Author's Note= Done! The Seven Deadly Sins series is complete with this oneā€¦. If anyone has any topics or anything just tell me.

Sin= Lust
POV= Beyond Birthday
Pairings= Implied LXBB?

I know it's mine,
I think that's just fine,
No other sin could fit my kind.

Lust for blood,
Lust for attention,
I crave it all,
And I'll do anything for detention.

I lust after many things,
But Backup receives just the clippings.
Lust is not silent,
Lust is not loud,
But lust is sometimes proud.

I couldn't care less,
If they think I'm a freak,
But if they press,
They'll wish they weren't so weak.

Lust I love,
Lust for the sources above.
Lust is all,
That will always break my fall.