Maybe Baby,

The sun was not yet up and the cliffside village of Berk was as cold as death. Nestled in his bed Hiccup was wide awake, his heavy lidded eyes focused on glowing embers of the fire pit and the figure coiled within. The dragon's eyes were limpid jade in the near dark, shrouded by gray tails of smoke. Unable to tear his gaze away or resume his previous state of unconsciousness, Hiccup eased the blankets aside and embraced the nearly painful chill with a body shuddering wince. A crooning note from the floor alerted him to the dragon that followed every move as he crossed aged wood. Swallowing a whimper and a terror induced shudder he offered the Night Fury a weak smile and the same greeting he'd offered after every night since the end of summer.

"I'm alright, Toothless, it was just a dream."

But it wasn't, it could never be just a dream; it was the worst nightmare he could have ever imagined, one that was real.

The hazy rain of midsummer had come and gone from the isle of Berk much as all weather did, dramatically with little regard for the islands enthusiastic inhabitants. It was no matter to them for the crops were growing and the resident fliers were well out of season, singing and making nests in the oddest of places. Astrid's Nadder turned out to be quite moody during gestation, the gravid female refused the approach of any human but her own, and chased away all visitors from the Hofferson home, Hofferson himself was confident of his girl and her pet but hardly impressed. Fishslegs' Gronckle had laid her clutch under his bed, much to the amusement of everyone but her rider, but still he was proud. It seemed like every Viking was settling well into their new way of life, everyone except Hiccup.

In fact, it hadn't been until after seasonal harvest that the young Viking could even bring himself to face his assailant, his best friend. The incident in the cove was long passed and every time he'd even considered looking, he remembered. Hiccup could almost feel the invasive tongue and the painfully small scales scraping across his belly, he could feel the sharp pain of cutting teeth and worst of all he remembered the slitted green eyes. The bond between them was soured, tainted by the unholy union they'd consummated in sweltering heat of summer. Hiccup hadn't set foot in the cove since, nor had he lifted the polished leather saddle from its place over his bed.

The nights had grown colder and days shorter, but still they did not fly.

It wasn't as if he shied away from the dragon, he couldn't do that. It was just too difficult to cross the vast chasm of tension that lay between them, a jagged breach that Toothless could not broach and which Hiccup was reluctant to try. They were still man and dragon, that had not changed, but the unspoken harmony was gone and with it the bond that had lent itself so well to their friendship. There was nothing he could do, nothing that could make them seem alright. He didn't want to fear his friend, but the passion of what had transpired in the throes of summer had terrified him.

He wasn't angry, he'd tried to be at the beginning, but he couldn't be. As his friend, he'd forgiven Toothless for the attack, but he hadn't forgotten it and he hadn't let it go. Even now he shuddered at the Night Fury's touch, no matter what its intent. To be true, he shuddered at every dragon's touch. He could neither control nor prevent it; the shuttering of his eyes, the deepening of his breaths or the quickening of his heart. He weathered it as only a Viking could in mute, determined suffering. He was the resident Dragon Master of the village, and was expected to keep an eye them, no matter what. There was no way to explain that he couldn't perform his duties because a dragon's touch elicited memories best forgotten, leaving him scandalized and aroused in the most inappropriate way.

He tried not to think of it, what he felt, and the dragons were rather helpful in that respect. Most of the fliers limited the amount of physical contact shared with him. He was thankful, but convinced it had more to do with the Night Fury that stalked him than any real respect for his unease. Toothless did however; respect his space, so much in fact Hiccup was more alone than he'd been since they met. As far as his dragon was concerned he could bathe, eat and occasionally sleep on his own. It made ridding himself of his embarrassment that much easier to bear, but more and more Hiccup found himself aching from loneliness.

The weather changed abruptly, the cold snap threatening to kill all but the hardiest crops and livestock before third frost of the season. Hiccup had been called out with those of his year to prepare the last catches of fish in the great smokehouse for the heavy snows. There as well, Toothless did not follow. So much time and energy was devoted to the preparation for the cold season that the new separation went almost unnoticed. Even so tending to livestock and building up winter stores were much more important than nursing a broken friendship, especially one that neither knew how to fix.

When the worst of the snow began to rain down, silver white specks shining in the wind; the dragons changed. As the weather had become colder with the blanketing white, the dragon clan had become torpid and lethargic. When the seas froze, it was even worse, the chill in the air drove them to dig holes and seek caves, nearly all fleeing the village to wait out winter. Those that remained began to sleep longer and longer until the day came when none rose at all. On that day the Night Fury of the Chief's family laid before the fire place with a soft whimper, spared his charge a final look and closed his eyes.

In the sudden encompassing silence, the exhausting winter of Berk began. In that time the dragon slept before the constantly stoked fire, two months in which the blistering weather kept Hiccup inside. He was trapped in the confining box that was his home with nothing to distract him from his mind. Or the things he had no business thinking about, things he really wanted to forget but couldn't seem to, no matter how he tried. The weather imposed internment forced him to reevaluate what he'd become in the last few months.

By the Gods, what was he? A warrior? No such luck there, a seasick terror had more ferocity than him even in the direst of situations. Damaged goods? Never, his injuries were a badge of pride, proof of his unusual skill and power, no matter who had given them. Was he an unwitting victim? Maybe so, but Toothless was even more than he, an enthusiastic slave to his body and its overwhelming drive to claim and mate.

It was shameful, their union, a disgusting incident that at best meant utter disgrace and at worse death. There was no way to save face from such indiscretion. Whether purposeful or not, his masculinity and honor were in question before the introduction of the dragons, but now that he'd lain with Toothless, he'd gone too far. To salvage everything that had been ripped from him that night, he had to hide it, to keep it secret and pretend he was still Hiccup the Useful rather than Hiccup the Ergi. It would mean the end of everything he was, if anyone found out, chief's son or no.

The wound in his shoulder was a constant reminder of his best friend and the fierce ardor they shared, despite his pleas against it. The deep bites healed like he'd expected, slowly with quite a bit of scarring. It was almost as if the injury itself was telling him their friendship would never recover; never heal. The damage had been so bad for a time he'd worried it would fester but he was loath to change the tight bandages. If they were out of his sight he could try to pretend the whole incident never happened. Cautious and ashamed, he hadn't sought medical assistance, far too many unanswerable questions would arise. So he'd waited, caring for the wound as best he could. When his body finally mended in the early winter he was left with a glaring reminder of the transgressions that Toothless had visited upon him. Much like the bruises that had faded on his hips, the memory remained, twisting and pervading his thoughts making him weak in the knees as he remembered the pleasure; remembered the beat of wings overhead stretching toward the grey sky.

Hiccup rose from his bed limping slightly, the floorboards creaked beneath his footsteps, it was the only sound heard above the rushing wind and the stiff crackling from the fire-pit. The edge of his blanketing, bearskin glided across the wood as he stepped towards the massive of dragon taking up the center of the room. It had been so long since he'd attempted, or even considered touching the sleeping beast. Shiny black scales reflected the guttering flames and Hiccup watched the dragon's ribcage expand and contract like bellows. So like the forge and its welcoming heat, he inched closer on unsteady legs.

Toothless did not notice his approach, so deep in slumber; Hiccup doubted anything would make the creature rise, but remained silent all the same. A twinge of uneasiness bubbled up inside him as he faced the reptile; his heart began to pound, taking the beat of heavy war drums as the dragon slept on. Orange flames licked the bulky form, an ear twitched and Hiccup stared, the obstructed memories flooding to him like the sticky dragon seed that had once coated his insides. The shock, pain and burning arousal were suddenly fresh in his mind; he flushed clutching his furs tighter about himself. He'd writhed beneath the dark dragon, his howls and bobbing cock confirming the terrifying truth that he'd enjoyed it, the delighted growls and oppressive heat of their entangled bodies.

With startled moan the teen fell back clutching his chest, eyes wide in panic. His manhood throbbed in interest, suddenly uncomfortable, much like his leg on exceptionally cold, wet days. It was just one of those scars he'd bear for the rest of his life likened to one borne by the dragon snoring upon the smoldering wood. The heavy half-finned tail thumped upon the floor, its movement kicking ashes and sparks into the air. Green eyes focused in an instant and Hiccup was there high above that lonely island clinging tight to a wet saddle as his black dragon bore them higher and higher as they beckoned the Queen to follow them into the clouds.

It had all gone according to plan, or as well as one could plan, to defeat a monstrous creature larger than one's village. But they had done it, ended the threat to their lives and united their people as a larger clan. However, that success had come at cost and he would gladly pay it again, without question. With another heavy breath, Hiccup staggered for a moment before he was back to himself in the white noise and heavy shadows of his home. The fall, the tumble from dragon back; it all could have ended much worse, but he banished the thought and forced himself to take another step towards Toothless.

He's missed his dragon. Yes, he'd been afraid, but now months later he didn't know what to think. The Night Fury had forsaken familiar cave or cove and had nested in the home of the human who'd taken flight from him. Worry won out over fright and Hiccup moved closer the great mass of scales planted upon the cracking pit. With trepidation he put his hand on the dragon's snout, it was cooler than he'd ever felt it, but the breathing steady. A small almost relieved smile crossed his freckled face and he gave the nose a gentle scratch.

Slowly as if not quite dead the dragon stirred, his head shifting up from the charred wood so he could blink drowsily in the direction of his human. Hiccup's breath caught in his throat and he didn't move. Gradually, as if trying not to spook him further the jaws parted below the half-lidded eyes glistening in the smoke and Toothless dragged his tongue over the outstretched hand. Hiccup gasped and the dragon trilled soothingly before his head drooped and he moved no more.

No matter how much noise filled the Chief's house and no matter how the young man stared, the dragon didn't stir again.

The rest of the winter was filled with evocative stories and more drawing than Hiccup had ever done in his life. He didn't go out and join the others during the numerous rounds of Knattleikr in piles of snow. His wrought appendage wasn't suited to scrabbling along the ice, it could be with adjustment, but then again he wasn't a very good batter anyway. He could beat the entire village at Hnefatafl so the amber kings sat forgotten on their field, the board set high on the shelf earning dust with disuse. Instead of remaining bundled in his bed Hiccup sketched the sooty shape of the snoring dragon, as his father carved furniture and figures. It kept him busy and out of trouble, a fact which many of the villagers were thankful for. It was still another few months before the dragons began to wake fully, but as Hiccup waited stroking charcoal over parchment, it didn't seem long at all.

Each night a skald would take the floor of Meade Hall, with an account of some legendary hero or the tricky exploits of Loki. Once a red faced man proclaimed the tale of Hiccup the Useful, and the warriors slammed their flasks on the tables in uproarious applause. Hiccup flushed red and vowed to ensure the actual facts of his deeds were recorded for posterity. It wouldn't do for the younger generations to believe he'd merely tamed Toothless with the sheer force of his personality.

His mind balked at the thought of the dragon, when would his erstwhile companion finally awake? Hiccup hadn't realized how much he'd been avoiding the dragon until Toothless was inadvertently avoiding him. He'd been such an idiot, recoiling in his pain, and causing it in his closest friend, and dare he say it; mate. Toothless couldn't fight instinct any more than he could defeat his freckles. It was a deep intrinsic part of the dragon's nature. And in some small sick sort of way it was sort of nice to be desired, even if it was by wrong species and gender. His thoughts were well taken when the season changed once more; leaving him busier than before as Berk began to warm.

The first sign of spring wasn't the cacophonous cracking of thick ice sheets, nor the tell tale green shoots worming their way up from the cold mud or even the chirruping cries of returning birds. Hiccup's first sighting of the elusive season was a choked off snore punctuated by a toothy yawn. Setting aside the adjustable mail he was working on, he carefully rose to his feet, eyes focused on the dragon. This tactic proved faulty and he stubbed his toe in a fantastic stumble that left him sprawling over the floor staring up into twin orbs of emerald.

Toothless blinked drowsily at him and smiled, a pink tongue peeking from between retracted teeth. Hiccup offered him an encouraging grin and a gentle scratch in return, his apprehension strangely banished in the face of his awakened friend.

"Did you sleep well?" The dragon looked towards the smoke hole in the roof and the hazy sky above. Shaking out his wings and knocking ash from his limbs, Toothless yawned again and rolled over, kicking up sparks as he settled into the pit for the last nap of the season.

The unyielding winter drifted away like a newborn sheep and the snow melted under the fierce onslaught of the sun. In the warming earth, life began to stir. The cooling rains came, lightly soaking the frozen land urging long hidden foliage to burst to forth in bright colors as the heather sped along the ground like a man possessed. The greenery flourished reclaiming lost land and new territory all over Berk. From beneath the earth, dragons arose, stretching towards the sun. Scores of reptiles swept down from the high mountains, returning to their village greeting their partners with fondness augmented by their seasonal absence. In a bustle of wings life returned to normal, on the wild and windy Isle.

The forge was sweltering in the muggy days of spring, the scent of flowers mingling with the sharp tang of metal and the cloying hint of leather, but the work wasn't to last. Hiccup's replacement, a dull witted boy with good hands and a dumb name had all but taken the advanced assistant's work under Gobber's interesting tutelage. Hiccup didn't mind the assistance, if nothing else he appreciated the break, not only did it encourage the riders of the village to maintain their own gear; it granted him an opportunity he certainly missed buried in the unforgiving snows of winter. He was once more capable to watch the clouds drift across the blue sky.

It was on one such day; he was roused by the impatient rumble of a conscious, agitated Night Fury. Sliding from under the layered pelts he found himself offering a smile to the reptile. Toothless responded in kind rubbing his great head against the freckled cheek and climbing up on to the bed. The wood creaked under his weight and Hiccup panicked stumbling back against the headboard as the dragon inched forward and climbed over him. The dragon opened wide his jaws revealing dozens of sharp teeth in reply, his human threw up his arms in defense and shut his eyes.

The bed groaned under the strain, the heavy furs giving way to warm scales bearing the musky hint of dragon and fish. The Night Fury leaned, standing over him for a long moment before it turned away. The bed wobbled back on its feet as Toothless dropped heavily onto the floor. Hiccup opened his eyes almost immediately, just to watch as the dragon strode from his room. His tail thumped against the door frame and he chuffed at the boy as he disappeared out of the open doorway.

Pressing a hand to his chest, Hiccup tried to will away the layers of dread that had wound about his heart. It took him a few minutes, but when he was almost in control of himself; he looked to the extraneous weight on his bed. There resting on top of the furs that threatened to spill onto the floor was his riding gear. Hiccup's gaze shifted to the door and sighed. His apprehension and fear, it had been for naught; Hiccup pushed away the clenching guilt and slowly reached for the pile. He stroked the worn saddle lovingly, and dragged on the stitched leather tunic. It fit snugly over his chest, he'd have to make some adjustment but that was for later, right now it wasn't as important his waiting partner. He moved off following the dragon's path out into the cool morning, the straps of the saddle bouncing over his arms as he walked.

The air was brisk, the sky fairly clouded, hazy white shapes cresting across the blue drifting lazily. The wind brought the question to his mind and he stared, bewildered. When had he last touched the sky? He didn't know, couldn't possibly know the answer but sought to amend it immediately. Toothless shuffled in the damp grass, saddled and in position. His wings flared impatiently and he looked like Hiccup himself felt, eager and at the same time nervous. Would everything work as before, could they do it? The dragon crooned and the saddle was under him, smooth and perfect. His foot slipped into place and the sky unfolded before them, clouds parting as they soared higher, a puffy welcome back to where they belonged.

The rush was invigorating as the pair climbed into the freezing heights. Four long months of snow and ice had kept the pair for taking the sky as their own, but now Toothless shot towards the heavens, making up for lost time, dipping and rolling energetically through the air. He moved so fast banking and spiraling, Hiccup worked frantically, adjusting the mechanism controlling the fin, trying to keep up with the ecstatic dragon. Toothless crowed their mastery of the heavens, spitting fire boastfully. His rider couldn't help but grin in return. They were back in the sky, finally back home in the bright blue expanse. Up there, they were one, and come Hell or High water nothing was going to bring them down.

They climbed as high as they dared and then dove for the sea twirling round and round as they streaked towards the crashing waves. Together they skipped along the surface reveling in the freedom. White foam sloshed over dark wings and for an instant Hiccup's heart stopped. Toothless loosed a burst of flame and water became steam gliding gentle over his wind burnt cheeks. Pinwheeling back into the sky Toothless roared in triumph and this time his rider yealled ed with him until he was deafened and hoarse.

It was the sun on the horizon that finally called them down, back to earth. The stars glowed across the heavens, casting cloth and scales in the hues of the darkening sky. Hiccup tumbled off the warm saddle with his arms and legs impossibly sore; but inside his heart was singing. What could have possibly made him think he'd never do that again? The call of the sky, it was almost as irresistible as the call of the-

Toothless chirred happily beside him and Hiccup turned. With trilling sound the Night Fury stood up bringing himself face to face with his rider. Smothering an embarrassed laugh the human leaned forward pressing their faces together, forehead to nose. It had been much too long.

"That was epic." He admitted when his voice finally returned, it was raw, rough to his own ears, but the dragon's reply was pleased and he nuzzled his rider in agreement.

Everything was perfect. A sudden flick of tongue over his cheek and the brush of scales along his face and Hiccup froze. The touch was nothing but friendly, but his heart was already racing, the slight touch after such a long time without. It was too much. The anxiety returned. The young Viking stepped away, touching the spot on his cheek just as his dragon inched back, putting distance between them. He called after Toothless, but it was already too late. The dragon scrambled down the path, leaving the village for parts unknown.

Unable to keep the frenzied pace, Hiccup instead set out towards his house. Sore and breathless, he staggered with every other footfall. Slowly he hobbled up the steps leading up to the large house, his prosthetic ringing against the stone. The newest wood carving loomed out at him in the twilight, the shadowed shape coiled as if to strike. The wooden fury was impressive; jaws half open in a fierce snarl. It looked angry, much like Toothless probably was. He pushed the thought from his head and dragged his aching body across the egress through the house to his waiting bed. Wearily he drew the blankets up and promptly fell asleep. His dreams were vivid and bright, filled with shadowed forms that dragged at him, pinned him to the earth. He flailed kicked, tossed and fought, but when he woke he was still in bed, so cold and very much alone.

He was packed by first light, his rest had been fitful at best, but he had a friend to find. He couldn't be afraid of Toothless forever; he wouldn't. Not after everything they'd faced, there had to be some way to bridge the gap between them, they'd lost enough time already. With the basket over his shoulder, Hiccup marched determinedly to the door. At his touch the wooden slab swung inward and he backed out of the way. Filling the frame of the door was the bulky shape of Berk's Chief, his own father.

"Morning." Stoick boomed, before claiming his seat at the table. The furniture wobbled, but held firm under his hands. Belatedly he noticed the woven strap over his son's shoulder and the pensive look in his eyes.

"What's this?"

"I'm going hunting." Said Hiccup, his voice implying he wasn't too sure himself.

"There's not trip planned today." The chief remarked confused, but curious.

"I'm still going." Hiccup responded.

"What about the devil?"

"No," Hiccup laughed almost nervously before answering, "I'm going alone."

"By yourself?" Stoick inquired setting his helm down.

"That's what alone means."

Chuckling heartily, the father commended his son, patting his back firmly, a little harder than Hiccup expected before thrusting a sharp knife into his hands, urging him on his way. Tucking the blade away, he reshouldered his pack and allowed his chief to escort him from the house.

"It's good to see you acting like a proper Viking, all that flying must have done you and that reptile some good. No more moping about like a landlocked pirate."

Whether it was an observation or an order, he didn't care. Bidding his village farewell and promising Astrid he'd be back on three days or she could come looking, Hiccup started into the forest.

The cove was empty and placid, with nothing. There was no hint of his quarry in their secluded spot. There were a few terrors basking in the sunshine, but they paid him no mind as he marched away. The bright little creatures were certainly not the dragons he was looking for. Slowly and carefully, Hiccup combed, searched and explored through every place he and his dragon had ever been. From the spot where he'd freed the Night Fury from his trap, to the fields of garlic grass around the lakes, and even the winding streams that lead down to the sea. Only on the far end of the Isle did he finally find what he was looking for, among the stone steps of their usual fishing spot were deep clawed grooves and a sunken circle of burnt sand. Setting up camp in the cool sand, Hiccup turned his gaze seaward and settled down to pass the time.

The wait wasn't long; just as he was beginning to doze actually. The final rays of sunlight threw the shadows of the slinking dragon across the sand as he returned to his nest. Descending along the rocks Toothless strode to the burned circle and inhaled in preparation for sleep. He did pause to look at the figure who'd dared to intrude upon his sanctum, but merely snorted once at him, ears flicking in irritation. Wrapped in the soft furs he'd been smart enough to bring, Hiccup smiled encouragingly in return.

"I missed you too."

With a careless huff, Toothless scorched the cooled ground in a blast of blue fire, widening his space, laying claim to more of the beach.

"You keep that up and you'll have to sleep on glass." The human warned him.

Still sulking, Toothless ignored him and settled onto the glowing embers, using his wings as a buffer. That particular tactic had not stopped Hiccup the first time he'd tried to befriend the reptile nor would he let it stop him now. Tossing some fish he'd set aside in case his dragon had appeared, he settled back to cooking his own meal to the sounds of lapping waves. He ate silently, huddled within his furs, trying to keep warm as he watched Toothless out of the corner of his eye. It seemed that he hadn't moved, but the pile of fish was smaller than before.

Laying back Hiccup stared up at the darkening sky, watching the stars, the few that could be seen. Before long, he rolled over and damped the fire. Satisfied that he wasn't alone, he unstrapped his prosthetic and tucked himself back into the nest of furs listening to the rising sounds of night. Over the hiss of dying flames, the steady breathing of the sleeping dragon upon the dark sand lulled him into sleep; his eyes were barely shut before he began to dream.

The breeze coming up off the sea rippled the furs, chilling the body folded within. Hiccup squirmed restlessly to the howls of nocturnal dragons. The dissonance only worsened his disturbed sleep, already plagued with shadowed shapes of lightning and death. Venom eyes and sharp teeth flashed overhead before descending to kill. He opened his mouth to shout but all that came out was terrifying roar.

Suddenly his eyes were open and his breathing labored. He was alone but the fire crackled merrily, giving the circle about him a sunset glow. Blinking groggily at the reawakened flame, he was soon aware of the pressing need to leave the protection of the furs. His leg was achingly cold to his hands and practically unbearable attached but he made quick work, hobbling from his spot into the woods for relief.

His return to camp was hampered by old trees and fallen logs in the dark, so he took slow, following the moonlight filtering through the pines. Just before he reached the beach and his bed roll, Hiccup stumbled across a recent hunting trail. He followed the dragon's tracks without hesitation, the stamped brush and broken twigs leading further into the woods. The path ended at the foot of a large tree, but it bore the earmarks of sharp claws, so he knew exactly where the dragon had gone. Deeper into the shrubbery, Hiccup scanned the forest line searching for his friend. The trees thinned out and he spared a glance into the tangled canopy, there he spotted a single flash of red, a welcome sight. As he moved towards the tree, a crunch of the underbrush halted him midstep.

The noise was too soft to be Toothless so he was quite ready to ignore it, but it came again and he listened with trepidation. It was a warning, he realized. A snort that was much too soft to be a dragon and too close to be anything safe. He leaned back trying to catch a glimpse of the other creature but found nothing. Movement behind him caught his attention and he spun for a better vantage. In the edge of the clearing, he spotted something. His eyes followed the indistinct shape, focused on the deep brown pelt blended in with the tree line. The reindeer was large; its antlers seemed to be branches as it emerged from the foliage. The cow stepped forward, its movement graceful as it stared him down.

Returning its gaze, Hiccup took a hesitant step back, his hand straying for the knife at his belt.

The animal snorted again and shook her head. Her gaze didn't waver from the young human in the path and she pawed the earth in warning. It was just one of those nights he decided casually taking another slow step. This was exactly why hunting parties were comprised of more than one person. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time; the Gods really had it out for him didn't they? If he could just back out of her territory, or if Toothless was feeling charitable, he'd be fine. Otherwise, the population of Berk was about to be one person smaller.

She stalked him, puffing up her furred chest, standing tall to drive him off. As he backed away Hiccup was careful to avoid the ever present pitfalls of raised roots, rocks and holes. What he didn't miss was the branch of the dragon clawed tree jutting low from the trunk behind him. The limb felled him and he tumbled forward into the path of the advancing reindeer. Long legs with heavy round hooves were coming ever closer to his head. His eyes flicked up towards the intermeshed treetops, but there was no dragon in sight. Toothless had probably moved on.

It was up to him to save his own skin. He could handle that, he'd faced worse. Much worse. His shoulder twinged faintly as he drew the knife, sliding into a kneeling position, one that granted him balance and mobility. It seemed some of Gobber's lessons had stuck with him after all.

The reindeer lunged forward with her head lowered and Hiccup rolled to the side avoiding the swing. A stamping hoof just missed his head and she bellowed angrily. Picking himself up from the dirt he ran, leaping over a rotted log moving for the safety of the beach. If he could just get away, he'd be fine. Unsatisfied with this retreat however, the animal followed, closing the distance between them. She thundered over the dark earth as he scrambled away. Moss and twigs crunched under his feet as the mammal dogged his heels. He skidded on the damp litter, and tumbled again, dodging a wild charge as his thighs burned from the exertion.

It was close, she was close. He couldn't keep running.

Bracing himself Hiccup Horrendous Haddock lifted his knife and waited for the cow to attack. Near enough to feel the heat rolling off the deer's fur; he feinted just as she rose up, bringing her sharp hooves down towards his face. He struck, pushing his unimpressive weight into the blow, just as a massive shadow descended from the trees crowing loudly. In a flash of dark wings and sharp claws, the reindeer went down under the weight of a Night Fury, limbs swinging wildly as it fell. They hit the dirt mere inches from Hiccup wobbling on his feet, but impact of a lashing tail caught him by surprise and he toppled with a startled.

By the will of Skadi and a stroke of luck, Hiccup landed across the cow's shaggy neck, balanced awkwardly upon the frilled head of the Night Fury he'd been searching for as leaves rained down around them. He panted, shaking against the dark form, to his surprise Toothless wheezing as well, the dragon was out of practice it seemed. Even so they were the victors, over their furred attacker. Hiccup smothered his incredulous laughter, but just barely. A green eye caught his gaze and Hiccup placed a hand to the scaled chin. Toothless snorted in acceptance and prodded the human with a wing. The reindeer jerked beneath them, and the moment was over.

They moved in tandem then, Hiccup sliding between the massive paws as the dragon's teeth closed about the cow's antlers, its heartbeat quickened as the dragon drew back the proud head and the young Viking turned the knife over in his hand. The bleating creature deserved an honorable death, and they wouldn't deny it that. Lying across the furred back, tucking himself just beneath the sloping beams Hiccup curled his arms around the warm throat and steadied his hands on the white fur, he whispered a prayer and plunged the blade into exposed throat for a killing stroke. The heartbeat spiked before it slowed and still they held on, riding the death spasms, red blood splattering the human's white knuckles, soaking into his sleeves. It dropped underneath them and Toothless rose up balancing on his hind legs as he crowed in triumph flaring his wings, tail lashing. With some difficulty Hiccup stood, he trembled with excitement and stared at the felled cow as well as his reddened hands.

He didn't even notice as the dragon paced to his side, favoring his compatriot with a gentle headbutt and an encouraging lick. He shivered briefly, but this time Hiccup was not troubled by the connotations of the touch. He took a moment to press his head to Toothless; the affectionate dragon supporting them both as he ignored the blood drying on his skin. His heart was pounding, his palms tingled and he breathed deep; taking in the woody scent of earth and fur as well as the faint hint of salt in the air. Toothless vocalized once more before Hiccup pulled away to prepare the carcass to be moved. The deer had been decently sized, but it was not a problem as man and dragon worked together. The going was slow, but they took their time and marched side by side, following the path back down to the beach. The fire still flickered as he and Toothless carried the reindeer back into camp easing onto the cool sand as Hiccup added the wood they'd collected to the circle of flames.

With sound of crunching he whirled around to find his companion sinking his teeth into the meat. With a shout, Hiccup waved Toothless away with much difficulty, slapping the broad nose as he shoved the scaled head; he ignored the warning snarls and the threat of flame from behind extended teeth.

"No Toothless." He urged shoving for all he was worth. The dragon snorted blowing an acrid whiff of unloosed flame into Hiccup's face. The young Viking coughed briefly, but remained firm. "It's not our first kill, but we'll do this right."

At that the black dragon relented long enough for Hiccup to retrieve his knife and work it into the body.

The blood from the remains was slick on his hands, and made his knife slip precariously. To combat this, Hiccup rubbed his palms along the sand. The tiny grains sucked up the wetness and he resumed his work. Passing the blade between the fur and flesh, he parted the hide, working it off as Toothless rooted through the offal inside the belly.

"That's not helping." Hiccup grumbled as the Toothless rocked the corpse from side to side trying to get at the soft organs within. To his surprise however, once he parted the ribs and slit the connective tissue, Toothless dragged the entrails out to coil across the sand, discarding the useless bits as he peeled the rest of the fat and hide from the body and bound it to be smoked.

Together they propped the meat on branches driven deep into the sand to resting over the flames. The fire was too small to perform the job well, but it the smoke would prevent the meat from spoiling until they returned home in the morning. The long trail of bloody pink entrails lay across the sand, Toothless arranged the refuse artistically. Hiccup only grinned as he knelt and scooped ashes from the still hot pit to finish what he'd started. Utilizing the available salt water and ash he rubbed the hide thoroughly before laying it out on the sand to dry. It was late as he finished, wiping the muck in the cold water, he scrubbed himself clean and prepared to turn in again.

Toothless intercepted him on the way, his head bloody with something squishy and red clutched in his maw. Unable to do much else, he accepted prize and as the dragon crooned around the meat, nosing him gently. The warm, wet organ in Hiccup's cupped hands was unmistakable. The blood steamed, the heat rising up to mist in the darkness. The stench hit him hard, the tangy smell almost bowling him over. He'd been given the heart, the prize of the kill. As he'd done so often with fish, Toothless encouraged him with an exaggerated swallow.

Red meat parted as he sunk his teeth into it, the warmth trickled down his chin. He twisted it trying to tear a chunk and blood splattered over him. He chewed slowly savoring the taste of the hot fluid running over his tongue. It was delicious. Better than anything he'd ever tasted, rich and heavy in his mouth. He'd never accompanied a hunting party before, and never eaten from a fresh kill. Swallowing, Hiccup grinned, the strong taste almost overpowering. He licked his lips and offered the piece to the dragon licking the blood from his own muzzle. The messy dragon accepted the offering, biting other side nearly pulling the meat away with a wrench, but the flesh gave away and Hiccup bit again.

They shared the heart as they did most things, honestly, without reservation. Dragon and boy chewed and licked the hot meat; they finished it with gusto, until they were muzzle to nose. Toothless edged close and licked his hand, the wide wet tongue sliding over his palm. Normally the goopy touch would have had the teen laughing hysterically, but that had been before midsummer, before they'd mated in the cove nearly a year before. Entranced Hiccup merely twisted his red flecked fingers as Toothless laved them affectionately, no it was more than affectionate; the touch of the dragon was much more intimate than that. The caress was rough, and went straight to his cock; he shivered despite himself. Flushed he looked at the reptile and swallowed hard.

A curious note sounded from Toothless' throat and Hiccup bowed, his hooded eyes peering back. The dragon matched his stare, stillness and their breath mingled in the sounds of night and sea. He'd come looking to bridge the rift between them, and this was the moment to do it. Any action he took would forever change whatever it was between them. If he ran, he'd never recover Toothless' trust, but if he didn't he'd cross the line between a mistake and obscene existence. Taking a breath, he didn't move, didn't speak. He was cold and shivering now, the sound of crashing waves heavy in his ears. Toothless smelled of roasted cinnamon and storms, a smoky flavor undercut with the less than subtle odor of blood on them both. He took another breath and shut his eyes.

In the end, the dragon chirred and that was all it took for Hiccup to make up his mind. He'd never learn to stay out of trouble it seemed. Slow and purposeful the Viking leaned forward, turning his hand over, offering it to the Night Fury. Toothless flicked his tongue over red tinted skin once more, just as his boy licked blood from his own splattered scales.

Surprised, the dragon rose back on his haunches with ears erect, his pupils dilated. Hiccup bit the inside of his mouth to keep from laughing and approached the bewildered creature swaying very slowly. Toothless trilled and his rider stretched up pressing himself to the scaled belly. The dragon purred in pleasure and this time his mate hummed along with him. Toothless ducked his head down to rub his cheek across Hiccup's face, before he licked the teen. Hiccup sputtered at the contact, but continued humming as he stroked as much of the dragon as he could reach.

Toothless curled, wings and all, and leaned cradling the teen to himself. The movement overbalanced them both and they tumbled together in to the sand. Half beneath the dragon, Hiccup squirmed and his shifting earned another gratifying murmur from his companion. He echoed it in his own way, the breathy whine easing from his lips. The dragon froze, his mottled scales glowing with the light of the guttering flame. Hiccup twisted between long forelegs and pulled himself up into a seated position. His movement knocked away particles of sand, and he reached toward Toothless with a less than steady hand.

Carefully, he brushed the blood that stained scaled muzzle; Toothless whirred and craned closer, heavy with the scent of salt and ash scattered over them. Against him, Hiccup could feel the deep purr as it reverberated through his palms, his body. The sound resounded and he recognized almost immediately, that deep song he'd heard only before, the lay that had haunted his dreams for almost a year. This time, there was a difference in that song. Toothless wasn't singing to find a mate; he was singing for his mate. He was singing for Hiccup.

The teen stood suddenly and the dragon followed, his tail swaying over the white sand. Hiccup turned and circled the Night Fury with measured steps, attempting to match the tone. The pitch changed, surprised, but welcoming the teen's harmony. With care Toothless sank back onto the sand beckoning his mate to his side. Hiccup stared heavenward for a moment, voice lifted in a wordless chorus, but it didn't matter what sound he made; this song was for them alone.

Emboldened by the music he'd dreamed of, Hiccup climbed up the dragon, sliding his leg over to straddle the barrel-like chest. The vibrations rose from the dragon's torso and his skin prickled in anticipation. Suddenly too warm he tugged the tunic from his body and tossed it away. Toothless rumbled in what could only be lustful anticipation and wiggled, jostling the human balanced on his belly. Hiccup shivered from the contrast of warm scales and cool breeze at his back. He was, bared to the elements and the dragon's roving gaze, aroused yet anxious.

Sweat beaded across his forehead dripping down his eyes. Hiccup shook his head to clear the moisture and shifted trying to gain traction on Toothless' smooth sides. Behind his legs he felt the slide of moist flesh as dragon's phallus emerged from its sheath. Slick and engorged it rose up to rest between the cleft of his ass, warm and undeniably there. Bracing himself on top of heaving chest, Hiccup edged back brushing his body against the twitching muscle. Toothless purred deeply, so deep in his chest that the teen nearly slipped from his perch.

With deliberate slowness, he leaned forward resting chest to chest, their hearts beat together, his breaths coming faster as he lay, basking in the heat and affection Toothless offered. His position afforded him little leverage, so the Viking shifted easing down his ill fitting pants. His squirming brought him back to wiggle against the dragon's cock and Toothless spasmed. Hiccup repeated the movement and under him Toothless thrummed in pleasure.

Hiccup spun on the dragon's belly, turning to facing the pink behemoth head on. It was half again as big as his own and much wider. He was face to face, so to speak with the thing that had taken him by surprise before. With a little trepidation he pressed his hands to the waving organ. The teen reached out again, his hands gliding down the quivering length. Toothless panted, each frantic gust tousling the teen's hair as his calloused fingers roamed along the slippery flesh. Curious he pressed his digits to the slit the cock had emerged from. Toothless lurched and Hiccup laughed at the deprived whine that his dragon made.

Hiccup reached for the muscle, wrapping his arms around the immense cock, and scooted forward sliding his body along it. His manhood pressed flush against the larger one and he arched eagerly against it. Still purring Toothless licked his back and he moaned, the dragonhood bumping his forehead, leaving a sticky line of precum that clung to Hiccup. In retaliation he hugged the slippery member and leaned back slowly dragging the dick over his body, legs framing the base of the erection. It felt wonderful. Hiccup moaned squeezing the moist head of the member, enthusiastically mouthing the tip. Needy rumbles accompanied Toothless' barely contained shudder of delight. The sight and feeling of the dragon helpless beneath him drew something primal from Hiccup and he grinned fiercely. He sucked at the pillar, covering as much as he could with saliva. His hands roved the trapped organ and he rubbed his knees against the sides of the throbbing thing.

Without warning Toothless rolled, kicking up sand as he twisted, Hiccup slid from his perch and dropped atop the russet pelt. In all the excitement he'd quite forgotten it was there. As he moved to sit up Toothless pushed him back to flop face down onto the hide. The smell of blood and smoke filled his nostrils as the large dragon nosed his back.

He swallowed nervously before reminding himself that he trusted Toothless. He was nuzzled once more and he relaxed into the bumping touch. Wetly the dragon's tongue inched over his thighs and he bit back a moan, couldn't bear to hear himself as he slowly spread his legs. The organ was everywhere curling over his buttocks, flicking the span of his hip. Toothless tasted him, or at least the secretions that clung to him, learning the human's body with every pass of the wet tongue. The reptile nosed his bunched breeches and Hiccup kicked, working all the fabric off with graceless urgency. The cloth dropped forgotten to the sand and Hiccup shook uncontrollably in the brisk night air. His trembling worsened all the more as the cleft of his ass was assaulted with that insistent tongue. Claws pressed into his thighs urging them apart as the slippery tongue sunk into the pucker.

As they bore no visible bullocks Hiccup wondered if dragons could suffer from blue balls, evidently so, he thought with the fervor with which Toothless was invading his body. He bucked spreading himself open, allowing the probing muscle better vantage for deeper penetration. The tongue curled venturing further. Shivering Hiccup twisted, his hips ruffling the damp furs. The fine hairs trailed across his thighs and legs, teasing the swollen head of his cock. It bunched under his knees and hands, arousal stealing his breath. The split tongue unfurled inside of him until the rough tip grazed something inside that made him quiver and weep. The fur slid as he bounced with a thrust, writhing to escape or arch into the pressure, in his pleasure induced daze he couldn't tell which.

Toothless pawed the sand as he worked, finding a new spot that made Hiccup squeal.

He was face down, as he was well and thoroughly tongued. Almost at once he stilled, bowing his head to the earth flecked hide gasping for air as the delicious burn worked its way through. He was almost prepared this time as his cock splattered his pink belly and the brown fur with seed, the white fluid glistening in the light of the flames.

The dragon withdrew from Hiccup and he sagged with the absence, spent and leaking on the sand. Toothless crooned affectionately, lapping the spilled fluid from the boy loins as his breathing returned somewhat to normal. His oozing erection received immediate attention; viscous saliva coated his nethers as his mate attended to his messy, overheated body. Hiccup sighed at the gentle touch to his oversensitized skin, but basked in the tenderness, his shivers finally fading.

When the impromptu bath ended, the wide head poked at his belly and he scratched the dark scales in return before he pressed himself to dragon's chest. He stayed there, relishing the warmth and the familiar bellow like contractions of the humming Night Fury. The act was less violent than their first; it was captivating, sensual, so much better than before. He had to touch him, wanted more than just this. Maybe it was the lack of fear, maybe because he found himself wanting the foreign touch. There were so many possible reasons, but their consideration would have to wait, his release had yet to herald the end of their tryst.

The finned heavy tail swung and thumped against his legs nearly toppling Hiccup over. His brows knitted and he stepped back, but Toothless followed. Circumventing his rider, the dragon nudged him gently and this time he followed the implicit order and sank down onto the fur in a less than graceful heap.

"I'm going to get tired of that." He threatened from the sand, but was ultimately silenced when touched again by the tip of the rough tongue.

Scales brushed his spine as Toothless maneuvered him, nuzzling and nipping his way across his the smooth expanse. He trembled involuntarily and the dragon backed off, watching for signs of discomfort. He could still stop this, he could walk away, but then he'd just be hiding from the one who loved him most. He couldn't do that, he wouldn't do it again. Hiccup peeked over his shoulder and smiled before leaning, reaching back and down between his legs patting the fur there. 'Come on' he urged, beckoned with his shuttered eyes and the enticing curve of his body; at least he hoped it was enticing.

His curiosity and patience were rewarded as the dragon moved closer. The long shaft glided along his cheeks and they both groaned in pleasure. Shadows eclipsed the smaller figure, and he tried not to shudder in vain as Toothless bucked, the swollen cock riding the cleft of his ass. Hiccup hissed softly, as the sizable flesh thrust again searching for his hole. Dropping a shoulder to the ground, he canted his hips and raised a hand to rub the sensitive nub. The dragon warbled in interest as his mate crooked his fingers, and slipped them into himself with a grunt. The slick coat of saliva eased the penetration so he pushed, stretched and buggered himself with his fingers. He was not quite hard again, but stimulation had him rocking underneath the Night Fury as he opened himself.

He was burning as he worked, the half flared wings shielding him from the cooler air, Toothless watched. His pace increased as he flushed, tried to focus and failed, he was all but moaning now. The dragon made a low sound and he clenched on his fingers in surprise sucking in a breath as he realized he was more than sufficiently prepared. His fingers eased out of his slick hole and he trembled, presenting himself to his mate. With a snort, Toothless inched forward and Hiccup leaned on his elbow to watch. He had to; he couldn't peel his eyes away from the dragon bearing down on him. The head of an insistent cock brushed his fingers and he shifted again, spreading the hole wider. Hiccup braced himself; and took the fervent thrust which bowled him into the fur; the short hairs tickled his bare skin as Toothless mounted him at last.

It hurt and panic seized him, his blood running cold. The pain from before and the fear, there on his knees Hiccup could smell the mud and rain and he was there, back in the cove screaming once more. He tried to rise, to pull away, but the movement merely allowed the large phallus to slide further into his body. He dropped back in surprise, felt the dragon's breath at his back and he sunk to the ground kneading the pelt as Toothless shoved again. Hiccup was tense and shaking, but the salted, bloody scent of the fur washed over him and he remembered where he was.

He had promised himself he'd never fear Toothless again; but he had. Despite his inability to block his fear, Hiccup refused to let it rule him. Sucking in air, he managed to relax, focusing on his surroundings, anything but the overwhelming pressure of the phallus filling him up. The sand was bright in the pale moonlight, the grains clinging to him and the fur. He locked his gaze on his hands clasping and unclasping in the hairs. A bead of sweat rolled down his shoulder tickling his goosebumped skin. Toothless flexed, sheathing himself inside and this time Hiccup screamed; only it wasn't in pain. It was different than he remembered. The motions were slower, more than considerate, almost planned. The Night Fury was taking it slow, savoring their coupling. He flushed at the realization that he was too; enjoying it, there was no more fear, just the sweet burn of affection and lust.

Teeth broke the flesh of his shoulder and the dragon mouthed the old scars, relishing the weeping lines of crimson on the tanned skin. Hiccup didn't feel the pain, his mind too busy processing the myriad of sensations his body was enduring; the cool air, the heated body above him and the wet pelt underneath. Each push drove the heated cock deeper, stroking his insides, burning him from within. The teen choked back a sob and he twisted to take more. Toothless obliged, sinking in further before drawing nearly out and driving back in.

Hiccup bounced, pushing his hips up as the powerful organ drove into him, wringing out a cry of pleasure. His knees shook as the thrusts pressed him forward and onto the pelt, the aroma of salt drenched sand assailing his nostrils. His hands fisted on the fur, and rivulets of sweat trickled down his skin as they moved. He arched his back meeting the rough underbelly of cool scales, the slight scraping heightening his pleasure. He bucked, the pelt bunching under his knees as his body slid under the onyx scales. The frantic push and pull set his nerves alight, mingling with raw sting of their bodies pressed flush.

Flailing, moaning, he was doing all of that and more, pried open and stuffed, nearly reduced to begging for an end to his delicious torment. Above him the dragon had slowed, barely thrusting, he rocked flushed quivering body and Hiccup sobbed, sinking against the warming fur to palm himself the way he knew he needed it. Toothless snarled unappreciatively and slapped the offending limb away, the spines of his tail scraping tender skin as it wound about his shaking knees. The boy made a breathy, distressed noise, and savaged his lover lip as the dragon indulged him, brushing his fins, natural and improvisatory low over his mate's belly.

It was Valhalla, or could have been; everything and too much at once. The fins did the trick; providing enough pressure to relive the tension coiling in his loins and painful edge his pleasure was taking. He howled with the flood, wasn't sure what he was wailing but he stroked at the tail clutched at it, utilizing it for the balance his knees had suddenly failed to give him. He tried really; sucked on his much abused lower lip and nearly held his position, but he sagged into the comfort of the pelt, trapping the tail between his legs as he lay spent once more.

The dragon had pulled away just as he'd dropped, so he was there, barely inside of the splayed form. There was no use in being angry at limits of his mate, so Toothless ignored them. He pushed with a deprived yowl, sheathing himself again, forcing the boy to rise with another jerky thrust. Hiccup made a highly undignified sound and scrabbled to brace himself, suddenly more alert in his brief afterglow. Oh it ached, hurt in all the ways he remembered, only now he wasn't staring to the heavens, begging for it to end.

Everything was a jumble of sensations and sounds; there was no storm, but the waves and fire mingled amidst his labored breaths and those off his grunting mount. The dragon clawed the sand, rutting noisily, driving in and out relentlessly. Hiccup wriggled and buried his face in the fur; his skin burned, every sensation magnified to a hot white intensity that left him boneless and shaking. Every reintroduction of that inhuman member, in and out, robbed him of the ability to do more than weep and writhe in the faint chill of the beach. The boy pushed back as much as he could, welcoming each thrust until heat blossomed inside, and the dragon slowed, screaming his pleasure into the night, a powerful, primal sound.

Hiccup slid to his elbows exhausted, but happily so. He allowed his mate to remain inside of him, the shallow pushes doing more to put him to sleep than to reignite his passion. He'd sleep well and be sore in the morning, but it was nothing he hadn't faced before. Slowly, he began to pull away and found, to his surprise, that he couldn't. Toothless pressed further and Hiccup saw stars, his body throbbing and the dragon cock twitched inside, but something wasn't right. Sore and full of dragon, He tried again to rise and still he could not.

He spread, shimmed and strained trying to draw the engorged flesh. The phallus was pressed inside him, solid and unmovable, he was trapped, impaled on the seeping thing and Toothless was no help. The dragon only purred and emitted little growls of pleasure each time he shifted, crooning as Hiccup slumped panting on the fur. He flushed with the sound; it was so much better than the song of the forge, the crackle and shower of sparks to the ring of metal on metal.

Toothless crouched above him delighted in their joining, but he didn't move. Hiccup squirmed and writhed some more, but to no avail, the dragon just wouldn't budge. Reaching behind him the bowed teen placed his hands on the organ groped down the length investigating the cause of their unbreakable connection. The dragon churred and drove into him spurred by his touch. He moaned, his hands trailing down the cock to where it sank into him. Pressing inside, he probed at the stretched pucker. The added sensation of his fingers made him gasp; it was too tight, he couldn't take it, the pressure was unbelievable. Hiccup pulled his fingers away and wiggled them, before sliding his fingers carefully into himself. Just inside was the dragon's cock, and it was swollen.

In fact it still swelled, too ample to remove his body held the organ tight, trapping the copious amount of seed and knotting them together. Filled tight he clenched and Toothless shrieked, rubbing his scales over tensed shoulders and sanded hair. With a groan he pulled the limb away lest it be crushed between their bodies. His hands fisted, nails dragging through the hide as he shifted for a more comfortable position. Every gasp pulled from him was a sweet agony, as Toothless moved, but he took it greedily; relishing in the unusual feeling as he shifted to balance himself. It was hard, and so was he bowed and spreading himself wide to the sand, sea and moon.

He could have counted the candle marks, but all he could see was the flame, the smoke rising high over the beach. He focused on the gray curls vanishing in the wind rather than the excruciating throb of his left knee. It squeaked in protest as he lay, stroking himself despite the growls of his dragon. He was hard again, miraculously; it had to be some record or maybe an omen, he wasn't sure, couldn't bring himself to care. A gull screeched somewhere close and he almost echoed it, wobbling in the glowing sand. Color and light were returning fast to the isle, even as he was still fading. His cock was wet and hot, tender to the touch, but he couldn't abandon it to the torturous nest of the pelt. The coupling hadn't stopped because he did, the dragon's stamina was something to behold. It was a wonder he was still conscious. Another jerk of the Toothless' body atop his and he groaned, gripping that much tighter as the dragon finally stilled and pulled away.

The stars were long gone, but in their place was the flood of surprise and relief, Hiccup slumped into the sand, battered, bruised and leaking. His breath was quite taken away and but his erection was not he rolled over and whimpered, the leaking fluids mingling with his as he jerked himself off. The sun was just cresting and so was he, aching with each stroke. His limbs and body protested, but those too were ignored in favor of-

His hand was warmly wet, and there he was slumped across the sticky sweaty, pelt; gasping for air as if he'd never done it before then.

Toothless was looming close, flicking his tongue over the white streaks covering his face, Hiccup would have laughed, but he was sure it would hurt more so he lifted a hand to the warm nose and grinned. They'd have to get up, wash and pack before making their way back to the village, he wasn't sure if he was up to walking yet, but that would come later, when the sun was up, and he could actually keep his eyes open. Drowsy, but just too up wound to sleep, Hiccup beckoned the dragon closer to bask in the damp, but warmed nuptial bed.