*ten years ago*

I ran into my best friends room; Fang's room, and I was crying. I handed him my favorite bracelet. He looked into my eyes which were filled with tears.

"What's going on?" He asked worriedly.

"My mom told me that we're moving. So I want you to have my lucky bracelet."

"When are you moving?" He slowly took the bracelet out of my hand and slipped it on to his wrist. Then he removed his leather necklace; his shark tooth necklace.

"Day after tomorrow." I put his necklace around my neck and he tied it for me.

"But," he said with his lower lip trembling, "we promised each other we would never split up. You're my best friend." I hugged him and we both cried. I had never seen Fang cry before. Ever. When he pulled back, he kissed me on the cheek. I wiped it off with my hand, earning a laugh and another hug from Fang.

"I'm gonna miss you." I told him. He could always make me laugh, even when I was really sad. He was my next door neighbor since we were born. We told each other everything. Now we didn't know if we would ever see each other again, and I could see it in his eyes that he was confused and sad.

"We can still hang out tomorrow though . . . right?" He asked hopefully.

"No. My mom told me today, so I have to pack tomorrow." I explained.

"This sucks!" He yelled and it scared me. I had never seen him so mad. "How come you have to move, out of everybody?"

"It wasn't our choice; my mom got a new job. You'll be there when I leave right?" I asked unsurely.

"I don't know." Fang said. I tried to give him another hug, but he leaned away and stuck his face into his pillow.

"Bye Fang."

I didn't get an answer.

"Max, are you ready to leave?" My mom was carrying the last of the suitcases out to the car.

"No." I screeched. Then I dropped my suitcase and ran over to a small column, throwing my arms and legs around it. When my mom tried to peel me away from it, I screeched even louder. "I'm not leaving without seeing Fang!"

"Fine." My mom grumbled. She took my suitcase to the car and when she got back, she threatened me.

"By the time I count to three, I want you walking toward that car missy; or I will drive off without you. One . . ." I tightened my grip on the column, one last hug to my house. "Two . . ." I unwillingly let go. "And three . . ." I started shuffling toward the car.

I hopped in and buckled the seatbelt, seeing my two year old sister blow spit bubbles in the car seat next to me and giggling hysterically. My dad was sitting in the seat in front of me, and he turned around.

"I know you're upset Max, but you'll get used to it. It'll be home." He told me.

Yeah right, I thought sourly, it will never be home unless Fang is with me. My mom climbed into the driver's seat and started up the engine.

"Here we goooo." My mom called to us and Ella clapped her hands together. The car was still going slowly when we passed Fang's house. I pressed my hand up against the window, wanting to see him one more time before we left for good. Just then, he burst out of his front door holding up his wrist. I pointed to his necklace around my neck and he smiled, waving one last time. I rolled down the window as quickly as I could and stuck my head out, looking back at him.

"Promise you'll never take it off!" I yelled.

"Never! I promise!"