahaw" in response, causing him to glare at the other man. The joker lay there, grinning up at Bruce, his usual red lipstick lining his ruined mouth.

The dream changed, and although the ropes were still in place the joker's usual clothes weren't. He was sporting that tight nurse outfit that made Bruce's stomach do flip flops as he watched the clown's smile change from his usual maniacal grin to a more suggestive smirk. He felt horrified, but at the same time drawn to the other man, unable to take his eyes off of him. He felt himself suddenly moving towards him, and just before he closed the distance between them he was awakened by the loud ringing of his alarm clocked.

He groaned as he opened his eyes, searching for the offending object, before finding it and slamming a fist down on it's off button. He wiped a hand across his sweat drenched face, sighing to himself.

"There's something wrong with me…" He said out loud to the empty room. He nodded in response to himself as he claimed out of his comfortable bed (that he had only slept in for two hours) and made his way to the shower.

He hoped he wouldn't have to face the Joker any time soon, due to the unusual nature of his recent dreams. Since he had found out just yesterday that the criminal had recently escaped from Arkham, he doubted he'd be so lucky.

I wanna take you baby.

I wanna take you out

I wanna wine and dine you,

Oh, I wanna twist and twist and shout.

I want you hot in my arms

So soft on my bed

You get the key to my heart,

When you wear that sweet dress.

But you're just too physical, too physical to me.


He was surrounded by his usual chaos. It was a free for all, it was true anarchy. Every one was running and screaming, people looted stores and burned down houses as others lay dead in the street. There was no love, no one trying to protect others, just themselves.

He laughed as he looked down at Gothem, that pathetic city that was now all his. Now all his except one. The Batman suddenly slammed into him, appearing from the night itself. He grinned, glad that it wasn't going to be that easy. He needed a challenge. He needed the Batman.

Said man began to punch and kick him, as they rolled around on the floor, attacking each other. He felt blood dripping down his head as it was smashed onto the floor and began to cackle wildly. Suddenly he felt a something thick and wet slide over his wound and looked up to see the Batman licking him clean.

He groaned, expecting this sudden shift in the dream, as it had been a reoccurring one, and met his lips with the other man's willingly. The sound of police sirens stopped him suddenly, as the other man faded away, leaving him alone on his bed.

He got up off the filthy mattress to look out an equally dirty window, seeing the cop cars pass by his current home, apparently chasing a speeding vehicle. He sighed, and sat back down on his bed, laughing to himself when he noticed his "little" problem. He decided to ignore it, and began to get dressed, having a bit of trouble when it came to his pants.

He giggled to himself as he began to devise a plan for that night. He thought it would be nice to have Batsy pay him a little visit.

I want your rough house baby,

I want this right in your ear.

You let me feel your danger,

I let you make this feeling clear here.

I want the touch of your charms,

the heat of your breath

I wanna say all those things

That would be better left unsaid…

But your too physical, physical to me…