A/N: Shoutout to Kashno2 for adding this story! You rock!

Disclaimer: I do not own the world of Avatar the Last Airbender.

Sakari stood in the vast ice land. It was cold and a slight breeze rustled her hair. Her fans were closed, resting against her palms, the pressure reassuring. On either side her, her friends stood. Houjin was closest, on her right, the only nerves showing in the slight twitch of his fingers. Next to him Shui waited, waterskins at the ready but under his feet, under the ice, the water was shifting. On the other side of Sakari, Meifeng gripped tightly to her staff. Hattori stood next to her, Katanas and eyes glinting in the moonlight.

Behind them all stood a scattering of warriors, the kids who were old enough to fight. Among them were Keir and Takae, weapons at ready. It was a sad and sorry bunch to stand here and believe they could face off against trained Firebenders and Earthbenders. Sakari knew that she was the only chance to keep everyone alive and she contained only one thought.

Just Azula. All I have to do is get to Azula.

Turning she looked to her friends and the Northern Water Tribe members. "The odds won't be fair. We will probably be outnumbered."

She winced at her words, realizing how harsh she sounded. Though everyone looked so tough and sure, Sakari could see the barely concealed terror behind their eyes. She took a deep breath. "We've made it this far. We are strong. Among us are the bravest people, the bravest men and women I have ever met and I thank you now for standing with me. For always standing with me," she added, looking to each of her friends. "Today marks the end of a war that has continued for over 100 years. We will not let it continue anymore. The genocide of nations, the murder of innocent people ends here!"

Keir rose her staff in the air with a yell and her fellow warriors did the same. Sakari turned back around to face the frozen shore.

In front of them, three Fire Nation had docked on their shores. They watched as at least fifty soldiers poured out of each; one-hundred and fifty trained fighters to their fifteen. The odds were not looking fair at all.

A litter was carried off the middle ship by four more soldiers. Sakari thought she felt her heart pound against her chest with each footstep. She could see Azula's silloutte behind the sheer curtains, sitting tall and proud.



The smell of burnt flesh.

She felt a hand grab her wrist and she looked up at Houjin, who was keeping his eyes straight ahead but he must have noticed the slight increase in her breathing. "You're okay. I'm right here."

Sakari nodded. "I know."

His fingers relaxed slightly, resting gently against hers. She just needed to keep Azula here, bring Azula down here. Without Azula, her battalion would fall and the war would be over.


"You're strong too," Houjin whispered. "And you're brave. Today we will end this."

Sakari wanted nothing more than to hug Houjin, kiss him. For some reason, he always seemed to know what to say and she appreciated him for that.

"Thank you for being here."


The four soilders set down the litter and the silence was palpable. One man reached forward drawing back the curtains.

Azula stepped out, full armor glinting in the dim sun, her hair pulled on top of her head in a top knot. Sakari had always heard Azula was beautiful, even as crazy as she was and there was something amazingly regal as she stood there.

She was terrifying.

A smirk came to Azula's face. "What is this? An army?"

"Azula," Sakari called out, her voice echoing across the plain. "Today we stand against you!"

Azula laughed, loudly. "How adorable is this! You and these few you chose to stand with you cannot stop me. I will destroy you and the water and moon spirits."

"You won't," Sakari replied. "We won't let you."

"You won't let me?" Azula took a step forward, frowning. "This isn't a game, Avatar. You won't let me? How are you going to stop me? With this pathetic excuse of an army? The world belongs to me now, as it rightfully should and I don't attend to give it back. You just don't seem to understand. You've lost."

"No you don't understand and you never have." Sakari moved forward. "This world has never belong to you, has never belonged just to the Fire Nation. For over a century you have fought to try to make this world belong to you and have you seen the chaos you have caused? The world is unbalanced, nations should not be fighting against each other."

"There is only unbalance because people like you keep fighting against me!"

"No, you're fighting against us. What you've seen, what's behind me, are strong people, proud people. You've destroyed their land and now their angry. Now they fight against you. Face it Azula, there will always be more people willing to stand against you, then fight with you."

"Be quiet!" Azula yelled. Her control was slipping. Once more, Sakari could see the barely concealed insanity behind her ferocious gaze. Perhaps . . . perhaps that was the key to defeating her. "You know nothing! You're just a child!"

"I am not a child." Though she didn't yell, her voice sounded strong and powerful. "I am the Avatar and I have lived this live a thousand times over and each life has proven to me this one and simple fact: Those who fight against me will not win. Azula, I challenge you. I challenge you not only for the lives of Tui and La but also for the world."

"Sakari," Houjin muttered angrily. "That wasn't what we agreed."

"You're not supposed to face her alone," Meifeng whispered. "Let us help."

"27 years ago a boy no older than 13 stood against Fire Lord Ozai and fought for his people," Sakari answered, her eyes never leaving Azula. "27 years ago, a young girl gave up her life for her people. Hundreds of years before that, Avatar Kyoshi stood against Chin the Conqueror and fought for her people. They all knew what was important, who was important, and they stood against impossible odds for the most important cause. I understand that now. Today I stand against Azula and fight for my people and I will not back down."

"The last time you dared stand against me, you fell," Azula taunted. "Do you remember?"

At the mention, the burned skin on her wrist and neck seem to feel the fire once more but Sakari dared not let that show. "I will never forget but today I will not let you win. Today you will lose everything."

Azula eyes widened with fury. "Then fight me!"

She trust back her fist, blue flames propelling her forward, lifting her feet off the ice, speeding her towards Sakari, who stood with her fans facing the ground. She took a deep breath and muttered, "Okay Yue, Aang, Kyoshi . . . it's just us now."

With that, she started forward, her calm steps a deadly contrast to Azula's increasing pace.

"Sakari!" Houjin yelled before, moving forward as if to grab her but she must have been expecting that.

Sakari darted forward a few steps, turning quickly and flashing one of her fans. The ice trembled beneath their feet and Houjin's legs were encased in ice to his knees. He struggled to break free, placing his hands against the ice in an attempt to melt it as Sakari smiled reassuringly at him, turning back around to face his Aunt.

He looked to his friends and the warriors, all of whom were standing still, watching in awe as Sakari walked away.

"Shui, set me free," he said quickly when he realized the ice wouldn't melt. "Set me free now!"

Shui looked to him sadly. "I don't think she'll be happy with me if I did that."

"I don't care! Let me –"

"Let her go, Houjin," Meifeng said, keeping her eyes on Sakari. "She knows what she's doing."

"She's finally figured it out," Hattori mumbled, a slight smirk on his face.

"Figured what out!" Houjin yelled, still frantically trying to melt the ice around his legs.

"She's figured out who she is," Hattori answered.

Sakari still moved forward slowly as Azula moved towards her. "Yue, grant me your strength," she whispered softly, stopping.

Azula let out a roar of indignant fury. Sakari stood her ground, sliding one foot back into her fighting stance. "Aang, grant me your courage."

Azula was getting closer, so close in fact that she could feel the heat of the fire. She flicked her hands, her fans opening up. "Kyoshi, grant me your wisdom."

Inhaling, she spun once, slicing up and sending air in Azula's direction. The resulting blast sent Azula back slightly, stopping her oncoming rampage. She stood staring at Sakari in shock. Sakari let herself smile. "I know where I've come from. Do you?"

Azula growled, rushing forward again. Sakari dodged, moving away from the flaming fist heading towards her face and the next one at her stomach. She continued to duck and move, not stopping long enough for Azula to get any closer than she already was. Azula screamed. "Fight me!"

Sakari spun around her, dodging another blow before she raised her leg, kicking her in the back and sending her sprawling to the ground. Azula jumped back to her feet, breathing heavily, her top knot falling sideways. "Quit playing games!"

"I'm not playing anything," Sakari said, stepping back again. "You can't win –"

She raised the ice just before Azula punched at her, fist flaming. Her hand came through though and Sakari stumbled back, continuing to use the ice to protect herself as Azula got closer and closer.

"Sakari!" she thought she heard Houjin yell, somewhere off in the distance.

Azula's foot caught Sakari in the side, sending her to the ground. Sakari scrambled back to her feet just in time to jump out of the way again, using Airbending to propel her a little farther back. Azula was there though, her foot connecting with Sakari's stomach, sending her back into a block of ice. Her head cracked against it and she found herself following to the cold ground, unable to move as Azula stood over her grinning madly. "This is how it ends."

Sakari blinked once . . . twice . . . and then her eyes closed.


Houjin stared shocked at Sakari, unconscious on the ground. Azula begin to laugh, softly at first and then uncontrollably. "This!? This is what you have to fight against me!? She is pathetic! I win!"

She raised a hand in the air, blue flames growing more intense in her palm. Houjin looked down at Sakari again. Her eyes twitched and she fell from her side to her back, eyes fluttering open, revealing glowing blue orbs. "Meifeng, Shui!"

They jumped into action right away, Meifeng swinging her staff around and knocking Azula back. Shui used one hand to raise an icy barrier over Sakari and melt the ice from Houjin's legs. "Hattori –"

"Way ahead of you," Hattori grinned, darting forward. "Let's buy her some time."

Houjin followed after him, palms blazing as they raced to meet Azula.

Hurry back, Sakari.

A/N: Whoo! It's been a while :D I hope that was long enough to satisfy you! Thanks for reading.