Chapter Two

A/n Read memo? Haha…In this story, I'm making it where everyone already knows each other. Haha…

Slipping into a seat in my first hour, the bell rang for class to start. Students rushed into the classroom and into their seats. I looked over to my left to where Kayashima was seated and kept my gaze on him. His aura still seemed dull; I couldn't help but start to have an interest in him.

Continuing to stare at him, I couldn't seem to pull my eyes away from him. I gasped softly as he turned, meeting my eyes. My cheeks redden as I looked away and covered my face with my cap. After a few seconds, I turned a little bit over and peeked from my cap. His gaze was no longer on me. I let out a deep, sharp sigh and fixed my cap back on my head. Just as I did so, many of the students appeared in front me and towered over me. They all yelled and shouted excitedly as I tried to get out from the crowd, but one young man grabbed me by the collar and pushed me against the wall. I groaned out in pain, but looked at the guy and said, "What the hell?"

He stepped forward as he cupped my chin, turning it side to side as he studied my face. I growled as I pushed him off of me and said, "Stop touching me."

"You look too feminine to be a boy, are you sure you're not a girl?" the young man chuckled as he raised an eyebrow.

I fell silent, but clenched my fists. I peered over the students and saw one pretty boy looking my way. His eyes were surprise mixed with interest. He seemed rather girly as well, no one seemed interested.

"Should we find out?" the young man smiled smugly, taking a step towards me.

"Don't you dare laya finger on me," I growled as my fists shook with anger.

The young man chuckled as he appeared in front of me and placed a hand on my shoulder. My lips twitched as I felt disgusted. His eyes met mine as he smiled, taking off my coat. I gritted my teeth as I growled, taking a hold of his arm and twisted to the side. He cried out in pain as everyone gasped.

"Does it hurt—asshole?" I said as I watched him wither in pain.

I pushed him over to the side as he hit the desk and fell on the ground. He gripped his arm tightly as he continued to cry over his arm. I stuffed my hands into my pocket as I headed back to my seat and slipped into it. Many eyes were on me as I sat down, but I ignored them.

The teacher came into the room as he placed his papers on the desk and introduced himself.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Mr. Tatsuya (not official teacher's name) and I'm your Math teacher school year."

Mr. Tatsuya looked over at the young man at the ground and said, "What is the commotion all about? What has happened?"

The young man stood up, pointing over at me and exclaimed, "He twisted my arm, sir!"

The teacher's eyes fell on me as I looked up without giving a care and raised an eyebrow. Mr. Tatsuya sighed deeply as he fixed the stack of papers on his desk and said, "Is this true?"

"Yes." I replied, clearing my throat and fixed my cap.

"Aren't you new here…Yuki?"

Mr. Tatsuya glanced at a piece of paper on the side as he read my name.

"Yes sir, I am." I replied, "I transferred here from California."

"Yes, I see. It says right here that you were in one of the best schools in the States."

The whole class went silent as they looked over at me. My eyes ignored them, except for one, the young man from earlier that also had feminine features. I stole a glance at him before Mr. Tatsuya could say anything else.

"If you're so intelligent…then tell me why you're here Yuki."

"My parents sent me here…they said it'll do me some…good." I replied, emphasizing the last word.

"I see, well…back to business-why did you twist Ren's arm Yuki?"

I looked over at the person so called "Ren", the person I happened to have twisted his arm. I exhaled slowly, looking back at Mr. Tatsuya and said, "He was touching me before class started—before you came into the room, sir."

Mr. Tatsuya raised an eyebrow, but looked over at Ren and said, "Is that true?"

"N-no sir, o-of course not." Ren's voice broke slightly with his lies.


"Y-yes, sir."

"Okay then…Yuki, would you please step outside?"

I nodded, gathering my things into my bag and got out of my seat. I swung my bag over my shoulder, looking at Ren and glared at him for a quick second, then made my way to the door. Just before I would've walked out, someone yelled, "Wait! It isn't his fault!"

I turned around, seeing the young man from before with feminine features standing up. Everyone turned, their eyes on him as he defended me.

"It's not Yuki's fault, Ren's the one who should be at fault! He touched him!"

"Mizuki…" Nakastu murmured.

"Shut up Mizuki, you don't know anything!" Ren shouted at him.

"Ren!" Mr. Tatsuya said, his voice hard, "Come with me, please."

Ren jumped, but nodded and walked up to the door. He stopped for a second, giving me a quick glare before he left the room. I rolled my eyes, walking back to my seat and placed my things back down. I sighed deeply, holding my head, resting until I saw a shadow loom over me. I removed my hand, looking up and saw the young man who had defended me.

"Hello, I'm sorry for getting involved but I couldn't help it. He was being an asshole." He made a face as he spoke to me…his voice was rather high, but it suits his looks.

I smiled weakly, nodding in thanks and said, "It's no problem, thank you."

His smile brightened as his eyes seem to have a glitter to them—he looked so much like a girl. He held out his hand, "My name's Ashiya Mizuki."

"Yamashito Yuki." I replied, taking his hand and shook it.

We exchanged a smile as we shook hands. For some reason, I had an inkling that I would be become good friends with this person—it felt kind of good to be honest.

"So...if you don't mind me asking, how come you're here in Japan, instead of in the States?" Mizuki asked as he sat down in the empty seat next to me.

I chuckled as I took off my cap and ran my fingers through my short brown hair, "Like I said before—my parents sent me here because it'll do me some good."

"Do you some good? What do you mean by that?"

I met Mizuki's eyes as I saw total cluelessness in them. I shrugged as I placed my cap on the table, "I don't know—it's a long story."

"Oh I see, well—" Mizuki glimpsed at the clock, "It's almost 2nd hour, what do you have next?"

"Um…" I fumbled through my back-pack and grabbed my schedule, "I have…English."

"Oh, seriously?" Mizuki exclaimed, "I do too, wow! You should sit with me."

My lips curved into a small smile as I nodded, "Sure."

"Alright, so, I'll walk with you since we have next hour together."

I nodded as I looked away and stuffed my schedule back into my pack. Mizuki tapped my shoulder and pointed to her desk—signaling I guess that he was going to grab his stuff. I nodded and waited as Mizuki left my side. My eyes wandered around the room for a few, then fell on the young man I was staring at before.

Taiki Kayashima…

Just then, Kayashima turned and met my eyes. Our eyes locked as I felt his eyes pierce into mine. My breath caught in my throat as he continued to stare into my eyes. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't find myself to—which made me feel like a huge idiot. Trying my hardest to look away, I came to realize that his aura had darkened as he continued to stare at me. Wondering why his aura had darkened, I became curious and wanted to ask why—but how? I couldn't just waltz right up to him and ask, "Hi there roommate, I realized that your aura has darkened to a darker color and I want to know why—mind telling me?"

Before I could think of anything, his eyes turned cold and sent a chill up my spine.

W-what's his problem?

The bell rang loudly as Kayashima stood from his seat and left the room in a flash. I sighed rather sharply as I grabbed my things and stood from my seat. I couldn't help but retrace the path Kayashima made with my eyes—wondering what was wrong with him. I stepped forward to leave the room, but a tap and voice came behind my shoulder.

"Planning to sneak out on me?"

I recognized the voice and turned around, "Sorry, no…just—lost in my thoughts."

Mizuki waved it off, "Nah, it's okay. I do that all the time too. Anyways, off to next hour."

I nodded as Mizuki led the way since I was new here. I kept my eyes on her—I couldn't help but get the feeling she's a girl.

But why would a girl be in an all guys' school?

I paused for a second and then mumbled, "Well, I'm a girl in an all guys' school."

Mizuki turned around as he looked at me. I froze and hoped he didn't hear what I said. We stared at each other for a while before his eyebrow rose, "What's wrong?"

I blinked, "What?"

"You stopped walking a few minutes ago."

I looked at the distance between us and my cheeks redden, "Oh…sorry."

Mizuki chuckled, "It's alright, c'mon."

I made my way to his side and we made a left—into the classroom.

A/n I'm sorry it took forever to update. Life's been hectic and I've been really busy. I'm so very sorry. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! XD