*You see me, I duck when you throw something sharp at me* I SURRENDER! I'm so friggin' sorry that I haven't uploaded for a while. It's just that I had photography classes and dance classes throughout the summer (but I know that's not an excuse).

So, I'm baaaaaack! *hears cricket chirps* Okay, well... I came back with a Artinn fic, ever since I watched Laryngitis I just HAD to make a Artinn fic ;). This was supposed to be a oneshot, but it was too long... So I made it multi-chapter, and I'm pretty sure that the following chapters are just short 'cause these are short moments only :D. Story's kind of AU, I made Quinn sweeter and the story is still inside the first half of the season, before Hell-O. So enough of my looooong rambling. Read and review, please! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own any Glee name, event or item mentioned in the story. And if I did, I would drastically change the plot of "Bad Reputation" (Even with this Artinn fic, I will forever be a Puckleberry fan at heart!)

Artie Abams rolled his way through the halls of the infamously-labelled "hell hole" called William McKinley High School. It was his first day as a sophomore, more importantly in his new school. Artie observed the crowd of students making their way to classrooms, lockers and a janitor's closet (he saw a guy with a mohawk drag a girl inside). He carefully manoeuvred his way around the cliques of the school, especially the football team. He heard the rumors that this school was the creator of the "slushie war", so his goal for the day was to come out of this school slushie-free. Artie made his way towards a room filled with instruments. He figured that this was the school's music room. It became a tradition to the wheel-bound boy to spend a short period of the first day inside this certain kind of room. He loved any music room dearly, next to the auditorium which he has yet to find. He positioned himself next to the piano, turned his chair around so that he was facing the door. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, engulfing himself in a deep thought.

Okay Artie, this is your year. Forget that people figuratively and literally looked down on you last year. Remember what mom and dad said and make it into a mantra: they only ridicule you not because of your disability; it's because you're a miracle in disguise.

With a contented nod, he batted his eyes open and averted his sight towards the room's wall clock. It was 15 minutes before his first class to begin. He slowly moved towards the door and put his hand on the door knob, waiting for a short moment before leaving the classroom. The second he got out, he was in awestruck. In front of him was a petite, blonde-haired girl, her back was towards him. She was wearing a red cheerleading uniform that clung to her body perfectly. Her golden locks were neatly tied in a high ponytail, showing of her long, beautiful neck. She turned around to catch his eyes and he was sure that he choked on his own breath. Her brown eyes matched the gentleness of his. Artie thinks she has the cutest button nose ever, it may sound lame but he couldn't explain it better. His eyes travelled down to her light pink lips, which was forming a shy smile that made his heart beat like crazy.

He regained his composure and fixed his sight on her eyes again, the soft orbs showing happiness. He gave her a small wave with his padded hand and tugged a corner of his lips up and she quickly ducked her head before putting it back up again. Artie saw her lips part, perhaps a response to his gesture, but was cut when an anonymous voice was heard.

"Hey, Quinn! Head cheerleader Quinn Fabray!"

Both heads were turned to two girls running towards them, a Dutch-like blonde one and one Latina dark-haired one.

"Santana, Brittany, what's up?" She sweetly said to her fellow cheerleaders as they approached her.

He sighed at her voice as it sounded so pure and heavenly.

The Latina whispered something to her friend, letting Quinn nod swiftly. Brittany and Santana linked both their arms to their friend and led them down the hall. Quinn turned her head towards Artie and shot an apologetic look to him. He slightly nodded and bit his lip as he rolled down the same hallway as her. He stopped at his locker as he grabbed the books he needed for his morning classes. He closed his locker and looked to his left, seeing Quinn get her stuff from her locker as well as her friends waited for her.

Quinn. He thought dreamily. Maybe this is my year after all.

He took note of the cheerleader's locker. It was just seven lockers away from his.