Okay, I promised I'd have this done by the end of Tuesday and it's technically Wednesday right now but I have not gone to bed so I'm still in Tuesday mode.

This is my Spock & chocolate story, in which Kirk makes various attempts to get Spock to eat chocolate.

Anyways, this is only the very first part of the story. At first, I planned on it being only a couple thousand words. Turns out it's going to be at least six thousand. That's like three times longer than I meant for it to be. Ooops. :)

So, I want to know- Do you guys want me to post it in parts like the one below (there would be 10 in all)? Or would you rather I go back and post it as a giant one-shot when I'm done (I still I have one and a half parts to finish writing)?

Here's the beginning of it so you can decide whether or not you want to read the rest in bits and pieces or not.

Walking on to the bridge, Spock was met with a sight that was extremely atypical.

His captain, James T. Kirk, was sitting in his captain's chair. This, in fact, was very typical. It was the sight that Spock had expected upon exiting the turbolift. The sight he had not expected, however, was that James T. Kirk was holding a small dark brown morsel in his hand and, as Spock watched, he took a bite and chewed on it thoughtfully.

Spock approached him.


"Hmm, Spock?"

"May I inquire as to the identification of the substance that you are currently ingesting?"

Kirk looked at what was left of the brown chunk he was holding between his fingers then back up at Spock.

"This?" he asked, gesturing to Spock with his occupied hand. At Spock's small nod he answered, "Chocolate."

Chocolate? That was not a substance that was usually in supply on the Enterprise. Instead of being satiated with Kirk's answer, Spock found his curiosity growing.

"May I ask where you obtained it?"

Kirk smiled softly at Spock's formal way of speaking and took another bite of the chocolate in his hand before he responded.

"It was a gift from the Ambassador on Omega Caelestis II. He gave me boxes of this stuff that I have stashed back in my cabin. If I'm lucky, it'll last the whole five-year mission." He took another bite. "Let me tell you, Spock. There are diplomatic missions that are successful." Kirk smiled widely as he took yet another bite. "And then there are diplomatic missions that are successful," he finished, savoring the chocolate in his mouth.

Spock raised an eyebrow at Kirk's actions. "Indeed," he commented, and then turned to walk toward his station. Kirk stopped him.

"Hey, Spock, wait," Kirk said, and Spock turned back around. Kirk popped the rest of the chocolate he was holding into his mouth, while he swiveled his chair so he was sitting with Spock directly in front of him. He pulled something out of his pocket and held it out to Spock.

"Try some," Kirk told Spock, his words slightly muffled from the chocolate he was still chewing.

Spock looked at the piece of candy wrapped in a gold material sitting in the palm of Kirk's hand, but he made no move to take it.

"Captain, you are aware of the affects of chocolate on Vulcan physiology, are you not?"

"It's kind of the same as alcohol and humans, right?" Kirk shrugged, still holding out the piece of chocolate. "So?"

"I do not think it would be wise for me to be intoxicated while on duty, Captain."

Kirk snorted and held the chocolate up higher. "It's a tiny piece of chocolate, Spock. It'll be like if I took a sip of beer. It's not really going to do anything. Besides, I've seen you calculate the trajectory of a Klingon warship while being subject to a mind control device. I think you can handle the ill effects of any intoxication that a piece of chocolate might have on your brain. "

He held the chocolate up even higher so that it was right in Spock's face.

"My apologies, but I must decline," Spock stated, wanting to end the conversation, so he could get to work. But Kirk still held out the chocolate.

"It's good," Kirk insisted. "Just try it."

But Spock just minutely shook his head. "It would be inappropriate if I were to ingest that while on the bridge, Captain."

Kirk sighed and finally dropped his hand offering the chocolate. He unwrapped it and took a bite for himself. Then he looked back up at Spock.

"So, you won't eat any chocolate at all while we're on the bridge?" Kirk asked.

"That is correct, Captain."

Kirk studied Spock for a moment longer. "Not on the bridge?" he asked again.

"Not on the bridge," Spock repeated.

Kirk smiled lightly at Spock and waved a hand at him. "Very well, Mr. Spock, carry on."

Spock inclined his head in acknowledgment and made his way over to the science station.

He assumed that was the end of any chocolate related conversations between him and the captain.

He was wrong.

Alright. So what do you think?

You want chapters? Each chapter would be between about 600 and 1300 words. Some are funnier and some are a little more serious. I would probably post 1 to 2 chapters a day starting tomorrow. (Tomorrow being Wednesday).

Or do you want a big six thousand word one-shot? In which case I would just finish writing it and post the whole thing tomorrow with section breaks and whatnot.

Let me know.